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My mom, Rose, was born February 22, 1918 in Colchester, Connecticut. She is the oldest daughter of a farming family that came to this country at the turn of the century to avoid persecution in eastern Europe. Monday will be her 98th birthday. She married my father, Bill, in 1945. My dad worked for the New York City Transit Authority and, of course, there would be a train set for me. In 1952, my parents gave me an O-27 Lionel set (Sorry, I need help with the set number) that featured a #2025 steamer, Lehigh Valley maroon hopper, Sunoco tank car, and maroon Lionel Lines caboose. I still have that set and all of the boxes and paper.

When the article on our Munoz Lines was published about 18 months ago, I brought the OGR Magazine down to Florida so she could see what happened as a result of giving me that set so many years ago. Regrettably, mom is now immobile and fading quite rapidly. This birthday will likely be the last time our family gets to celebrate it. It has been quite a ride for my mom. How about an OGR shout out to Rose !




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  • Mom OGR
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Wonderful post, ScrapIron. God Bless your Mom. For many of our parents sixty or more years ago, it was a sacrifice to buy a train set back then. It more than likely ate up a good deal or more of a paycheck. I have a hunch that Dad's (and Mom's) bought it with the intent to enjoy as a joint hobby with their sons. I know my Mom showed everyone pictures of the layout to all that she could send them to. I am glad she could see your story in OGR.



I help my brother with the annual church dinner at a small church, home town, Sigel, PA.  One of the big events was Agnes S. @ 103, who attends church every Sunday.  She retired from being the Post Mistress of Sigel.   She was one of the last ones to leave the dinner.  My head drifts back 100 years, in a small rural community, western PA.  First miles stone I remember was the phone, 1954.  Electric, farm homes, 1916, would have been rare, may be gas lights.

She could probably tell us all about steam power on the farm. 

Please tell your mother I wish her the best.

Mike CT. 

A quick search. 2010 census, over 53,000 citizens 100 + years.


Last edited by Mike CT

Happy Birthday Rose!  Eliot thanks for sharing !  It's really great that she was able to enjoy the feature in OGR.

 Your story brought back many fine memories for me as well, as my parents bought me my first Lionel set and then continued to be really supportive of my model railroading hobby for all the years I built and rebuilt layouts in their basement in Oradell NJ.  I miss them both, but am so thankful for their unconditional love and support for so many years. 

May God bless your mother, Rose, and your entire family Eliot.


The look in her eyes is priceless, Eliot. She is not giving the magazine a cursory or perfunctory glance; she is fully engrossed and involved in the moment you two are sharing. I'm very glad for you that she got to see, once again, that connection between you and her, through all the years, brought full-circle by your OGR Run. That's a lot of years represented by that focus in her eyes as she sees your success and happiness with toy trains. Wonderful.

Great respect,


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