Building a new toy train layout using some of my dad’s postwar Lionel track and manual switch and my grandfather’s prewar Marx manual switches.
Made part of this in Any Rail 5 and in Photo Shop Elements for my Lionel O27 3ft by 3ft Layout. These drawings are rough ideas and are not to scale. I might change the buildings and not sure the spot to add a road on the layout. The buildings will be printed card stock buildings. I’m leaning more towards card stock buildings since it would be a bit cheaper than trying to find plastic kits.
I will be adding trees in some of the corners of the layout and next to some of the buildings.
The road bed will be painted gray to keep it simple.
I got the track plan from The only changes to the track plan is I added two Half Straight Sections to the old track plan seen bellow. I added them to make it a bit easier to run my dad’s postwar 637 and so I could add in a small bridge as well. The original track plan is 3ft by 3ft however, since adding the half straight sections the base will have to be slightly wider than 3ft more like 3ft 6inches by 3ft 6inches not quite sure but I'll figure that out. I however do not want it to be much bigger due to space limitations
The base will be tempered hardboard and pine board sides making a shallow box with perhaps foam board or something else as the base (any ideas or tips instead of using foamboard). The track wont be nailed down since I want to be able to take it apart for repairs.
Any thoughts on this track plan?
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