I use isolated blocks to control my Atlas-Custom Signals signal system.
What are my options to control the "OS" between the signals of a crossover or single switch? This is a distance of about 1 1/2 feet or maybe a little more.
I am using Gragraves track, Ross switches, DZ1000 switch motors and DZ1008 relays. Most is double track.
I want the signal to turn red as soon as it passes the signal. As it is now, the train has to pass the signal and enter the block itself a foot and a half down the track before the signal will drop to red.
I have read about the Infared eyes that may work, thinking only one would be needed for each track as it would only detect when a train is going by the eye, it would be in the block by the time it clears the eye. In double track teritory, I would need an IR on each track.
Also just saw a reference to RF signal in a video, This seemed to have a trip when the train went by the signal and was held until the train cleared a dedecting post at the other end of the block. Not sure what they are talking about there! It may be more than I need. May be something used with Z Stuff signals.
If I used IR's , on double track are the adjustable so they only read, (see), cross one track at a time, maybe 2 inches?
Terry from Custom Sugnals has sent me information on how to rewire the switch that I have yet to try. Involves swaping the wires from the switch isolated rail with the outside grounded rail, I may get to try that in the near future.
Thanks, Dan
In the photos below, the train has a diverging clear to cross over.
In the second photo, the train has to move across three switches before reaching the detection block and drop the signal to red. The area between the opposing signals is the "OS", and that is the area I want to get to pick up a signal to set the signal to red.