The local Chevy dealer showing off his assortment of 55's...the Nomad gets the front spot...
@Capetrainman Paul some really beautiful cars and I think that the Nomads always stood out!
@coach joe Joe its good to be busy, maybe the price of things will start to go down and I can get something done for my new layout! LOL
Thanks, Mike...
The admin assistant at Morrison Door shows off her new '65 Impala SS 327 to the boss...
@Capetrainman posted:
Kind of make you wonder if that was a good move, maybe now the boss is thinking to himself that maybe he is paying an admin assistant. Might be awhile before her next raise! LOL
@Capetrainman posted:
You know Paul the folks in your town know how to run a business! They are all busy even this small gas station! That is my kind of town!
Mike, I can’t agree more about Paul’s town!
Thanks Mike and Mark...the gas station owner goes through "hi-test" like crazy in my town... Here's a pic a of the kick-off summer rally held across town at Bob's General Store...GM V-8's were the big hit on that early July evening...!
Great photo Paul, the guy on the Harley could have been me a couple of years ago! LOL
I believe Die-cast Direct had 1/50 fam tractors, but they were European brands. I haven't check there in a while so they may not have them any more.
You should try Tractor Supply near christmas!
Drivers waiting for the steamer to pass the North Main Street crossing over the weekend...close call from the guy hauling the Airstream, almost caught the tail end of the Olds Fiesta...
@coach joe posted:
Wow Joe, that is a great looking toll station.. Did you scratch build it? If so, you did a excellent job...
Tractors on sale now at
Great reliable honest dealer of vehicles
@Quarter Gauger 48, it's Plasticville, but I'm in the process of adding lights and maybe a better sign. I used rubber cement to hold it together so I may pull it apart to add glazing to the windows.
@Capetrainman posted:
I hate to say it Paul because you have such a wonderful town. But if I lived there, I would have to live outside of town with a train schedule so I would know when to come to town and not get stuck waiting on a train! LOL
Mike, there's always traffic in my town...especially on weekends...heavy fumes too from those big 8 Chevy, Ford, and Chrysler engines, but nobody seems to be concerned
Djer just made another sale this past weekend...a '65 Mustang convertible with a 283! It's customary that Djer gives a personal thank you to each customer leaving the lot with a fresh pizza from the local "pizza guy..."