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The service business is constant at Ethyl's service station...the '53 Studebaker Commander on the lift for an oil change and grease job, while the '56 Vette is next up for an undiagnosed engine issue...the Vette owner would not be happy to see the hood off, resting on the side of his prized

Gas Station 10


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  • Gas Station 10
Last edited by Capetrainman

Alan- sorry if my cybertruck model raised a controversy.

Modeling most cars in 3D requires multiple cross-sections or profiles to then "LOFT" into a car shape.

Obtaining precise profiles is the hard part. For typical cars it is difficult to do. So, I don't model cars!

However, the cybertruck has only a few simple profile sections that vary. Thus, it was fairly easy to create the shape for my 1/48 scale model.

Tree sales were brisk at Djer's lot last night...his motto for the holiday season is "sell trees not cars"...!  Having just traveled from another tree seller across town, Santa made a visit to kick-off the season at Djer's...  Rather than travel the short distance in his sleigh, he arrived in his red '65 Impala SS...!

Djer 8 Tree 24


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  • Djer 8 Tree 24
Last edited by Capetrainman

interim model painted

still has some flaws that have been corrected in a newer model.

cybertruck painted 3cybertruck painted 2cybertruck painted 1

Instead of inserting the glass(frosted clear resin)  as pieces one-by-one, I modeled an insertable-glass dome like the ones in typical plastic model cars. The dome fits up inside the model.

I used the top half of the lofted-curves that made the model to create the dome, then used the window curve cuts to create the exact glass shapes that were then attached to each other.cybertruck dome

cybertruck parts


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  • cybertruck painted 3
  • cybertruck painted 2
  • cybertruck painted 1
  • cybertruck dome
  • cybertruck parts

I think this qualifies as a vehicle. To borrow a phrase from John Candy in "Trains, Planes and Automobiles"" This isn't so bad, it will buff right out." This old model of a Chevy truck has been in several moves since I got it as a kid. It does fill a nice role as a piece of junk along side the track. I added some colors for engine paint and rust along with rotted decking in the bed.

chevy truck 2old chevy1


Images (2)
  • chevy truck 2
  • old chevy1
@Bill Park posted:

I think this qualifies as a vehicle. To borrow a phrase from John Candy in "Trains, Planes and Automobiles"" This isn't so bad, it will buff right out." This old model of a Chevy truck has been in several moves since I got it as a kid. It does fill a nice role as a piece of junk along side the track. I added some colors for engine paint and rust along with rotted decking in the bed.

Bill, very realistic for an abandoned vehicle in someone's yard or a junkyard scene...perfect...!

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