Needed a couple switches. T and K has got an INCREDIBLE sale on the Atlas #5 and 7.5 turnouts!!
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Mark440 -
I have been buying from TK Train & Hobby for a couple of years and they have been great. Buildings, scenery items, cars, etc., and I just ordered one of the #5 Atlas turnouts ($53) for a planned expansion.
Thank You!
Thanks for the tip!
If you ever have a chance to visit them, by all means go for it. John and crew are great guys to deal with. They will even run the layout for you. It would be nice if they had more engines on display in the cases but they are limited on space for showing product. They are selling items cheaper than my LHS can buy them for! O don't forget that they custom build layouts also. Busy, busy ,busy! They are only 40 min. away,
Thanks for the heads up.
Does anyone know if two #7.5 switches can be joined to create a crossover with 4.5" track spacing? Would a fitter piece be required in the middle?
Yeap, thanks for the heads up!
Does anyone know if two #7.5 switches can be joined to create a crossover with 4.5" track spacing? Yes, as supplied out of the box.
Thanks, Tom. I have a right and a left, but will need two of the same To create the crossover.