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Lionel Railroad Club of Southeastern Wisconsin


we are a sister club of the Lionel Railroad Club of Milwaukee

we are currently homeless after the hobby shop we were located in closed due to the death of the owner.  we have an outadted website that I am working on getting the login info so it can be updated.


I also belong to a club that is more of a railfanning group, we opperate a railroad museum in Sturtevant Wisconsin.  The name of that club is the Western Union Junction RR Club and the name of the railroad museum is called Sturtevant Rails.

Lehigh Valley HiRailers, Allentown, PA  Three rail modular layout, following the Independant HiRailers Standards.


We are a small club with no club layout. Instead, Each member makes and owns his own modules. We meet in members homes for trains and fellowship. You will see us pretty much every February at the Allentown Spring Thaw Train Meet.




Don't recall seeing your post about meeting in Brandon.  the  reason for the Train show site was because some folks were driving fairly good distances and a number of guys were looking for a train show in the area or going to the show.  Two birds, one stone.  It's a tough sell either way, I emailed 4-5 guys and between that an the other thread there maybe a few who do meet at the concession stand at 11:00
Originally Posted by HrHenkelmann:
Originally Posted by PC9850:

I do remember that thread where some folks would like to see a club in Tampa happen. Did the idea just fizzle or...?


I think the whole thing broke up over deciding on a meeting place, some folks wanted to meet at the fairgrounds during a train show being held sometime this month, while I had suggested a meeting room to be set aside at the Brandon Regional Library.


Never did receive a response.

Missed this earlier..

The Smoky Mountain Model Railroaders


Meets weekly in Clyde, NC about 30 miles west of Asheville.

We have two operating layouts and are looking for a permanent home to set up the larger of the two. Our current location is 'for sale' and owned by a bank.


At present, we have about 8 active members plus spouses.


This is a beautiful area of the country to live in!

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