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Beautiful pictures fellows, and here’s a few pictures to review as we are getting ready for the LCCA National Convention beginning this weekend in Nashville, “Country” Music City USA, Tennessee…. Wow over 500 Lionel Club members in attendance, it’s going to be a lot of fun. I hope some of you fellows on this great OGR Forum will be here so that we can meet in person. Happy Railroading Everyone 3F11013C-281D-4DC6-A669-28346D569100CAB48440-FA83-4C57-907C-26AA094D23BB6AB8E840-C843-487A-99CE-A0465C222A2B7E763446-72D9-4016-BD19-BFD0DE39A72104F481E5-26C8-4290-B5D0-94919FA7D10A6949CC18-4852-477C-BBF4-0DBF3F7D772CF8CAD296-BC73-4A76-ADE2-3B30045B8119315A3162-9CCA-4057-9BC9-5CE9D137087478396995-B9C1-4989-B74D-3F9606530AE7


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@leapinlarry - When I was in Nashville, we went to visit the layout (s) of Dr. Fisher.  He expressed interest in my "flashlight" glove that I had gotten for Christmas.  Its great and I think better than a head mounted light for close work.  Here are some pictures.

The box lid to give you the source.  Each package comes with Two (2) gloves.

Flashlight Glove box lid

Here is how it mounts on your hand.  OBTW...the package comes with a flashlight glove for both hands.

Flashlight Glove on hand 2

If you have a chance would you please pass this data on to Dr. Fisher and of course anyone else who might be interested.

Best Wishes



Images (2)
  • Flashlight Glove box lid
  • Flashlight Glove on hand 2

@leapinlarry - When I was in Nashville, we went to visit the layout (s) of Dr. Fisher.  He expressed interest in my "flashlight" glove that I had gotten for Christmas.  Its great and I think better than a head mounted light for close work.  Here are some pictures.

The box lid to give you the source.  Each package comes with Two (2) gloves.

Flashlight Glove box lid

Here is how it mounts on your hand.  OBTW...the package comes with a flashlight glove for both hands.

Flashlight Glove on hand 2

If you have a chance would you please pass this data on to Dr. Fisher and of course anyone else who might be interested.

Best Wishes



All I can say about this is "ET phone home"

FOR TODAY:  It's harvest time and this vat car is on the RIP track receiving repairs.  The FSJR Car Dept. is taking care of business!  Willy Don Seavers is on top of the car kneeling as he gets ready to weld one of the hatch doors.  Bubba Giles steps from the pickup and tips his hat to foreman Clyde Crawly while the two fellers in yellow hard hats discuss what needs to be done next.   Mortimer Henshaw, with hands in pockets, looks on.  D7D63797-E998-4D71-BBB5-022FCC618699


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FOR TODAY July 24, 1950.    It's Sunday and I'm taking a bike ride on my new Raleigh 10 speed English Racer!  Just bought her last evening at Henshaw's Sporting Goods in downtown Patsburg.  Having just peddled up a long 2 mile grade to Patsburg, I thank my lucky stars for spending all my grass cutting money to purchase this wonderful bicycle!   It sure is a heck of a lot easier to pedal up that long grade with this bike as compared to my old Huffy with those fat balloon tires .. although me and that Huffy have tons of miles and good times behind us for sure!   When my friend Daryl saw my new Raleigh 10 speed, he about flipped!!  For a moment he was speechless and finally mustered some words ... " Wowwee Wowwee WOW!!  This bike must have cost a lot of bread!!"  To which I replied " No bread at all but it cost me a lot of grass!" We both laughed our butts off!  

Well here I am just cresting the hill and getting ready to ride down Patsburg Ave.  "Wow there's hardly any traffic and wow .. Wow ... WOW!!!  ...  there's a new Baldwin Locomotive Works RF16 demonstrator sitting  on the main idling away.   Hmmm, must be stopped for a red signal.  I sure like that way cool livery!!    I just read about those engines in TRAINS Magazine!  I hope the FSJR buys a lot of those engines!  Now that I think about it, I heard somewhere that somebody nick named the R16 a 'shark' because of the shape of its' front end looking like a shark.  I wonder if that nickname will ever stick???  hmmmm ... 4F37280B-480C-43A1-8DFD-B8CA99FC1732

A little ways into town I pass Bow Hog Evans and his step brother Slim Portly.  I guess they are spending some time at the family cabin this weekend.  Slim tips his hat as I wave to them.   Looks to me like they've been ah clearing some trees.  Guess they want to get a better view of the lake from their front porch.  76FBDEF5-0CA5-4A74-801C-BE4AA771CF84_1_201_a

About another 500 ft down the road and I see boaters on the lake and YIKES .... a bear!!!!  Now I'm peddling as fast as I can!!!  I hope that bear does not chase me!!72157A22-E383-49E0-BBA6-97EF6A04A8F3

