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@Richizzle07 posted:

Today marks my one year anniversary with OGR! It’s been a great year and I’m so thankful for all the wonderful information, awesome sponsors, and the extraordinarily talented and generous members this forum provides! There’s no better place! One year down with many more to follow. Thank You Everyone and Thank You OGR! 8366DC81-DAA4-4B5D-9355-7C5EB2521D1A

Congratulations Rich.

Now we can look forward to more of your contributions  .

Congratulations Rich.

Now we can look forward to more of your contributions  .

Thanks Joe! I pop into random threads every once in awhile but I’m usually on this forum daily reading and clicking Like. I post a lot on this thread about my build/purchases along with the Buy Anything Cool Lately thread. That thread helps me justify my purchases LoL.

@Steamfan77 posted:

Congratulations Rich! Time does go by fast. This forum is a great place to exchange ideas, and enjoy top notch modeling.


Thanks Andy! I couldn’t agree more! Time has flown by this past year. Attended my first train show which has led to many shows in just one year. It’s been a great year getting myself back into the hobby. I’m looking forward to learning so much more from everyone on the forum.

Last edited by Richizzle07


Last week I won these two items from eBay and they arrived yesterday. First up is another pole auger truck but this one is a Freightliner compared to the International I got the other week. AD7DBD0E-A754-42B2-8952-3BBAA3AA4016

The second item I won from the same seller is a Hershey Transit Company trolley. This will go great with my small collection of Hershey items. 80D1A7AD-623C-4E92-8AF8-26FE75DD33E0

I tend to try to make bundle buys on eBay so that the shipping fees are lower. I will ask the seller first if they offer combined shipping.


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  • 80D1A7AD-623C-4E92-8AF8-26FE75DD33E0


Nothing like receiving a FedEx package unexpectedly early on a Sunday! So just like a few of the recent sets I purchased, this set has also been on my list for quite some time. Introducing my new TCA Bicentennial Special passenger set. This set is in incredible condition and it honestly looks like it’s never been run other than the test run prior to purchase. The plaque and everything is there along with the original box being in great shape too. This came from the same gentleman selling me the Menards collection. I’m beyond pleased with this purchase! Thanks again Dean!672A824E-93DF-44AF-A701-A970A893753E6726EEDE-EFEE-4C79-9924-7718D4EF463E


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Last edited by Richizzle07


The outcome was well worth it!! I have finished painting the train room along with one of the closets. As I previously stated, I went with the color Vast Sky instead of Sky Blue. There was quite a bit of moving furniture and it was crammed in there. I can happily say, I still don’t like painting. LoL. Here’s a few photos from the ordeal along with the outcome. 87215EBE-BC2F-4990-8287-AA2E0130CD0A459670E6-89A1-46B3-9604-5D31073B11E550413119-9EE0-4617-BC86-E2D9B7CF8E37E402DF40-1930-4C96-8106-8F9220D286A759FFBEE0-8590-4FBB-802F-546111879C2699FC0ED7-E728-42B9-948A-12C4D761058981228760-987E-4444-A418-FCB873C4FCD9928EF29A-F9A4-4C46-A9B8-9F6C25272D8E

The background red color on the dresser is really standing out like a sore thumb. So let’s pause one project just to add another. I pulled all the staples on the back of the backdrop and decided to paint it Vast Blue too. Had some minor scraping of red paint on the shelves. I’m beyond pleased with this quick outcome. 3CBAC21E-DCEF-4064-AB95-765F8B85E0B591FAD136-E748-4CEC-A23F-4789AB516CB3FD51B73B-0C72-4F59-8B2C-40B3C8EFFB855E7CE8DC-0259-4172-9CD4-829E13F35785BE46242F-979E-4947-B311-15FD58BB2D3C9B20FD2C-C317-45A7-9E43-9670C1365E1E342FB163-1322-4D97-8CCB-D1DE63996A1EE5CE0CCC-7754-4512-B15B-86BE47B7D9F3

