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I have a new layout with 7 tracks with Radis from 036 to 084. I am looking for the best system to run my whole set at one time. Lights, 25 022 switches, accessories, and trains from post war to present day. I have about 50 different engines, half are post war, and the other are lion chief, and legacy.

Looking to control speed, stop and start at a location, limit speed on a given track line, look for clear track ahead, set a routs to change switches.  

I use 4 Lionel ZW 275 watt transformers with add overcurrent (P&B Thermal Circuit Breaker 12A 32VDC 250VAC P/N W28-XQ1A-20 )for fast tripping speed to protect the electronics on the newer trains.

I am trying to make it so my adult handy capped children can run it after I start it.

Thank You


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I wonder if this is a job for JMRI?

I immediately figured DCS or Legacy would suffice but I don't know that they can limit speed and check for clear tracks ahead. Legacy does have accessories that can record a sequence and play it back I think.

But it sounds like you're looking for logic paths and stuff and I think that's the domain of JMRI. Maybe somebody else can comment on that?

One problem I see is that some of his trains are conventional...they would have to have some type of controller installed.  Legacy does have some great abilities to record sequences.  My concern is that the recorded sequences for each consist may not mesh well, so John may need to limit the number of trains being run at the same time.  A lot of what John has mentioned is on my "this is what I want to do" list.  However, my model railroading time is becoming increasingly limited.

I've gotten some flack for my on screen controller (see attached), but it can be resized and it's fairly obvious in its usage.  The resize feature is definitely helpful to the eyes as well as control.  I think some of those concepts are needed for those with disabilities.  Even I have trouble with the MTH controller.

I'd be eager to see what solution, if any, John is able to implement.



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I contacted Scaled Automation and there replied "John:

The controls for this would be complicated.
The biggest challenge I see is limiting speed on certain sections of track, looking for clear track ahead, and route selection.
These features are what I am including in my locomotive and layout controllers. so it is possible.
Having said that, it would require modifying the locomotives and making modifications to the track.
Have you thought about the control interface (operator controls)?
If you would like me to pursue this further I will need pictures of your layout and more information on your locomotives.
Best regards
Jonathan Fant
Scaled Automation"
I then contacted Lionel Collectors Club of America and they replied.

"In your first email you mentioned that you were using ZW transformers. For TMCC, these would normally be at full throttle. By not raising them to full throttle you can limit the top speed. Your question about a computer controlled speed is more of a project rather than a question. There is no simple answer. You are asking for a layout on which you can set up routes, control speed, check for clear track ahead and after setting it up have it run with little operator input. I know of no computer program that will do what you are asking about. That doesn't mean it's not possible, but it would be a major project to accomplish all that you are hoping to do. I'm afraid it is simply beyond anything that I can help with over email.

I suggest you draw a plan of your layout and seek out a professional to determine how best to accomplish what you want.

Sorry we can't be of more help.

Bill Schmeelk
Lionel Collectors Club of America"


I admire your aspirations.

In the real world (1:1 scale) what you're asking takes a great deal of what is generically called "infrastructure", a significant amount of software for user interface and control, and a great deal of detailed testing to make sure it works correctly before making it operational.  It's important that it function correctly to be safe to the trains being controlled, the people on them, and those on the ground that the trains will encounter.

You would think that doing it on a small scale would be much simpler than in 1:1, but it's actually no different, especially for the user interface and control software, and only slightly simpler for your small-world infrastructure.  The thing about making a small-scale world that mimics reality is that the control you seek is just as complex as in the real world -- in fact the software and user interfaces needed for your layout could easily be transported up to 1:1 scale afterward.  This is often done in developing complex solutions to real-world problems.

One consequence of so many kids having and playing with toy trains back in the day is that a large number of them became technical professionals who in their careers aspired to solve these kinds of challenges, starting with what they learned with those trains -- myself included.

My feeling is that what your asking is still too much for present-day model railroad enthusiasts and suppliers to handle, at least currently.  Yet, we're all  are on track (no pun intended) to make it happen, sooner or later.  Continue to ask questions and contribute.  One day, relatively soon I think, you will be pleasantly surprised to see it actually occur.

