I have finished a rock face made from plaster castings over scuptamold. I have painted the rocks withe burnt and raw umber, yellow ocher and raw sienna. The wall was modeled from a rock face near my house along tracks. I plan to cover a lot of the ridges and gaps with clump foliage. I started the painting by spraying the whole wall with a light gray per one of the suggestions on this forum. I need to fill in the crevices and cracks with black, but the black wash I mixed 32 to 1 is too thin to adhere to the plaster as it runs down the gaps. I also have a problem with how to apply it. Most of my paint has been applied using washes by the Woodland scenic Leopard spot method. They have 2 videos demonstrating the technique, but each video applies the black differently. In one, the painting is over sprayed with scenic cement and the black is washed on after the cement dries. In the other video, the ocher, umber an sienna are applied followed immediately by the black with no coating applied prior to adding the black. My question is should I wash, spray, or brush on the black and should I mix a Heavier black than the 32 to 1? Also, I have not had a lot of success with scenic cement. I there a tackier adhesive for applying clump foliage on vertical surfaces?