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Can anyone help me come up with a track plan for a 12x6 U layout.  I have a mix of pre and post war accessories along with a bascule and hellgate bridge I want to incorporate.  My fear is too many accessories and not enough space.  I want to use 072 curves for a full loop around the u and the open after that.


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  • 3E75A247-D4D5-4E75-95E2-965B15F944F0
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I don’t know where you found that photo, but the dimensions of 21” and 36” don’t add up to 72”. However, even if they did, 72” is not enough for O-72 curves. The gray sections are the ones in your photo, the blue outline is 12’x6’. As you can see, the O72 curves need at least 78” to fit safely on a layout, especially if against 1 or more walls, and that doesn’t leave much space for placing your bridges and other accessories.



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  • 8360DE60-6E79-4F07-86E9-A5C73E13F788

I used SCARM. You can try it out free for up to 100 objects (tracks, etc.). This has 30 tracks; 16 O-72 curves, 12 10” straights and 2 5” straights. I used the FasTrack library, but there’s not much overall difference with other brands. When it comes to what kind of bench work you need, it depends on how much space you have to work with, how far you can reach and how much access there is to all parts of the layout. An 8’x14’ table can mean having to reach 4’ if there is access all around. Most people can’t reach much more than 30” without a climber, access hatches or crawling on top. If you have space for an 8x14 table, you might want to consider an around the room design with a lift-out or lift-up bridge over an entryway. The place to start is to post the dimensions of the space that’s available to you, detailing any obstructions, like walls, furniture, doors, windows, etc. You can see some basic bench work designs on the Mianne website (

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