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Welcome to the *New* 3D Printing Repository Forum.

Hadn't really thought about a lead in here... but, the forum will explore all aspects of 3D printing, 2D/3D Laser Cutting/Engraving and CNC Milling for the O-Scale Modeler/Railroader.  The forum is premised on shared experiences, knowledge and common values and the enhancement of our hobby for the enjoyment of all.

Thank you Alan & OGR for supporting this new rail line to the future!

OK... bring it!!!


Last edited by Dennis-LaRock
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With all the resources here maybe this should be a "members only" section of the forum?  Since you are spear heading this I thought I'd ask.  Looks like a cool thing to do regardless.  I appreciate the time and work that goes into this.  I may have to invest in a printer now.  Maybe there should be a section on hardware that folks use as well.

Thanks for putting this together!

Thank you Marty!

Yes, we are attempting to lower the entry barrier to 3D printing.  My personal interest is in parts that are *unavailable* *anywhere*... I have 7 or 8 parts that I have been looking for, for years ... and, absolutely can not obtain.

It's a pretty small group of us here... but, we are sure getting an awful lot of downloads of the Catalog and Files.  OGR is the only place where you can gain access to the Repository (yes, you could copy the link... but its not permanent yet) <- I'll get to that at some point soon to lock it down within OGR...

Thanks again Marty!


Update: 10/26 2:00pm... Catalog updated *61 Print Ready Items* are now available...

I'm with you guys... I'll go ahead and ask for the sticky ...was trying to go at this a little slow and not ask for to much out of the box.  I had read a post from 2014 concerning this and the mods were a little uneasy about it at that time... perhaps, things have changed a bit.  It's been seven years, an eternity in tech land.

Last edited by Dennis-LaRock

Yup... with you again.  I have the code that makes the link so that it cannot be copied (keep it in OGR).  I have it in .js, ccs, and html/5... it's only a few lines but, that's probably a little to much for now.   There are a bunch of options that will probably develop as we get this a little further along.

Thanks John... you are always there


Update: 10/27 12:29pm ...inquiry made

Update: 10/28 11:36am... reply space at this time.  I'll manage it.

Last edited by Dennis-LaRock

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