10/31/2000 for me!
I remember checking in every now and then from the very beginning... then registered with my current screen name in Nov 2001, after my wife and I rode the train by that name on one of our nicest vacations!
April /2001 for me.
Been here before the DCS thing of a ma jig around 9/2000 maybe before TMCC also. It been a while, most of the OGR staff still had hair.
According to my forum profile...10 July 2000.
Been here since day 1,
What was Day One?
BTW, I remember that the membership list with joining dates was wiped by a computer glitch somewhere back then.
It was sometime in 1999 but everything did get wiped out I believe in the summer of 2000 when you had to rejoin.
April 2001
Joined in November, 2000 and been lurking ever since. I don't post much, but, I try to read some of the forums each day. Thanks for having me. And thanks to OGR for hosting.
4/05/2001, seems like yesterday!
I joined in Jully of 2000. Still here.
July 23, 2000.
I believe the official Day One was something like July 01, 2000. My start date was July 7th. But as mentioned, I believe there was a precursor too.
Somewhere around 2001....
1/30/2001. it's been a very interesting trip so far---
I was a lurker for about 3-4 months then joined. I never thought this forum would grow like it has. It's been fun. I'm so glad to see a lot of us long timers are still active on the forum.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
Mike R
That's original enough for me
August 2000. Still have the hat.
Scott Smith
July 9, 2000 for me...and still kicking
Still here, since 7/5/00. BTW, who let the cat with the hat in?
Me too; joined 11/22/2001
August 2001. Time flies
More of an active watcher here. Joined 0n 26 Jan 2001 but I remember the first forum if you could call it that. It was up in early to mid 1999 or maybe even late 1998? I was at the Pentagon and would check it often. From what I remember back then it was more like the OGR back shop with threads centering on how to repair pre and post war engines and where to get parts, not so much the freewheeling discussion it is today and not as many posters. Wish I had taken a screen shot from then.
November 2000 here. Check in almost daily. A lot of valuable information has been posted on this forum.
Can't recall if it was August or September 2000.
Is there still a way of finding out?
It's on your profile, you joined 9/10/00
Scott Smith
... Wish I had taken a screen shot from then.
Funny how our brains work. Although I find many of the changes featured on this "new" forum to be fluff (Can you tell I'm not a Facebook fan?), many of us would be hard-pressed to recall the "look and feel" of the former environments!!! But we'd know them in a heartbeat if we saw them again.
I've been around since October of '01
Joined: 10/25/00 3:00 AM
what in blue blazes was I doing up at 3:00, and that is the same time zone as mine?
- walt
August 2001.
It's on your profile, you joined 9/10/00
Scott Smith>>
Thanks Scott.
I joined the forum when it was first advertised in the magazine, I think it was in 1999? I had to re-join a few times since due to OGR's server issues. I remember David1, Hans Kaiser, Mike Castelli, Bocephus, Kooljock, Bear, Chuck, among others. Good times!
after a hip and a knee replacement, i'm more of a restored model than completely original anymore.
August 7,2000 at 3AM for me. It really does seem just like yesterday.
Merry Christmas to all.
Norm Rish
8-6-2000 for me.
Neal Jeter