Is anyone having trouble with cars coming uncoupled in the Standard 0-gauge line of Lionel products? Right now about 50 percent, or more, of my cars come uncoupled, and with trying to keep 4 trains or more running at a time is a nightmare because if have to constantly monitor them with my finger on the main stop button when I have cars coming uncoupled. I have watched some of the bigger You Tube track owners talk about their Lionel train car coming uncoupled and that they will take care of that by gluing the couplers shut. There has to be a better fix than this. I like to play trains, with bi-directional running and train meets and passing sidings. This makes train running more realistic and fun but I cannot do it with cars coming uncoupled. Right now this has seriously demoralized my fun in running my trains. I also have 7-1/2 inch live steam trains and you are not allowed to keep your cars on the track if you couples act like these Lionel train couplers.
I have studied the cars and I think the problem is the coupler armature under the coupler, more specifically, the pin that reaches up to hold the knuckle closed. I am not about to start driving out the pins on the knuckles on these cars to check that the knuckle has a deep enough pocket for the pin to hold the coupler knuckle shut until the electromagnet pulls the armature down to pull the pin out of the knuckle pocket.
Please help!