With the side project finished on the dresser and all the furniture moved back, it’s time to tackle the last closet. I started with removing the door since it won’t be needed. Why won’t it be needed? Well I’ve decided that the railroad is going to incorporate this closet too. There’s so much more room for activities!! LoL. 42A22497-400E-42A5-A043-E4E033E543FBF4815DC5-14F9-4B74-9DB9-DE285BCE021A31BD44B4-B119-489A-9F42-DA97B59096B3CBD9D952-AA67-4735-841E-545FF6E10FD3

Now the speed bump that slowed the progress, Chalky walls! What a mess!!! 0123C0BD-45A9-4C54-81D8-1F73FB1C3570317422BA-A323-49A4-B692-CA9F9E00887C

After a thorough wash the old paint liquified and came off resulting in numerous milky washes. Once again, what a mess!! The ceiling and walls are currently prepped and waiting to be painted. I need more white paint for the ceiling so I’m on hold for now. I still hate painting. LoL.


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  • 87215EBE-BC2F-4990-8287-AA2E0130CD0A
  • 459670E6-89A1-46B3-9604-5D31073B11E5
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  • E402DF40-1930-4C96-8106-8F9220D286A7
  • 59FFBEE0-8590-4FBB-802F-546111879C26
  • 99FC0ED7-E728-42B9-948A-12C4D7610589
  • 81228760-987E-4444-A418-FCB873C4FCD9
  • 928EF29A-F9A4-4C46-A9B8-9F6C25272D8E
  • 3CBAC21E-DCEF-4064-AB95-765F8B85E0B5
  • 91FAD136-E748-4CEC-A23F-4789AB516CB3
  • FD51B73B-0C72-4F59-8B2C-40B3C8EFFB85
  • 5E7CE8DC-0259-4172-9CD4-829E13F35785
  • BE46242F-979E-4947-B311-15FD58BB2D3C
  • 9B20FD2C-C317-45A7-9E43-9670C1365E1E
  • 342FB163-1322-4D97-8CCB-D1DE63996A1E
  • E5CE0CCC-7754-4512-B15B-86BE47B7D9F3
  • 42A22497-400E-42A5-A043-E4E033E543FB
  • F4815DC5-14F9-4B74-9DB9-DE285BCE021A
  • 31BD44B4-B119-489A-9F42-DA97B59096B3
  • CBD9D952-AA67-4735-841E-545FF6E10FD3
  • 0123C0BD-45A9-4C54-81D8-1F73FB1C3570
  • 317422BA-A323-49A4-B692-CA9F9E00887C
@Richizzle07 posted:


Now the speed bump that slowed the progress, Chalky walls! What a mess!!!

After a thorough wash the old paint liquified and came off resulting in numerous milky washes. Once again, what a mess!! The ceiling and walls are currently prepped and waiting to be painted. I need more white paint for the ceiling so I’m on hold for now. I still hate painting. LoL.

Is this a fairly old house? You probably have calcimine on the wall - a mix of lime/chalk and some sort of binder.  Could be an issue later on causing the topcoat to start peeling. If you got most of it off with the washing should be ok.  See

Thank you @Mark Boyce and @Steamfan77. I’m very happy with the outcome! It’s getting me even more motivated with the rebuild.

@Farmall-Joe posted:

Is this a fairly old house? You probably have calcimine on the wall - a mix of lime/chalk and some sort of binder.  Could be an issue later on causing the topcoat to start peeling. If you got most of it off with the washing should be ok.  See

@Farmall-Joe yes it’s an older house from back in the coal mining days. Great article and thanks for sharing. I’ll grab some oil based primer. I did 5 complete washes and after reading 2-4 is normal, I feel a little better about how much time this little closet is consuming.

@Mark Boyce posted:

Rich, the blue paint looks great!  I was reminded of painting my train room blue after our older daughter married and moved out.  You can see before and after on page 1 and 2 of my Blackwater Canyon Line topic.  I had to cover up what I called Barbie Pink!  My wife called it Pepto-Bismal Pink.  😄

A lot of people get queasy with the sight of that color that your wife desribed Mark.

