Well, now comes the biggie:

My purchases from Cabin Fever on 8/14 arrived 8/23 after one day in transit PA-NYC, and boy it's a big box. I posed one of my NKP Berkshires atop it for size comparison -- it's 24" by 16" by 12" and weighs in at 24 pounds. Careful carry to a spot big enough to sit it down 
Within is 16 freight cars from the MTH auction, the most I've ever scored, and as of this writing, I have photographed all of them for this thread (and my collection inventory). Took two days to do it too. Some cars got more than one photo owing to one oddity or the other stemming from these being sell-offs from MTH's former warehouse. That being said, in order to avoid flooding the thread (and gobbling up all my spare time), I'll post these one lot at a time and give others a chance to post their stuff before adding additional entries.
Leading off is this two-piece case of 20-95234 Premier 60' TTX flatcars with ScaleTrax crossovers, released in June 2017

Above: TTX 93600, Below: TTX 93639

And the two of them together...

The coupler cut levers are user-installed accessories, since installing them significantly affects the minimum radius curve these cars can handle.

Ever wonder what these cars looked like from the backside? Well wonder no more. Also, the track section is held on with a twist tie.

Can you tell what is off about these boxes? I didn't notice this till I was packing the cars up after the photo session. If anyone else has cars like this, are your boxes the same? (I have some 60-footers carrying ScaleTrax switches, theirs don't exhibit this discrepancy).

14 more cars to go 
(Nav links redacted...Forum rule disallows crosslinking one's posts within a thread)
(Another one of those posts where half the pictures break every time I edit the post, forcing me to go back in, delete and re-add them)