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so I have a shelf layout.  about 50 ft long around the edge of a room.  I want to run a bus wire.  The MTH PS3 locomotive seems to lose power and shut off sometimes at the far end of the track from the transformer.  I have 16gauge wire.  I have an mth z1000 transformer.  I run the transformer into the dcs remote commander that came with the starter kit.  Most of the layout is lionel fastrack other than the small patch that the transformer and commander unit is connected to (which for ease of connecting the transformer / commander unit is mth realtrax) I want to run the wire around and parallel to the track and then use feeders to power the track at like 15 or foot intervals.  What next?  How do you connect the wires to the transformer?  How do you connect the wire to the track?  Do I need terminal track pieces?  Do I need specific connectors to put on the wire I have?  What other pieces do I need?  How do I tap the bus line with feeders to connect to the track?



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