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Originally Posted by John23:
Originally Posted by david1:

Been here since day 1,




What was Day One?  


BTW, I remember that the membership list with joining dates was wiped by a computer glitch somewhere back then.



It was sometime in 1999 but everything did get wiped out I believe in the summer of 2000 when  you had to rejoin. 

More of an active watcher here.   Joined 0n 26 Jan 2001 but I remember the first forum if you could call it that.  It was up in early to mid 1999 or maybe even late 1998?  I was at the Pentagon and would check it often.   From what I remember back then it was more like the OGR back shop with threads centering on how to repair pre and post war engines and where to get parts, not so much the freewheeling discussion it is today and not as many posters.  Wish I had taken a screen shot from then. 

Originally Posted by Crackers:

...  Wish I had taken a screen shot from then. 


Funny how our brains work.  Although I find many of the changes featured on this "new" forum to be fluff (Can you tell I'm not a Facebook fan?), many of us would be hard-pressed to recall the "look and feel" of the former environments!!!    But we'd know them in a heartbeat if we saw them again.



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