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I purchased an MTH Premier PS2 Dash 8 Norfolk Southern diesel about 4 years ago at a local train store in Central PA.    I like the diesel a lot as it's the train that got me started in toy trains!   It has worked perfect until last week.   It started to surge to really fast speeds and sometimes it will stop abruptly.    It doesn't respond to the DCS commands after the surges begin.   Based on other posts in this forum,  I've reset the diesel and checked the wires.   The reset didn't work and the wires seem fine.  Is it worth taking to dealer for repair or should I make it a dummy?  I've been told it could cost me $200 to fix a $300 diesel.    Unfortunately, the dealer closed a couple of years ago and I don't see a certified repair tech in my immediate area.  

Is this the type of issue I should expect with these diesels?  In the last two years I've purchased about 4 or 5 new Proto 3 diesels.  I'm concerned they will all have problems after a few years.   I really expected a $300 diesel to last 10 to 20 years.

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I don't know squat about MTH but they do sell Proto 2 and Proto3 I believe you can put in engines with out it. If your any handy with stuff like that it might be better to go that route your self I install TMCC in engines all the time but it's a very simple process to do.  

From what I hear DCS can run TMCC so that may be a option as the board with cruise is only about $120 I think and not sure if you can use your sound board but there about $85 I think and I know your coil couplers will work with it. Just a secondary thought for you. But I do agree let someone that here and knows DCS take a look at it. I take it your in central PA so you should be able to find someone not to far away. 

Panther, I would not bother with a dealer.  Many will just send it out anyway.  There is a frequent contributor to the DCS Forum who goes by the name GGG.  He is a crackerjack at repairing DCS, and does some repairs no one else can do (not even MTH), at reasonable prices.  His email address is in the forum.

Do check the tach tape as suggested above.  Also make sure that the tach tape reader has not come loose, and that it has a gap of 0.75-1.25 mm from the tape.  Also make sure all plugs are seated in the boards.

If you post the model number, forumites could give more specific help.

I am running MTH diesels and steam, DCS, that are over 15 years old.

Also, move this post over to the DCS forum.

Last edited by RJR

My last engine repair cost me around $300 and took several months; it required a new PS3 board after just a couple of years.  I sent it to MTH, thinking they would be faster:  not so.  I will find a local (meaning NOT MTH in Maryland) next time that is simply a listed repair center if out of warranty or a warranty repair center if IN warranty.

Assuming I stay with MTH in the future, I will plan to go to the repair class and become a repair center myself when I retire.  If for no other reason, to take care of my own stuff.  You can too.  You just have to find a dealer to affiliate with.

Looping back around on this one.  I finally had a chance to take the diesel apart again and investigate the tach tape.  The tach tape was fine.  However; I checked each wire again and I found a soldered wire that was loose.  I made a better connection and the diesel is running fine again.  It looks like that's my culprit.  Thanks for everyone's help.

Panther97 posted:

Looping back around on this one.  I finally had a chance to take the diesel apart again and investigate the tach tape.  The tach tape was fine.  However; I checked each wire again and I found a soldered wire that was loose.  I made a better connection and the diesel is running fine again.  It looks like that's my culprit.  Thanks for everyone's help.

Good stuff. Thanks for the update.

Panther97 posted:

Looping back around on this one.  I finally had a chance to take the diesel apart again and investigate the tach tape.  The tach tape was fine.  However; I checked each wire again and I found a soldered wire that was loose.  I made a better connection and the diesel is running fine again.  It looks like that's my culprit.  Thanks for everyone's help.

And you just saved yourself a ton of $$$, by simply removing the shell and looking around.

I had an intermittent problem with my RailKing NW2, found 1 strand of wire that was brushing against the chassis causing a short.  Clipped the strand off and it has run fine since.

Good job!

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