Originally Posted by LORDtryzAlot:
I just bought 2 of the psx 1ac for my layout and all though it not a large layout I still think its big enough for 2 though? The layout measure's 28x16 with a 3x16 yard currently being added. I have 2 modern zw's with a total of 8 power house's running it for a combined total of 1440 watts. I can run 5 trains at once but usually only run 2 unless I have friends over then we run more. I run my lights and accessory off 2 1033 and 1 kw it sounds like a lot but it doesnt look like it is. Since I run command control engines only I'm going to wire these psx into 6 blocks 1 block for each main line = 3 blocks, 1 block for my roundhouse area, 1 block for my inner yard and 1 block for the new yard. So my thought in wiring in blocks is to be able to control where the power is being used at that moment such as if I'm not using the yards or roundhouse area I can turn those blocks off and all the power will go to whatever trains are being ran at that given time. I will almost always run a long passenger trains with 12-20 heavyweights in tow, a a-b-b-a streamliner with 15 lightweights and a doubleheaded steam train with 30-40 fish belly hoppers so as you can imagine that 1440 watts go quick with the passenger trains alone. I guess I'm really asking is 2 psx will be sufficient with what I have.
My layout is similar in overall dimensions, but the track plan is such that I run only 3 trains at once, with the possibility of going to 4 trains if I carefully control speeds to avoid having one train run into the tail end of another. I have two power sources for the track (each power source is a TPC 300 in front of a commercial transformer) and one power source for accessories/lighting. I installed two PSX-ACs, one for each track power source, since the track is where I get "shorts" due to derailments. I left the accessory power source with just a fast-blow fuse since I rarely see a "short" on the accessory/lighting side.
But my power sources are smaller than yours -- only 300 watts for the TPC 300 vs. 720 watts on each of your ZWs. If you read the PSX-AC manual, its trip level can be set for up to 15.4 amps. With my TPC 300s, I'm not likely to end up over 15 amps in normal operation, so I'm good. But with your 720 watt ZW, you could easily go over 15.4 amps with multiple big trains, and that would trip the PSX-AC even though everything is normal. Do you have an ammeter to see how many peak amps you are using?
I have blocks as well in my setup. I've got smaller blocks, with a total of 23 blocks so that I can turn individual yard tracks on and off. I put my PSX-ACs close to the power source, with TMCC Block Power Controllers (BPCs) after the PSX-AC. In the past I've blown a trace inside a BPC due to a short, but with this arrangement the PSX-AC will protect my BPCs from a track short as well as solving the track "welding" problem on a derailment.
So bottom line -- 2 PSX-ACs lines up well with your two ZWs for track power, but only if you are using a single output from each ZW, and that output is staying under 15.4 amps. If you are using multiple outputs from a single ZW, then you will probably need a separate PSX-AC for each output. And if you are typically going over 15.4 amps on a single output, then you will need to figure out how to divide the load so you don't have more than 15.4 amps going through a PSX-AC. One such approach might be to associate a PSX-AC with each block (perhaps combining the yard blocks if you don't typically pull a lot of power in the yards), assuming that each block wouldn't pull more than 15.4 amps.