Flying people to the moon and back was, and remains to this day, the most complex control task ever accomplished.  Unlike many situations where the general public cites its success as proof that we should be able solve whatever problem they have, your request in this context is more appropriate than you may realize.

Stay tuned.  This forum is the perfect place to be.


As has been mentioned, one main stumbling block is your inventory of old and new locomotives and command systems. There just aren't any off-the-shelf computer automation systems I can think of for three-rail O gauge.

However, the level of automation you seek is regularly done with Marklin command systems and trains, for example. The ESU ECos system supports automation as well. JMRI has been mentioned and there's also iTrain, RocRail and TrainController. These are all software packages that can provide a high level of automation, but they work with DCC (Digital Command Control) and engines with decoders inside, not post-war Lionel. Also, in order to get what you want, you might have to invest a significant amount of time programming and configuring the software. And you'd need new locomotives, the command systems, the software, detection hardware and so on. But this would be less expensive than custom software to automate your current inventory. Maybe start small with two ovals, three trains and a passing siding, or something like that.

If you want to set something up fairly quickly so the children (even if adult-sized) can watch the trains run, then take a look at another system. There are support forums on and for all of this stuff. There are a number of automation examples on YouTube as well.

@J M W posted:

I have a new layout with 7 tracks with Radis from 036 to 084. I am looking for the best system to run my whole set at one time. Lights, 25 022 switches, accessories, and trains from post war to present day. I have about 50 different engines, half are post war, and the other are lion chief, and legacy.

How exactly are you 7 tracks arranged?  Perhaps you could meet in the middle by having postwar only loops and command only loops. That might solve the mixing problem between the two types of locomotives. Then you can start looking at your options for logic controls or take advantage of Legacys ability to record actions.

What I mean to ask is, do you have a track diagram that we can see?

I had two other thoughts:

- The most popular scale for DCC trains is HO. You might find this scale too small. The engines and cars are wonderfully detailed, but best viewed at eye level. I find the figures and people to be tiny. However, the large scale (G gauge) trains also run on DCC and are very entertaining and robust. They are as expensive as new O gauge locomotives, which is to say, pretty expensive. Many folks run these trains outside because they're big, but I run mine inside in a 10 x 16 room. Lots of impact, lots of noise!

- With Lionel Legacy locomotives, you can use the Sensor Tracks to program stopping and starting at stations, blowing the whistle, etc. You could use signals tripped by infrared sensors. They wouldn't actually do anything, but the lights would flash and change as the trains rolled by. With this option, you could do away with most (maybe all) computer control yet still have a high degree of automation and still use some of your current rolling stock and track. Check out Lionel LCS (

Last edited by trrentschler

- With Lionel Legacy locomotives, you can use the Sensor Tracks to program stopping and starting at stations, blowing the whistle, etc. You could use signals tripped by infrared sensors. They wouldn't actually do anything, but the lights would flash and change as the trains rolled by. With this option, you could do away with most (maybe all) computer control yet still have a high degree of automation and still use some of your current rolling stock and track. Check out Lionel LCS (

I didn't think of it till I read this but you could look into the use of infrared sensors with an Arduino to flip blocks on and off for your postwar trains. It would be a pretty big undertaking but I've seen IR sensors used for this kind of logic in scratch built coal tipple operations. They sense the car passing through and won't let the tipping begin unless it sees the right sequence of spaces.

Yes, it could be done! There are a couple of Kindle books on model railroad automation with Arduino. Not exactly "plug and play" but not that hard either if you know a little programming. I think you could find the electronics in Arduino books and magazines. I subscribe to the "arduini" group on which is all about using Arduino on model railroads.

Thank You

I am looking into Lionel LCS and a company called Train Brain (TB by CTI) to complement it. TB has a lot of different sensors to tell speed, location, and control of the train and the track loop. The TB system would take a lot of sensors to do the things I require. You have to write code to work this system and this is something I have not done. Challenges or adventure - yet to be seen.


I'm working on something similar to this, that will eventually be open source.  But like has been said earlier, this is a tall, tall order that needs a lot of "infrastructure".  I'd like to eventually get to fully automated layout control, but I'm starting with the building blocks.