Pheeeew!!!! That bear did not take off after me.  What a relief!!  I've now peddled, going full tilt boogie, to the other side of Patsburg and have wound up in Westend ... the posh section of Patsburg!    I made it here in record time and could have never done it if that bear had not put that immense fear in my rear!! ... and of course having this 10 speed bike sure helped too!"   Oh yeah ... there's the Good Humor truck!  I have 25 cents in my pocket.  I can get a popsicle for a nickel and still have some change left over.  All in all, from seeing a shark to a possible encounter with a bear and finally some Good Humor! ... This  really has been my lucky day!!  AABFBE83-1131-4F25-8262-0AFF1769FB4C_1_201_a


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Last edited by trumpettrain

FOR TODAY July 24, 1950.    It's Sunday and I'm taking a bike ride on my new Raleigh 10 speed English Racer!  Just bought her last evening at Henshaw's Sporting Goods in downtown Patsburg.  Having just peddled up a long 2 mile grade to Patsburg, I thank my lucky stars for spending all my grass cutting money to purchase this wonderful bicycle!   It sure is a heck of a lot easier to pedal up that long grade with this bike as compared to my old Huffy with those fat balloon tires .. although me and that Huffy have tons of miles and good times behind us for sure!   When my friend Daryl saw my new Raleigh 10 speed, he about flipped!!  For a moment he was speechless and finally mustered some words ... " Wowwee Wowwee WOW!!  This bike must have cost a lot of bread!!"  To which I replied " No bread at all but it cost me a lot of grass!" We both laughed our butts off!  

Well here I am just cresting the hill and getting ready to ride down Patsburg Ave.  "Wow there's hardly any traffic and wow .. Wow ... WOW!!!  ...  there's a new Baldwin Locomotive Works RF16 demonstrator sitting  on the main idling away.   Hmmm, must be stopped for a red signal.  I sure like that way cool livery!!    I just read about those engines in TRAINS Magazine!  I hope the FSJR buys a lot of those engines!  4F37280B-480C-43A1-8DFD-B8CA99FC1732

A little ways into town I pass Bow Hog Evans and his step brother Slim Portly.  I guess they are spending some time at the family cabin this weekend.  Slim tips his hat as I wave to them.   Looks to me like they've been ah clearing some trees.  Guess they want to get a better view of the lake from their front porch.  76FBDEF5-0CA5-4A74-801C-BE4AA771CF84_1_201_a

About another 500 ft down the road and I see boaters on the lake and YIKES .... a bear!!!!  Now I'm peddling as fast as I can!!!  I hope that bear does not chase me!!72157A22-E383-49E0-BBA6-97EF6A04A8F3

Pheeeew!!!! That bear did not take off after me.  What a relief!!  I've now peddled, going full tilt boogie, to the other side of Patsburg and have wound up in Westend ... the posh section of Patsburg!    I made it here in record time and could have never done it if that bear had not put that immense fear in my rear!! ... and of course having this 10 speed bike sure helped too!"   Oh yeah ... there's the Good Humor truck!  I have 25 cents in my pocket.  I can get a popsicle for a nickel and still have some change left over.  This is really has been my lucky day!!  AABFBE83-1131-4F25-8262-0AFF1769FB4C_1_201_a

Outstanding story sir, U should write kids books, God Speed!

@trumptrain - loved the story...I don't know if that came from your own experience but I am old enough to remember getting what at the time was called an "English Racing Bike" with multiple speeds and being able to trade in my "fat tire" Columbia from 1954.  @Mark Boyce - thanks for your comment.  I know it looked odd in the pictures, but with a little adjustment after putting it on you can direct the light from both your hands to concentrate directly on what you are working with.  It really is outstanding especially for things (like you said Mark that are harder as we get older) like starting small screws or soldering.

@leapinlarry- hope your LCCA visitors has as great a time as us TCA visitors to your fabulous layout. Pictures as usual are great!

@Tom M - great job on the shelving.  The artwork at the front end of the lower two shelves is also precious.  Wife and I have a scrapbook or two filled with such things from our kids and grandkids, now 56 years later we still enjoy looking through it now and then.

Best wishes to all


@Don McErlean, yes tomorrow is the big day, 4 bus loads of train lovers, hopefully no casualties, all safe fun watching the trains run. We are going to have to get our act together as the plan is 30 minute visits… It’s been fun meeting fellows from all over the country and overseas, that’s why it’s the most fun hobby in the world.  We are ready….. Happy Railroading Everyone BD0FDFAB-2945-47D5-BF53-2604D3627B94866780CC-8FAF-4B25-AEDC-2231A3988691610AE039-EEE7-46C8-AE85-5D1794792C21C1E4CB95-E914-4587-BF4C-A959EC6380BF638188AF-01B8-4BD1-8BAF-DD8293034DF36204CC33-504F-4824-9DF6-0CDB118B890CCE2A709A-B80D-4F24-B524-CAA95F0884362121F273-D5BD-416F-AD56-F2F4ADF58674F8B4FD4F-A5ED-4F0F-A6A8-305C93CBEE401E05B816-4B54-413C-AD52-887071BCB01C4D83B6AA-4C9E-44C7-AB60-9359F2D1451B923B250C-404E-4CC1-A700-97E74E95545F6B0C5DF4-0AB2-4C17-8B40-8B1408272553F74726CA-FBAA-45A1-8F92-059FEE305E63572EBBBF-71C8-4B4F-BED8-3F6E0B35A34606046725-8CC6-4C20-AD6C-0E60DA4820BC6920AAA2-4381-4A23-984C-66DAF196C69DF968D2AA-6C61-45E9-91B3-070B6FB19D57B0399D8C-25B0-4E18-9D5C-125F90297CE8A7A4F9B9-1438-4A6F-B9DD-701445B5D007


