clever build and a worthy car to have on any layout
Wild looking trucks ! What is the story on them, or origin of design ?
Notice that the sides of pendullum cars had a slight curvature, they were not just straight like most cars. These cars were an interesting experiment despite their reception.
I'd love to have one since they are so distinctive!
Thats a great scratch built, Erik!
Who is the artist?
I ordered mine in 2 rail and I'm super excited! I wouldn't mine seeing the 76 seat coach with the name "Chipewa" 304......of course only if prototypical.
My wife is Chipewa
Those trucks look like a modified version of the prr p54 trucks used on mp54 mu's and p54 pax cars.
Erik C Lindgren posted:
Just to get your take, how do you guys feel about the closed end vs coupler end for the tail car?
I know I like it!
Unique. Neat !
Yeah, Erik - who built that Pendulum car, and are the trucks PRR, or specially done? Even though incorrect, I prefer the straight sides to the curved ones, and could see one of these on my shelf if I could figure out how to machine the windows. Probably require a computer controlled mill; something I will never have.
Sure is!
That's neat Santiago.
Santiago's photos look like they were taken at Bureau Jct, where the Peoria branch peeled off. A large coaling tower, water facilities and adjacent hotel were found there in steam and EMC TA/Rocket days.
Thanks, guys. Just trying to keep it in everyone's mind. I was bidding on original photographs of this engine on eBay and lost to a couple of really good ones. Never go out for Korean the night the auction closes... Anyway these are two great photos that I lost to... Live and learn.
Good news!
Scott updated the project on the 3rd Rail website and is now offering 5 different rocket trains in 3 or 4 car sets according to prototypes. And................. it looks like the TA will be a BRASS body locomotive!
Check out the website for details.
Doesn't sound like they were used for Denver or Colorado Springs runs?
Typical Budd methodology carries through on most all they produced in that time frame
Yep, one thing to notice is that these cars were lower in height. Hence the slopped rear on the body of the TA and the RI E3s.
I'd still like to see someone do the EMC 1800HP BB diesels (ATSF Class 1, B&O, Burlington, Demonstrator).
That would be interesting, Matt
Does anyone here have access to the smoke stacks drawings, or a good picture of the roof? I have serious doubts about Railway classics rendition in this regard. The prototype pics I have show some kind of square depression and not a flush roof, R classics also missed the vents
I believe the wheels on the Budd cars may have been 33" dia., instead of 36" dia., like most passenger cars. That 3" can make or break a layout. What is that about 5 or 7 64ths?
BTW does anyone know for sure what were the colors on the Rocket drumhead? Everytime I ask people tell me different things... Can you identify them following this picture? My guess is 1: black 2: black 3: fading grey 4: bright red
This one is a little different as there is no fade from the bottom. Maybe the fade is "gray to maroon" instead of "grey to black".
Image From: https://www.classicstreamliner...-island-rockets.html
I realize this is probably not that great of a source but it may give you a starting point to work from.
Thanks, that's one of the ones I get. But, as you can see it doesn't match the photographs. I appreciate the input though. Thanks, John.
I made this rendering from the ground up using prototype pictures.
Ok today I got a reply from a RITS officer, and he tells me to his knowledge color photos of the drumhead are non existent. However he is inclined to believe it reflected the Rocket shcheme colors.
Any idea if any of the drumheads still exist? I know the New York Society of Model Engineers in NJ have an extensive drumhead collection. Maybe they have one or know where one might exist?
Just received the Dec. issue of Railroad Model Craftsan. There's an 8 page article on this engine. Multiple pics and drawings.
Dave, I purchased that edition last night. Be wary of the engine drawings hey used as they have several and huge mistakes.