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Flower City Tinplate Trackers.  Most of us live in the Rochester, NY area, but we have members in the Buffalo/Niagara Falls area and even Ohio.


Our next layouts will be part of the LOTS national convention in Rochester NY this summer.  We will have a very large layout as part of a convention attendee only event, and an about 40'x60' (planned at this time) layout as part of the convention's public train show.

I do remember that thread where some folks would like to see a club in Tampa happen. Did the idea just fizzle or...?


You'd think with the large older retired population here there would be more train activity in the state. The reality is events and stores are few and far between and clubs are virtually nonexistent. Florida never really was a "railroad state" either, so maybe that's why.


In any event, it's collector cars that seem to be the major hobby of Florida, and of course boating.

Last edited by PC9850

Right, I remember now. The Tampa train show that people wanted to have the meeting at happens on the very same weekend as York, which is the largest and most heavily attended train show in the country. So it would almost be doing a disservice to the potential club that so many potential members would be away at York. I liked the idea about the library though. Guess no one else did...


Rereading that thread though I saw someone mention a club getting started up in Fort Myers. That's only about 30 minutes from me.

Last edited by PC9850
Originally Posted by Gilly@N&W:

River City 3 Railers

Midlothian, Virginia


We are a modular Club. RC3R is an O Gauge Special interest group associated with the RF&P out of Ashland Virginia. We welcome new members.



Here's a link to our Facebook page:


And a link to our parent club:


Our club covers the greater Richmond, Va metro area.



Link copied to your clipboard.