I started by replacing all the electronics inside one of my engines.  On an early-2000s conventional loco, stripped out the e-unit, sound board, and lighting.  I'm replacing them with my own microcontrollers, lighting, soundboard, adding a smoke unit, etc.  I'm a professional software engineer and an amateur electrical engineer, but it is a LOT of work.

You can see a video of an early prototype running here:  

I've miniaturized most of the components since then.  For example, here's the current best prototype of the sound unit:

It's based on an ESP8266 chip, which is basically like an Arduino with Wifi capability added.

Fun projects!


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@jwetzel1492 - Those look like the same breadboards I'm using and, like you, I have connector wires everywhere.  I'm starting with a bare bones Williams Rock Island GP-7.  While I'm using RF for switches, etc..., I'm trying to stick with PLC for engine communication.  It is an incredible amount of work with most time being devoted to the software side.  I'm still in  the process of developing and testing my SMB communications module.  (I'm also at a stand-still with my reflow oven.)  It feels like a never ending battle some days, which does take the fun out of it.  On a good note, however, I've nearly finished designing my layout interface controller.


JMW:  I too am a software developer (business applications) and amateur EE.  I have a 30x50 layout and i have already built the infrastructure to support block occupancy in support of the Customs Signals devices (photo).  I have also used some Arduino software on dog bone loops to register which direction the train is traveling so I can properly switch the turnout at the entrance/exit of the loop and its connected custom signals.   My dream is to run multiple trains on my layout with intelligent stopping and starting.  Any way I can help just let me know.


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Not as tough as it looks.  it is all very repetitive and most of the wiring was done flat on the bench.   Plus I had one of my techs come and help me with the wiring under the table.  we ran cat5 cabling to every Atlas switch which included an isolated piece of track on each side of the turnouts.  All of the cat5 terminated in the telephone style 66 blocks on the boards.  That and the 150 silver satin home runs to the signals were the only thing that had to be done off the work bench.  Its just like developing a big application; one small step at a time.

@jwetzel1492 posted:

AWells:  Yes, I made my own "tachometer" with a hall-effect sensor and 4 tiny magnets attached to an axle.  From there, I implemented a PID controller to try to match "measured wheel rpms" up to "desired wheel rpms".  Speed control, basically.

I like the TI series of hall-effect sensors.  However, for the motors, I was going to use a homemade optical rotary encoder (60 "detents") and slip it over the fly wheel. A

@jwetzel1492 posted:

@Flyboy62: how do you detect block occupancy?  That's a nut I haven't cracked yet.

I have one of my outside tracks isolated from signal (18 VAC) ground at all times.  Each track block, as long or short, is tied back to my 66 block as what Custom Signals calls a detect line.  when a train occupies the block the detect line goes to ground and we know we have occupancy.  In some cases I have multiple blocks (4)  spread around a dog bone.  I use all 4 as inputs to an Arduino and by keeping track of the time that each block goes low and then high again I can determine train direction within the loop.  this too can be done a straight section with just two isolated tracks.  when both are low you make a decision about which one went low first and you know direction.

as you might see from my pictures I use the Atlas 6924 switch controller on every switch (45).  Because it sends a short controlled pulse to the switch, I have never burned up a switch motor even though I run the voltage high to get a quick positive snap to the switch changing.  Also the Atlas board talks to the Custom Signals boards via 1 wire.  This makes the interface very easy and as I mentioned it was all assembled on the bench before installation which also made it easy to work on.

@jwetzel1492 posted:

@A. Wells: In that video, I was using an L298N motor driver.  However, it's large, inefficient, and generates a lot of heat.  (It is inexpensive though!)  I have since switched to using an Adafruit DRV8871.  It's more expensive, but it's tiny and doesn't generate excess heat.

I standardized on the L6205 long ago.  It's rated for more current than is needed for model trains and there is a lower power version available, but like I indicated, I decided to stick with one Dual Full Bridge IC for projects.  The Power-SSOP version is designed to dissipate heat via a large thermal pad on the bottom of the IC and it does just that.  Given what it does, I find it worth the price.

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