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Have any of you tried cleaning the white plastic on any of your models?

I have a few spare parts/pieces of white walls and what not that have turned somewhat yellow from some old Plasticville kits.It is not the glue that came with some of the early cape cod homes. Its just yellowed somewhat from age.

Is there a solution to get the plastic back to white?

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Mark and others,

I don't know if this is going to help bring back the white coloring, but regular liquid dishwashing detergent is good for prolonging the plastic composition, of train and other plastic items.

Back in the mid. '70's, my partner and I responded to a factory where a worker had been overcome by fumes, in the work place, which, was prior to the formation of OSHA.

We responded along with an ambulance crew.  The ambulance crew medically treated the aided and we took the particulars for an aided report, as our dept. files these reports for statistics.

While, we were there, I noticed a large, long tub with greenish liquid and older plastic telephone casings, in the wash, being readied for reuse.

I asked a foreman what is being done to the casings and he told me about the detergent  

rehabilitating the plastic, so as the plastic can become supple again.

I asked him would it be good for plastic train bodies and he said yes.

BUT, I don't know about the newer plastics, as I have not used this technique, as of late!!!!!

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