Nice issue. Even though I have the digital version, and like having it here, I'll pick up the print version this weekend or whenever I reachs my local B&N as I have since the first issue I saw - something nice about the tactile feel of paper when relzing and reading.
This was a great issue. The 2900 Northern is my favorite loco so that alone made it special issue. I guess I'll haveto breakdown and by my first brass O gauge - no one else seems interested in making a good 3-rail 2900. The review of the ZW-L was great. I was unaware of the capacitive shift in the meters to indicate A vs B, etc., as you touch the handles (one reason they are made of metal rather than plastic) and have to check that this weekend - I missed that on mine.
And two - count 'em - two, articles on layouts owned by persons with Ph.Ds in history (Hugh Earnhart, Mike Schriver). I looked for a sign in the photos that a background teaching history leads to more historical detail in a train layout, but frankly all I saw was incredible attention to detail, a lot of fun (and no doubt a lot of work), and a great love of toy trains!