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We sold our home earlier this year, closing on our new house in a few weeks.  Had to tear down my 8x10 L shaped layout last year in preparation for the sale/move.  All gear is in safe storage at my son's house.

Not sure when I'll be able to start this new layout build -- my CEO has lots for me to do with the new house first -- but in eager anticipation I've been searching the forum, trying my hand at SCARM, to come up with a layout to fit a bonus room that I get to call my own.

Room dimensions: 19.5 x 15.5 (roughly).  Looking at my attached picture the room has walls at left, top and right sides of layout, with about a 6ft wall along bottom right.  Opening to room is large and while not shown is at bottom.   There is one double-window at top (not shown).

My layout criteria:

I'm a loop runner, conventional.  My pleasure comes from watching the trains run and being as creative as I can with scenery.  Not too much interest in changing train directions or tremendously big yards as I do not have that much rolling stock.  I have a bunch of Fastrack from my previous layout but looking at GG/Ross for the new one.  Might keep some Fastrack on parts of the new layout.  Am trying to use as much of the existing room space as physics (and CEO) allow, avoid duck-unders and still make all areas of the layout accessible.  I wanted at least two mains with curves as large as I could get.  No slopes on track.

Here's what I've come up with so far.  The greyed out areas of the layout are liftouts (or lift-downs) to allow for access to hard to reach areas.

19x15 v2

For scenic elements I envision a mountain at top left and possibly a smaller one top right.  Towns and industries on each peninsula, perhaps work in a trolley line.  Stream and/or small lake somewhere.

My questions: First off, what do you think?  What might lead to problems down the road?  What design considerations are there to include now to avoid problems?  What areas am I being short-sighted?

Appreciate any and all comments/feedback, especially as I am still in planning mode but very excited about getting started on this in the (hopefully) near future.






Images (2)
  • 19x15 v2
  • snapshot
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Oh Magoo, you've done it again!

First impressions are:

Make the yard spurs are long enough to store a complete train. So, perhaps some passing sidings there to change trains, one train out and behind it coming in.

Perhaps curve the inside line or both back in towards the apex of the lower right corner and then back up for some added train movement to make it more entertaining. That would open some space at the front edge for scenery or a passing siding or a spur to service something.

Try mixing in some larger radius curves toward the viewing edge with the smaller radius in the rear. Makes fitment a little harder, but it will help a train look better.

Would you mind attaching the file?

Last edited by Moonman

How about a different approach? it sounds like you want a higher scenery to track ratio. A floating island or walk-around table offers more viewing enjoyment as you can see it from more angles.

This a just a spatial concept. The GG 080 oval can be shaped. A second main can go inside. You can put a second level any place. 40" high table, 8 ft walls. 15' x 7 1/4' oval.

See Scrapiron Scher's new layout plan thread.



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  • Mayor_Magoo_Oval_3D
  • Mayor_Magoo_Oval
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Last edited by Moonman

Overall, I really like what you're trying to accomplish.

What size curves did you use when you drew it up?  I'd recommend at least 0-72 and 0-63...but that may be what you're already using.  I agree with MoonMan in that I'd try to incorporate at least one long passing siding and a little more storage for rolling stock.  We all wind up with more than we think we'll ever have.

And yeah...I'd definitely go the Ross/GG route and ditch the FastTrack.

I think you're off to a great start!

Thanks for the feedback guys!  That's why I love the OGR forum.

Carl, I've attached the SCARM file matching my first post.  I do like your ideas of incorporating a passing siding and adding curves for variation on the lower peninsula.  I've though about an island approach as well, still open to changes as nothing committed to as yet.

BP, I'm trying for O-72 for outer curves and O-63 in inner on the lower mains.  The upper level is O-42 but that will be for a smaller engine.  Probably put the O27 cars up there for distance perspective.



Files (1)

Its a good enough use of space for a lot of train running.  Three suggestions:

1)  I know you don't care about return loops, but consider them for the inside route.  They add train watching interest and variety because the trains travel the opposite direction each time through a return loop.  You seem to have room for cross-overs, so you could run either route.

2)  You might consider using On30 for the upper level.  Bachmann has inexpensive and well operating locos and rolling stock.   Could be interesting.

3) You might consider purchasing LionChief Plus as an inexpensive entre to RC command control for the outside loop.   Its long enough to run two trains at the same time (same direction of course).  Either two of the same locos (like two FT AA pairs, with different road names they run independently with their own controller) or the Hudson and Pacific, which use the same chassis/mechanism so run a the same speeds and can be run together (I have done this).

