Hi, I did a search on this engine and the problems with the electronics but could not find the previous thread. I have this engine and at first it ran Okay in TMCC mode, but then I tried it once in Conventional mode, which it worked Okay in, but now it will not operate in TMCC mode? Anyone have any experience with this, electronics are from 2005 and not the best by today's standards. Any input appreciated, thanks.
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First ensure that the antenna wire from your command base is securely connected to one of the outside rails of the track.
Then power up the base and apply power to the track. Lastly, check the headlight. Is it flickering? If so you have poor radio signal reception from the command base.
The obvious question, do other TMCC locomotives run fine on the same layout?
Hi John, yes they do. Both in Legacy and TMCC mode, other engines are fine in operation. Sorry, I should have mentioned that.
This is what the TMCC board in the tender looks like. Anyone familiar with these boards from 2005? The engine had only been test run, not used, as the rollers didn't have the slightest mark on them.
I tried the engine today again, after removing the 9 volt battery ( which the manual says is there for conventional mode). It still starts up in Conventional, not TMCC.
Any help appreciated, thanks guys.
UGH! It's the TAS Electronics.
I'd try swapping the R2LC with another engine, reprogram for this one and see if that helps.
Try running it with the tender top off, the tender is the antenna on those.