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Dear List

   Brush off the snow and think of Spring and the Strasburg 2 rail Swap Meet/Train Show- now in our 5th year !!!

Our Show particulars are as follows:

Date- 04/18/2015

Location- Strasburg Fire Co., 203 W.Franklin St., Strasburg,Pa. 17579

Time- 9AM TO 1PM

General Admission- $5.00( Spouse/Children under 16, and Active Duty Military w/ID-FREE)

Dealer tables-VERY limited left-first come-first served- $25.00/first table-$20.00 additional tables.

Great Amish style food provided by the Strasburg Fire Company food staff- THE BEST FOOD AT ANY TRAIN SHOW.


Bring the entire family and enjoy O scale 2rail and the sights and sounds of  beautiful  Lancaster County,Pa.


For more information please contact John P.Dunn Sr. (609-432-2871) or Rich Yoder (484-256-4068) Scale2Rail Promotions.


See you on the 18th!!  


Future 2015 Strasburg Show dates are August 8th and October 24th , 2015

         2016 Strasburg Show dates are April 9th, August 13th and October 22nd, 2016.




Last edited by jdunn
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Bummer. I see that the October show dates are the same as the TCA York show dates in 2015 and 2016. While I realize that virtually no one who attends the Strasburg shows attends the TCA show on Saturday this does not apply to me in relation to setting up the Sunset Models / Golden Gate Depot display at Strasburg.


Scott Mann and I attend the TCA shows and will need to be at York on those Saturdays although I would far prefer to be at Strasburg. I expect to receive suggestions saying Scott could stay at York and I could go to Strasburg. Sounds easy but it isn't. It would be rather difficult to duplicate our display at both locations. Plus, when we leave York I keep all the display racks, banners, products, etc, since Scott leaves to fly back to California so I need to be at York to pack everything up and bring it home.


I thought the Strasburg late year shows were scheduled for November as they were last year but situations change and I assume John and Rich needed to make this change to October. I repeat that I would rather be at Strasburg but it seems Sunset/GGD will not be at the Fall shows for the next two years at least.


Perhaps someone else will want to represent Sunset/GGD at these shows. If so, e-mail Scott Mann to make the offer.

Originally Posted by DaveJfr0:

Might they be experimenting to allow York attendees from far away hit up the 2R show as well?  (Assuming those same people did York on either Thur/Fri and then do Strasburg on Saturday)

Very good thought, Dave, and something I would probably do if I were the Strasburg show promoter. I believe the TCA will permit flyers for other shows to be placed in the lobby(ies) of display halls with permission from the Eastern Division and I would also be happy to place them on the Sunset tables with permission. What I don't know is if the other shows need to have a TCA sponsorship affiliation, but John and Rich are both TCA members.

Last edited by rheil

Dear Bob, Dave,et al,

    The October 2015 and 2016 dates will be changed immediately. We had no idea this was the same weekend as York TCA and it would never be our intention to have some of our most valued Dealers- Bob Heil-3rd RAIL,Bob Lavezzi, and my own partner,Rich Yoder of RY Models-not attend our show.

    Due to all three holding a valuable table space in Orange Hall during the TCA York meet,many people do not realize they are required to be there or lose there space for future TCA York meets.


You don't poke the Bear!!! Thanks, John P.Dunn Sr. Scale2Rail Promotions.

You mean...

I can just come up to the door and be granted entry?

Joe Public off the street?

I don't need a secret handshake, dog-whistle code pass words or silly-walk to peruse the sold-out tables of O scale 2 rail offerings and actually speak to like-minded hobbyists, vendors, movers-and-shakers?

O scale 2 rail is not something mystical and practiced only during a full moon?

Originally Posted by PatKelly:

You mean...

I can just come up to the door and be granted entry?


Yup!  Pay your entry fee and come on in!


Joe Public off the street?


Only if that is in fact your real name and then we will want some ID.


I don't need a secret handshake, dog-whistle code pass words or silly-walk to peruse the sold-out tables of O scale 2 rail offerings and actually speak to like-minded hobbyists, vendors, movers-and-shakers?


There is a secret handshake that no one can do since it requires an anatomical act beyond most attendees along with some unsightly bending - any bending by most is in fact, unsightly.  Password is, of course, "swordfish". Silly walking is not required, but if performed, will be scored by the on-site judging team.


O scale 2 rail is not something mystical and practiced only during a full moon?

What goes on during a full moon is only for the fully initiated!


Movers & shakers will be restricted to outside in the parking lot:



Looking forward to seeing everyone in Strasburg. I've got 5+ tubs of cars (brass & others), kits (cars & structures), and trays of "stuff" packed up for this meet! And, do stop by the OST table!

Last edited by mwb

List of Dealer and Tableholders for Saturday's Swap meet/Train show as follows:

Bob Heil- Sunset/ 3rd Rail

Joe Foehrkolb-Baldwin Forge and Machine

Jack McGarry - Allegheny Scale Models

George Peckman- Geprge's O Scale supermarket

Dave Thompson- Harbor Scale models

Steve Grabowski- Keystone scale models

Tom Thorpe- Custom Display cabinets/Custom layout and track work design

Bob Lavezzi- All About Trains

Ed Skuchas- Ashland Car Co. Traction Models

Peter Lerro- Lerro Productions- PRR/B&O/NYC Artist

George Kushner/Al Small- Sunnyside Models

Dave Vaughn- Nickel Plate Products

George Repenn- Professional Scratchbuilt Freight cars

Stan Richmond- Car Works Models

Geoff Ringle - Iron Horse models

Mike Rahilly- Only 2 Rail Scale

Bob Buck- R/C Control O/G Scale installation

Jim Sycks- Sycks Model Trains

Bruce Blackwood- Blackwood Model Trains

Rich Yoder- RY Models

Marty Brechbiel- Brian Scace  OST Magazine

Mike Sell- Estes Hobbies

Bill Pierson- Keystone Models


and 42 non dealer table holders.


$5.00 Admission-Great Amish food- Beautiful Lancaster County Attractions


USGONE- British 7MM O Scale Modular Layout


110 Tables of 2 Rail O scale Goodies


See you ALL on the 18th, 9AM Sharp!!! Thanks, John P. Dunn Sr Scale2Rail Promotions


Last edited by jdunn

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