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This write up is from the OGR topic on how I build the whole layout in the same detail as this.  Page 1, Post 1 has a Table of Contents at the end to allow finding any project.  The link is below to Page 1.

           Build Turntable with Pit for $10, any Size and any Where

The center piece of my 027, 50s style layout is the scratch built, inexpensive turntable with pit and a roundhouse. Yes, even the $10 turntable has a pit like the real TTs.  I am not fond of those unrealistic surface mounted TTs, like the Lionel and Atlas styled TTs, even those costing $300.  I designed this inexpensive TT with a Pit.  Designing and building the turntable was the most fun part of the whole train layout for me and well worth the time and effort as it provides much operation interest and fun.  The Turntable was built during the initial layout construction in 1977 in Kingston Jamaica.

The turntable can be built the same way I made this one for any size of TT table one needs and for any gauge of train track and any where on a layout.  It can be rotated by crank, pullies and belt like mine or rotated with an junk electric DC battery drill or screwdriver motor powered by a small, cheap DC HO transformer and located any where on a layout.  If your layout is already built, the turntable can be more easily built in a 2 or 3 ft or so, square module, in your work shop and then set into the layout.  The turntable can be detailed from 1950s 027 to any scale, depending on the builder desires.


Turntable Description and Construction Details

The first key feature of the TT is the turntable bridge and bottom pulley rotate on a 6 inch diameter (8" might be better for a larger TT) Lazy Susan metal turntable ball bearing unit,  Rotation is by a hand crank driving a pulley beneath the turntable,  The second key feature is the use of a spare or used clothes dryer drum belt.  The dryer belt connects the hand crank to the bottom pulley which is connected to the turntable bridge.

I purchased the 6 inch diameter lazy Susan turntable ball bearing unit, for about $5, at a hardware store.  I had a spare cloches dryer belt as I lived overseas and USA appliance parts are hard to get.  Fortunately, I never needed it for the dryer which was sold on leaving Jamaica. Track alignment is the realistic, "line it by eyeball" method and roundhouse whisker track selection is by a rotary switch.  A momentary push button switch is used to activate the selected RH track and the TT track.  A light in the TT shack comes on with the activation of the TT track and indicates power is on.  The turntable has a pit as that is more realistic and better looking than surface mounted TT in my view.  It would have been easier to surface mount a Lazy Susan bearing on the train table like the Lionel TT, but seeing one made a pit a must have.

Location of the control panel and the turntable, with hand crank, should be fairly close to each other for my layout for two reasons.  One is the use of a clothes dryer belt will require it to be close.  The other is it is helpful for the engineer to be close at hand to correct derailments and to see the turntable as eyesight is used to align the TT and with the tracks.

This homemade turntable can be belt driven with a hand crank like mine or can have an old battery driven screw driver as power and the TT can be located anywhere and made any size.  More details later in this post.

Picture of TT with TT crank (red knob) and Control Panel -  Picture shows the whisker track with crane car and caboose align with the TT and the off track

Train Lots 5-10-2016 272

On the picture above, the width (between left to right) is 32 inches. There are a few more inches meaning it could have been a little wider.

Depth ( top to bottom) is 42 inches.  For my 027 layout, the depth measurement is about the maximum I could have used.

Picture below of main control panel with track diagram with whisker track selector rotary switch (black knob with pointer) to select track for transfer of train from TT to whisker/roundhouse track.  The black push button momentary switch, below the rotary selector switch, controls power to the selected whisker track and the turntable track.

Train Complete 1-17-2015 152

Two pieces of 027 track or 17 5/8 inches was chosen for the turntable bridge length as space is limited.  17 5/8 inch diameter will handle all of my engines and coal tenders at the time I built it.  Two more inches of length would have been better and handle my later bought larger engines and coal tenders but space was at a premium.   I cut a  17 5/8 inch diameter circle in my  3/4 inch thick particle board train board using a portable, electric saber saw and used the ¾ inch thick, 17 5/8 inch diameter cutout as a pulley by gluing a rims of 1/8 inch Masonite around both edges as pulley flanges sticking out about ½ an inch.  

Most of the work on the TT was done with my train board section standing on edge, leaning against a wall.  To build a TT for an existing permanent layout on legs would require lots of work under the table and looking up.  In such a case one might want to build a two foot or so module to construct the TT and install as a unit.

A recessed ring around the turntable hole, about 1&1/2 inch deep, was installed on the bottom of the hole and a 1/2" plywood bottom was added.  A 3/8" hole was centered in both TT bottom and the pulley.   A 2"x 2" x 3/4 inch block was drilled in the center to take a 3/8 threaded hollow lamp rod.  The block and rod were mounted about 1 inch from the rods end and drilled for a 2 inch long finish nail.  The block was glued and screwed to the pulley in the center.

