First time ever in O-gauge...NATIONAL RAILWAYS OF MEXICO boxcar. All lettering is in both English and Spanish just like the prototype NdeM boxcars. At one time, these NdeM boxcars were interchanged with American RRs and could be found in all 48 states and Canada!
Check out the new RMT National Rwy. of Mexico boxcar (LIMITED EDITION) in recognition of a North American Railroad on this Cinco De Mayo Day which celebrates an important Mexican Military victory of years ago...
Photo shows actual production sample with 00000 white numbers - each car will have sequential numbering utilizing non-00000 numbering.
The date is observed to commemorate the Mexican Army's victory over the French Empire , on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza. The victory of the smaller Mexican force against a larger French force was a boost to morale for the Mexicans.
In the United States, Cinco de Mayo has taken on a significance beyond that in Mexico. More popularly celebrated in the United States than Mexico, the date has become associated with the celebration of Mexican-American culture. These celebrations began in California, where they have been observed annually since 1863. The day gained nationwide popularity in the 1980s thanks especially to advertising campaigns by beer and wine companies. Today, Cinco de Mayo generates beer sales on par with the Super Bowl.
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