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@trumptrain - loved the story...I don't know if that came from your own experience but I am old enough to remember getting what at the time was called an "English Racing Bike" with multiple speeds and being able to trade in my "fat tire" Columbia from 1954.  @Mark Boyce - thanks for your comment.  I know it looked odd in the pictures, but with a little adjustment after putting it on you can direct the light from both your hands to concentrate directly on what you are working with.  It really is outstanding especially for things (like you said Mark that are harder as we get older) like starting small screws or soldering.

@leapinlarry- hope your LCCA visitors has as great a time as us TCA visitors to your fabulous layout. Pictures as usual are great!

@Tom M - great job on the shelving.  The artwork at the front end of the lower two shelves is also precious.  Wife and I have a scrapbook or two filled with such things from our kids and grandkids, now 56 years later we still enjoy looking through it now and then.

Best wishes to all


Don - glad you enjoyed my story!  Thanks!

OK guys this is a hill to climb when backpacking.  This is the Hetch Hetchy reservoir in Yosemite. There was a narrow gauge which ran across the top of the dam and through a tunnel which is now a trail.  Vertical climb is around 2500 feet.  Climbing this was harder than Baldy in Philmont - of course I was 10 years older at the time.

Yosemite Trip 078


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  • Yosemite Trip 078

MOW workers have a never ending job!  One of the MOW perks is their job location is ever changing as is the task at hand. The job never becomes routine or boring.  

Here Smitty and Roger move a crate, Lester moves his jackhammer, Leo with tools in hand waits for the area to clear before beginning his task, and foreman Jake Farnaby leans against against the gang car taking it all in.  The dilapidated partially legible sign reads " Railroad Property Keep Out".   ..... just another day on the railroad! IMG_7080


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Last edited by trumpettrain

@trumpettrain and all - following is a link to a page with a photo and description of the narrow gauge track.  John Muir strenuously objected to the dam construction and subsequent flooding of the valley.

Hetch Hetchy is immediately north of what we commonly think of as Yosemite with iconic half-dome and is within the boundaries of the park itself. The "fogginess" is smoke from fires near the park entrance so we were unable to get into the lower Yosemite valley.

Hetch Hetchy 1919

BTY here is a link to the loop we did. Had an extra stop at Laurel Lake (top left). 4 days 5500 feet vertical climb. Not happy when we had to drop 2000 feet and go right back up again. As my buddy says smiling "its essentially flat". Brought enough food for 4 days, fortunately there were water sources on top.  Hetch Hetchy Loop 

Also trumptrain - still waiting for your e-book to come out. Love your photos and stories. 

Hey guys, great photos and stories about hiking. Sorry I haven't been around to comment sooner but its been busy here and it's not done yet! I would really like to post something but all you would see is new post and cross post for a new fence! LOL What a blast!

I am hoping to be done with it and back in the train room within a week if I am lucky!

I hope you all have a great week!

FOR TODAY:  It's Friday afternoon in Patsburg and the team tracks are busy!  As a gang of ol timers view the action from the tower platform, Zeke and Buzzy disconnect the chains securing the logs on this flat car, as Dexter gives hand signals to the tractor driver positioning the trailer.  BIG HOOKER is on hand to lift the logs from flat car to this brand new three axle Lowboy trailer.  Once the logs are securely on the trailer they will be transported three miles to the saw mill.  This is the last load of the day and the three men are happy about that!  After collecting their paychecks Zeke, Buzzy, and Dexter will gather at the House of Ale for a couple  cold brews before heading home for the weekend.   243244C4-9FC9-4BBD-A737-1E45E24EC0CE

Meanwhile sitting on another team track, these boxcars will have to be unloaded tomorrow.  The surprise ahead unbeknown to Buzzy, Zeke and Dexter;  when the boss, Scruffy Briggs,  brings their paychecks in just a little while he will tell the trio their services will be needed tomorrow to get these cars unloaded.  Nothing like a little overtime!  ..... Just another day on the railroad! CFD559AC-BEF4-4B17-9DF5-0AC38513056F_1_201_a


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  • 243244C4-9FC9-4BBD-A737-1E45E24EC0CE
  • CFD559AC-BEF4-4B17-9DF5-0AC38513056F_1_201_a
Last edited by trumpettrain

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