The 6" dia lazy Susan ball bearing (Ace or Home Depot for $5) was screwed to the top of the pulley.  Four 1 inch diameter holes were located and drilled through the pulley for the screws on the other flange of 6” lazy Susan bearing.  These holes allow the bearing to be screwed to the underside of the pit bottom.

The lazy Susan bearing will hold all the weight of the pulley and take the side thrust from the clothes dryer belt.  The 3/8” threaded hollow lamp rod allows thin, flexible twin wire to feed power to the TT bridge and to secure the bridge to the pulley beneath the TT pit.

The 3/8" dia. threaded hollow lamp rod was installed through the pulley and the rod was pinned block on the pulley with a nail.  The rod was measured to the length needed to go through the pulley, block, TT bottom and to the top of the TT bridge minus a ¼ inch, sawed off, and a hole drilled through the bridge to be able to pin the rod to the TT bridge to be built.

A pair of separated wires were run up through the 3/8" dia threaded hollow lamp rod and soldered to the outside and middle rail of the track that was put on the TT bridge.  The wires are separated (if they were zip wires) to insure there is no induction between the wires.  Some slack was left in the wire and a type of disconnect like a plug or spring clips ( I used two electrical connectors cut from old 9v batteries) was installed to allow removal of wire to unwind the wire if it gets twisted too much (I also try not to keep from turning the TT bridge in one direction too much!)

Picture of 17 5/8"dia. Pulley under Turntable with Clothes Dryer Belt and separated wires from TT Bridge.  The 6 " dia lazy Susan is between the TT bottom (with the black mark) and the 17 5/8" dia Pulley.  See one of the holes in the pulley (on the black line) to screw the lazy Susan bearing to the bottom of the pit.


A spare electric clothes dryer belt, that is about 3/8" wide and 1/8"thick and about 8 to 10 feet in total length (not diameter), is used to move the TT.  This is the size of most any make of clothes dryer.  The belt  is super strong, as after all it must apply power to 20 pounds plus of wet cloths in dryer drum, from the motor to the drum.  

I made a hand crank out of a 6" long 1/4" carriage bolt as the driving pulley with disk and knob held on to the disk with a Tee nut and locking nut as the crank.   Over sized Tee nuts were used for shaft sleeves for the shaft, top and bottom.  A small pulley was made for the shaft from a ¼ inch ID radio shaft coupling and two brass grommets soldered together to make a Vee to give more bite on the belt by the small shaft.  This Vee is necessary to keep the belt from slipping on the small diameter shaft of the crank and also make the diameter larger than the shaft.

Picture of Hand Crank Vee pulley made from radio tuner shaft coupling (seen with the set screws showing) and brass grommets.  Dryer belt is shown in red, around the Vee pulley.


A 2" dia. take up pulley assembly was made and a threaded rod used to move it to make and adjust the tension in the dryer belt. The threaded rod was installed on the 1"x6" edge of the train board near the control panel.  I installed a 3" dia. wooden pulley to make an "S" in the belt routing to allow belt tensioning.  A 2” dia. wooden pulley was used to make the belt stay about  ½ inch apart after coming of the ½ inch Vee pulley on the hand crank to insure good 180 degree contact with the Vee pulley.  Pulleys are made from 1/2 inch plywood with flanges of 1/8 inch Masonite having polyethylene next to wood from coffee can lids.

Picture of Belt Routing from the top - Belt length total is 8 to 10 ft not diameter on drawing.


Pictures of Wooden Pulleys and Belt - Tension adjuster on bottom belt with wood box with metal strap is on the right, the hand crank with Vee pulley is to the bottom of the picture.  The two pulleys force the belt to have maximum contact around the Vee pulley (180 degrees).  The slot at the bottom leads the belt to the hand crank with Vee pulley.  The wires are seen coming from the TT bridge rail.  The wires were paired and separated to insure there is no induction between the wires.



A turntable bridge was made out of wood and the bridge was pinned to the 3/8" dia threaded lamp rod with a finishing nail.  The 3/8” dia threaded lamp rod is anchored to the bottom of the 17 5/8“  pulley and on top of the TT bridge with two 3/8" dia lamp round thumb nuts.

Small wheels were used (ball bearings) for the ends of the Turntable Bridge to transfer the weight of the bridge and locomotive with coal tender to floor of the TT pit  (I used two pair of small ball bearings I had for wheels).

