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I am pretty sure that most of you have experienced interruptions with your internet service. We tend to take it for granted when we turn on our computer and go the ORG Forum without any issues. New Years Eve we experienced an outage of our internet service. I called the next morning to report the problem and the tech completed a service order for a field guy to fix the problem. I learned the next day that the outage was caused by weather related problems that effected customers in my immediate area. It took till this past Tuesday to fix the general outage, but our service was still out. A call to the tech indicted that our modem was fried. They sent another modem out to me and finally last night after nine days, we got our internet back.


 I don't know about you, but I sure missed this Forum for such a long time without it. Have any of you gone through a similar outage?

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To help avoid issues like PTC reported, I highly recommend putting a Uninterruptable Power Supply with surge protection built in.  This should prevent anything you own from being fried, as long as your equipment is plugged into the thing.


Not much you can do when area-wide internet goes down except wait for the service provider to fix it.



Originally Posted by leavingtracks:

A cell phone usually has internet quick click to the OGR forum via the phone is a great "cure"....



True.  But what I remember this past fall at Brian's house was Marty, Chris and I walking around the property just trying to get one bar so we could make a cell call.   So the data and data speed my be limited.  It's "Maine, the way life should be".   At least that is what the sign on the highway says as one enters arcoss the state line.


Brian, glad you our back online.   I noticed that you were absent.   I assumed you might have taken a vacation someplace warm.




Last edited by Mike McCutcheon



You are absolutely right about the cell phone issue. I gave up my smart phone last year for two reasons. First, we hardly used it as our lifestyle has changed. Then to make Mike's point, we live in a very rural area with generally poor cell phone reception, and add to this a metal roof on our home, reception was spotty at best. It made absolutely no sense to continue use of the smart phone for us.

Great to see you back on the forum.  I was concerned about you as we hadn't heard from you in quite awhile.  Stan had to get a special booster for his cell phone at his home.  Many of my friends think I am silly for still having a "land phone" as they gone exclusively to cell phones. 



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