I am afraid that without a bit more interest, your layout will get old too soon.

Last edited by Ken-Oscale

Thanks Carl, looks much cleaner the way you did it.  I think I can work in a passing siding for the inside main along the back top (under the 2nd level bridges).  Not sure where to work in a small yard as yet.

That lower peninsula added curve does reduce the "sameness".  Not sure if I want to cut out the base or leave in for town/scenery.  Perhaps yard could go there?

Fortunately I have time to ponder.



One feature that I liked was the "butte" for the elevated curve. I would only mountain the back corner and put something in that valley with a road or river coming under the bridge.

I use some translucent polygons to pin down the terrain that gets unruly around elevated track or an object. Look at the properties of that to get the settings. It's only for the 3D eye candy, but that helps those that like to "see" it with eye.

I don't know what's blocking the left side, but another 6" - 12" would open up the aisle. Only have to add one track on the lines in the top center to move it over.

If I come up with any more that's useful, I'll post it.

Give the island some more consideration. here's Scrapiron Scher's new Munoz Lines layout coming together. he had an extremely detailed scale table and is now going in this direction. The operation fits what you want to do, so look at the island approach.

Good luck with the new home! 

How about a subway?  I built a layout much along the same idea you have but added a subway.  Great point of interest.  Visitors go nuts with it.  This layout is 12' 3" square.IMG_0930IMG_0931

072 switches on the main level with a wide mix of curves to make it happen:


Interchange to connect the passing sidings with both loops:

11.19.09 008

Later on I also added a top level with storage,   just a few idea shots.


11 13 10 track mock up 004Jeff's upper loops 004


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  • IMG_0930
  • IMG_0931
  • IMG_0856
  • 11.19.09 008
  • 11 13 10  track mock up 004
  • Jeff's upper loops 004

Tom Tee, your benchwork looks terrific!  While I'm not sure about incorporating a subway - why would a kid from the Bronx be interested in that  - I like your layout concept and one of my considerations is using less than 100% of floor space.  Perhaps with a 15x13 to allow for walking around the perimeter and eliminating the access liftouts.


I went looking for this post last night, hard to believe is has been several months.  We're pretty well settled in our new home and the CEO is a happy camper.  This is giving me some train time!

Several changes have been made to original plans based on three things: 1) The original dimensions of the train room I had incorrect (based on what I mis-remembered prior to buying), 2) the input I received above - all great ideas, and 3) I came upon a great deal on some Atlas track so switched from original Gargraves plan.

I've already put up most of the benchwork and a temporary running loop of track so I can entertain myself and my grandson.  I'll add some pics later.  Appreciate any feedback before I start "permanizing" this, as for now I do not have all the track I need and with budgeting I'll probably build out in stages starting with outer main loop.

SteveAtlas v6


Images (1)
  • Atlas v6
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Congrats on the successful settlement on the new home.

I like how you have reshaped it.

Have you tried the simulator to run a train around and see how it feels?

You could add a crossover set on the inside near the industrial area on the angled run. That could be later, if you find the need or want.

I changed some track fitment to the left of the elbow so the sim train wouldn't stop on a track joint. You'll see the cut tracks. Still, SCARM and video attached. I can run multiple trains as I am testing the feature for the author.


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  • Mayor_Magoo_Sim_Still
Videos (1)
Files (1)
Last edited by Moonman

And here are some pictures of work in progress.  Use your imagination and picture a very neat and tidy work area!

Right now I'm leaning on 1 inch foam on top of the 3/4 inch plywood, with a Midwest cork roadbed under the Atlas.  I still have a bunch of Fastrack from previous layout which will probably stay in use as I plan on buildout of track in sections, outer mainline first, as budget allows.



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  • 20170210_092953
  • 20170210_093018
  • 20170210_093027

Hi Steve,

Tnx for posting this layout, its great!  Has many elements i want ti incorporate into my layout.

I'm still pretty new to all this.  Installed scram but not very good with it.  Tried to open your files (in scarm) and all i get is text files or video still file.  Also tried to save the file and open it later, but no luck.

When I click on your file, should it open in scram?  What might I be doing wrong?

Thanks for your help.



My skills at SCARM are still in the "know enough to be dangerous" level.  It is a good tool but one I have to work at to get what I'm looking for.  Fortunately, there's many on the forum to lend guidance so best of luck.


That bridge is just temporary and not part of my plans, at least at the moment.  I had just enough track to put a temp loop up for my grandson (and me) to play with.  There's room in the future to add a bridge in that area but really haven't thought much about how I would execute it (liftout, etc).

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