See picture of the TT silver colored ball bearing bridge wheels (note the Sharpie pen ties and rail on the floor of the TT pit ! )

Turntable Detalils 5-29-2016 2016-05-24 005

Wiring of the Turntable and Round House/Spur Tracks

Whisker tracks were added to store trains around the TT being careful of spacing between tracks.  The whisker tracks were wired to a Radio Shack rotary 10 position switch to select the track to be powered. The rotary 10 position switch takes less room than 10 individual switches and fits in the Track plan diagram control panel perfectly.  A momentary contact push button switch (with black push button) was installed on the control panel and wired in series to allow the selected track and turntable bridge track to only be powered when this switch is held down.

The turntable track and all the Round House/stall whisker tracks have common outside rails.  The center rails of the Round House/stall whisker tracks are each wired individually to a spot on the rotary selector switch on the control panel (see Picture below)  thus allowing only one stall whisker track to get power at a time.

Turntable Operation

Once the RH track is selected, pushing down the momentary Black push button switch on the control panel allows that whisker track and the TT track are wired for the Red lighted LW transformer on the right to control the engine to go from the inside loop, over the TT and into that elected stall.

I do not have a diagram.  All of the center rails of the whisker tracks and TT track are wired to the black push button switch.  The other terminal of the black push button switch is wired to the output of the Red lighted LW trans.  When the TT track and selected stall whisker track are activated by the momentary switch and power from the Red LW is applied, a light comes on in the little house on the TT to indicate power is on the TT.

The Red lighted LW Transformer always controls the whisker stall tracks, TT track and all of the inside loop on the main board.  It also is wired to all switches on the inside loop of the main board.

Video of Turntable in Operation (sometime the Video does not appear, if so click on the video at the bottom of the Attachments at the end of this post).

Picture Below:

See the RH track selector switch with black pointer knob:   Black push button switch that must be pushed for power to go to selected RH whisker track and turntable is below the black knob on track to TT.  Red and green buttons are for switches and blue are uncoupling track sections.  Black slide switches turn on and off the section of track they are on.  The Black slide switches show "White" on and "Black" off.  All tracks are blocked and controlled by a slide switch.  All rail switches are always hot or on.

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With the selector switches above. the Red lighted LW transformer can also control the outside loop of the main board as another selection or it can control the outside loop of main board and the new train board thus giving it control of every piece of track on the whole board.

Note on picture below, that one track aligns with the TT and the approach track.  This is the only whisker track that a wrecker caboose and crane car can be sent over the TT and be stored around the TT.  I made sure to leave this whisker track outside of my future Round house to be built and detailed later.

Picture of Whisker track that will allow work caboose and crane car to be stored

Turntable Detalils 5-29-2016 2016-05-24 009

This TT can be detailed to any extent or even scale quality and I detailed my TT for 027, 1950s style layout.

I added details like the lighted TT operator shack, ladders on the bridge to the pit made from cut up N gauge track ties (remove the rails and cut out with every other tie), a TT bridge central tower for overhead wire with ladder, pigeons and poop, and Sharpie penned in rail and ties in the TT pit.

TT bridge has 1/8 inch smooth Masonite deck, grooved with knife to look like wood planks and painted buff to look like wood.  Some sieved coarse sand was glued into the pit bottom.

Picture of Turntable with center mast and ladder, exposed ties, birds, and pit track

Turntable Detalils 5-29-2016 2016-05-24 010

A close up of TT power tower and pigeons, ladders were made from plastic ties from N gauge track with every other tie cut out with X-Acto knife or diagonal pliers


A TT control cable tower was made from wood and a TT operator shack were made later to add important detail to the TT Bridge.  Also note the wooden support beams for the TT decking and ladders.


Tootle train 5-26-2016 2016-05-24 008

This project takes time, planning and careful measurements to make it all work.  Care must be given to aligning and screwing down the tracks so derailments are few or at least blamed on the TT operator !

To summarize:

A great operating turntable, with a real pit, can be built for $10 and using only a hand held jig or saber saw, 1/4 inch electric drill and soldering gun

The turntable can be made for any gauge trains, any size or length of turntable, and located anywhere by automating TT rotation via battery DC junk electric drill or screwdriver mot:  all up to the builder.

The TT really did cost me less than $10 since I had a spare clothes dryer belt.  You could get a belt from a junked clothes dryer, as a used belt is plenty good for this.  The belt can be removed by taking out two screws on the bottom front and removing the front panel to expose the drum and belt.  Buy a new one for your current dryer and use the old one for the TT !

The turntable uses an inexpensive, easy to find Lazy Susan metal turntable ball bearing unit, to provide smooth and accurate rotation of the turntable.  I used a used clothes dryer belt to provide rotation of the turntable via a hand crank for my turntable and put my spare belt on the cloths dryer in Jamaica.

