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American Flyer Legends in Action

The good folks at TM Books and Video have skillfully assembled a compellation of video “spots” made over roughly the last five years that cover various aspects of American Flyer trains.  For better or worse, these recent American Flyer pieces were interspersed among other toy train and model railroading videos. By pulling these various segments together, TM has succeeded in crafting for the first time an informal history in video of American Flyer spanning the Coleman “Chicago”, Gilbert New Haven S gauge, and modern Lionel Flyer periods with a good helping of recent S gauge hi-rail for good measure. The Chicago period is represented by way of John DeSantis’ spectacular prewar Wide gauge collection and layout. Two segments lay out the 3/16” scale trains of Gilbert and the prewar to postwar transition from 3-rail O gauge to 2-rail S gauge trains and the apogee for the American Flyer brand. Tom Robinson’s mixed period hi-rail layout and Carl Tuveson’s gorgeous scenic scale hi-rail layouts deliver the viewer to the present world of S gauge/scale and demonstrate yet again that 2-rail trumps 3-rail in the realistic appearance department. The video is dedicated to the memory of the recently passed Dave Garrigues, the noted American Flyer and toy train expert’s expert.

OGR’s Alan Miller and Ed Boyle make cameo appearances and, in full disclosure, I assisted Tom and the boys a bit with a few segments. But, don’t let that deter you. A great Christmas treat for Flyer fans of all persuasions.


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