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I haven't run trains for a while. When I started up my Z-4000 I moved the handle to track 1 to 18V then moved the handle to Track 2 and it only showed 12V.  Both handles in approximately the approximately the same position. I've done this hundreds of times but never had Track 2  show up at 2/3's the voltage of Track 1. I disconnected the wires to Track 2 so there was no load and it still did the same thing, There is no red light. I can get 27V on Track 1 if it's at max position. I only get 17V at max position on Track 2. Has anyone run into this problem before?

Last edited by Trestleman1
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the z4000 only puts out around 22 volts! you might have a board problem! where do you live which state! sometimes the gear slips off the potentiometer gear n tooth not aligned correctly and the voltage then is not synergized and you don't get full voltage! if its off at the low or off end you will get a red short light if misaligned can be repaired easily! i would not open it up if you don't know what your doing as you can damage the transformer inside


Last edited by Alan Mancus

There is a gentleman who doesn't live too far away that helped me with a wiring/TIU problem and I've texted him to call me to see if he'll look at the z-4000. I'm not sure if he's MTH asc certified. I'll ask him about his training when I talk to him. If I'm not confident in his qualifications I'll give you my number and we can talk. I have essential tremors and I'm too shaky to do the work myself,

Thanks, Don

all i can say is I'm more then willing to walk you threw and tell you over the phone exactly what i think your problem is MTH transformers z4000 are obsolete not many parts are available but I'm sure I   can fix it for you or tell you how to fix it, it's up to you!

I emailed you my cell phone number!

sincerely Alan Mancus

Last edited by Alan Mancus

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