Remote or Power Operation of this Turn Table

If you do not want to place the TT close to the edge of your layout and be restricted by location due to the length of the clothes dryer belt, one can power the turntable with a used DC electric drill or DC screw driver motor.  Junked DC electric drills and screw drivers show up often at garage sales and thrifts for a couple of dollars, as it costs a lot to buy new batteries and is often cheaper to buy a new tool.  The drill motor can be powered with a small cheap HO DC transformer in both directions.  This would be easy to power the TT with a shorter belt and pulley on the drill and the the TT could be located anywhere on your layout.

The  TT has worked well since 1977 or almost 44 years and is very reliable.  It would not turn in 2015 and after investigation, the cause was a broken solder joint on one of the grommets on the Vee pulley.  The original was soldered with a 100 watt soldering gun (the only soldering tool I had) and it lasted 38 years.  I re-soldered the Vee grommet with a propane torch, with a soldering iron tip, that gets much hotter.

This write up is from the OGR topic on how I build the whole layout in the same detail as this.  Page 1, Post 1 has a Table of Contents at the end to allow finding any project.  The link is below to Page 1.



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  • Turntable details 9-2-2019 2019-09-01 005
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  • Tootle train 5-26-2016 2016-05-24 008
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Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie
Original Post

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Thanks for the reply.  As I wrote, the hole was cut in the ¾ inch thick train board using a portable, electric saber saw.  Such a saw will cut 3/4 inch very slowly and it was easy to cut exactly on the line.  The precision is getting the center hole in the bottom plate exactly in the center of the hole so the ends of the bridge will be equal distance all the way around the hole.


Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie

Say for a small turntable of 12" diameter hole, your bottom disc measures 11 15/16".  The side of the pit is made out of a continous strip of brass stock, as Bowser did.  Centering is almost self-determining, or good enough for us.  Now the previously mentioned supplier can make pieces this accurately.  And of course I have bought long brass strip stock from the non-ferrous scrapyard.


Thanks for the reply.  As I wrote, the hole was cut in the ¾ inch thick train board using a portable, electric saber saw.  Such a saw will cut 3/4 inch very slowly and it was easy to cut exactly on the line.  The precision is getting the center hole in the bottom plate exactly in the center of the hole so the ends of the bridge will be equal distance all the way around the hole.


If you draw some lines on the plywood that intersection in the middle of the turntable BEFORE you cut the hole, and if you make sure that the lines extend out farther than the radius of the turntable, then all you need to do is put some string along those lines after the hole is cut and where the string overlaps the now-cut hole is the center of the pit.

Cutting the holes is not a hard thing.  One just to make accurate measurements and follow the line with the saw.  Working with wood is very forgiving and a little glue and some wood scrapes will correct most errors.

Do not be over whelmed with this project.  It is fun and easily done by most anyone who can measure and use simple wood working tools.  Time to get going if you want turntable, any size, and any where on your layout.



Thanks for the comment.  Yes, it is a nice way to build a TT.  It also was an easy project once I figured out an simple  way use a lazy Susan bearing to support the bottom pulley (and a use for the TT pit cut out) and a cloths dryer belt for revolving the TT bridge.   It would have been fun to figure out how use a drill or screw driver motor to operate a TT located a greater distance from the control panel.

I would not have a TT if it cost me $300 or more dollars.  Plus it was a fun project to build.


Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie

Thank you Charlie for the instructions and inspiration!

You have shown that with a some work, it is possible to build your own good quality turntable, rather than buying a commercially built version.  I will "cheat" and buy a commercially built bridge, and plan to motorize it.  But even so, with a 28" turntable it should save me over $1000.

Last edited by MainLine Steam


Thanks for the comments and I am happy you found the TT write up useful.  I like your idea of buying the TT  bridge and building the rest.  The bridge is has more detail and attention grabbing and is harder to do a professional job on.  I felt the cost of a factory made TT's was way too high as the $10 TT job shows.  Keep us posted when you get parts rounded up and your TT building job starts.


Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie


Good question and I do not remember making or posting those measurements.  So here they are and thanks for asking that question and I will add the measurements to my write ups.

On the below picture, the width (between left to right) is 32 inches. There are a few more inches meaning it could have been a little wider.

Depth ( top to bottom) is 42 inches.  For my 027 layout, the depth measurement is about the maximum I could have used.  I could have added a couple more inches to the TT Bridge but would have had to make the whisker tracks shorter which may have cancelled making the TT longer.


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Images (1)
  • Details and Covered gondolas 11-26-2022 2022-11-26 017
Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie

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