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9F834F2B-15EA-484A-A8DE-1C8C5BDDEBEEBA871758-3992-4503-9073-EE0CBCCF2E6CFE820E9E-8CF0-4268-8E36-D01633D05106C1B0F382-3FDA-41DB-95BE-2033F813DC53E9D463E5-9286-4C12-844C-B926C7EA96F1this is the start of our latest project, we’ll be custom painting these passenger cars and this Berk. I’ll walk you through step by step on how I do a reapaint. I’ll explain the process, the materials and how I apply them....then we’ll let the finished products speak for themselves, with plenty of close ups, and “how to” along the way. I’ll be taking you in the booth with me, so you guys and gals can see how I prep, mask, and paint....The question on painting pops up every now and then, so hopefully someone might can pick up a trick or two from me....I know I’ve picked up plenty of tricks from this forum.....first step, is careful dismantling. All parts are being removed from the surface we are going to paint on. Window glazings, grab irons, brake wheels, etc...all get removed. This adds a level of detail that the factory gave us to begin with. All parts are carefully bagged, and marked for the corresponding car they go to...On the next update, I’ll show you how I remove the lettering, and prep the shell for it’s new color.............Pat


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So here we go...after complete dismantling, the gold lettering is carefully rubbed off with lacquer thinner. I’ll let the cars sit for a little bit and let the lacquer thinner gas out. The cars are then simply abated with fine grey scotchbrite. Then it’s time for a bath in warm soapy water to remove dust, dirts and oils from my fingers. Thoroughly dry, I’ll wipe down with alcohol as a final prep. 41400E6B-DD08-4AB0-B860-1D30511CC931


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And for the fun part, top coating. .....again, sticking with the DuPont products. What we are spraying is a single stage urethane with a flattening agent in it....we’re in our top coat window, so no further abatement is’s simple point and shoot from here out...I will mention that I do play a little mad scientist with my reducer, to get the spay out thin as can be but still achieve good color hold out. After a good bit of curing, it will be time for reverse masking, and final colors. I’m not worried about over spray on the roof, this will be reverse masked, scuffed properly and shot a satin black...same deal for our second color...more updates will be soon!.............PatB1963D6F-E1EF-4B65-8BF9-032819D74F14779136DB-6539-4645-B122-C08BF48043ADC2D9CD35-AF20-4953-AE47-207A65590B5D0ACEC757-1331-4E10-B9B0-D9F30CD501B0


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