@Richizzle07 posted:


The painting of the train room walls and both closet walls is complete! This is a huge relief because I’ve been holding back on finishing the benchwork. Here’s the outcome of the Vast Sky paint color upgrade. I’m extremely happy with the results!4AFCE959-1CB2-49AB-BEB2-3077260FF085EA8E216D-7808-4EE6-9D3F-A559A0E6BDFC

Nice color choice Rich.

Whenever I've chosen a grayish blue ( or blueish grey ) for a sky color I've been extremely happy with the scene that I design .


I noticed that I never took individual photos of my new rolling stock that I purchased from Menards back in late December. So here they are! I was able to complete the candy cars collection which is where my original fascination of Menards started. I also purchased a Tide covered hopper only to purchase another a day later in a variety dealer pack. 7E9FB707-7BE9-4212-8840-0549322E4B32B0AAD42D-FCB0-4CBD-8E51-BF9751054AA60DED41D9-3E49-4306-A985-687D70E98DB7511F0851-2FF8-43FF-8E1B-85CDC963DE593B310215-0B1A-4A2F-965A-98EFC55C866D

Here’s photos of the 6 car dealer pack. 99DFC408-E397-4FA7-BA61-0BC47DDE3290C1F363A5-E160-4A72-AFA9-1873E54A6FE7A08187E5-56BB-4DCF-A447-779CDD7F8670DADDDAA5-CB40-4B49-BE6A-03DC5B11A33DAD8EB14D-9D69-4366-B9E8-803B90A616545CD6AB42-0640-4064-975B-830240D755E9

Last up is a 4 car dealer pack. CB14DF50-284C-4B64-A42C-C63644244D4744ED02CB-499A-4466-B4EE-DE670804DF1044A6C9A3-ED1F-4749-ABD1-F5AE9CC5CFAD85EB6B4F-5352-4FE0-8BDF-DAEAF69C76CE


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  • 7E9FB707-7BE9-4212-8840-0549322E4B32
  • B0AAD42D-FCB0-4CBD-8E51-BF9751054AA6
  • 0DED41D9-3E49-4306-A985-687D70E98DB7
  • 511F0851-2FF8-43FF-8E1B-85CDC963DE59
  • 3B310215-0B1A-4A2F-965A-98EFC55C866D
  • 99DFC408-E397-4FA7-BA61-0BC47DDE3290
  • C1F363A5-E160-4A72-AFA9-1873E54A6FE7
  • A08187E5-56BB-4DCF-A447-779CDD7F8670
  • DADDDAA5-CB40-4B49-BE6A-03DC5B11A33D
  • AD8EB14D-9D69-4366-B9E8-803B90A61654
  • 5CD6AB42-0640-4064-975B-830240D755E9
  • CB14DF50-284C-4B64-A42C-C63644244D47
  • 44ED02CB-499A-4466-B4EE-DE670804DF10
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  • 85EB6B4F-5352-4FE0-8BDF-DAEAF69C76CE
@Steamfan77 posted:

Rich, the color looks great. I’m sure you’re glad to be done with that. Now on to other matters.

Nice haul. You must have quite a collection at this point. Impressive.


Thanks Andy! I’m definitely glad since it’s been holding me back from really progressing any further with the benchwork. Thanks for the compliments on the haul and about my collection. There’s a bunch of stuff currently in FedEx’s hands and on its way so stay tuned! LoL


One finished painting project deserves another ...

A suggestion: paint the ceiling a night sky blue and then install strings of blinking Christmas lights across the ceiling for a "Planetarium look" of a night sky. Orient some always-on lights to mimic the Big Dipper and Polaris as a subtle treat for astronomy-oriented visitors or Star Trekker kids.

Just saying ...
Mike Mottler   LCCA 12394


One finished painting project deserves another ...

A suggestion: paint the ceiling a night sky blue and then install strings of blinking Christmas lights across the ceiling for a "Planetarium look" of a night sky. Orient some always-on lights to mimic the Big Dipper and Polaris as a subtle treat for astronomy-oriented visitors or Star Trekker kids.

Just saying ...
Mike Mottler   LCCA 12394

That would definitely be interesting looking but my current skill set would have it looking like a nest of wires. LoL. There’s an incredible layout in the OGR videos that has a magnificent nighttime lighting system. This is an idea I’ll have to plan whenever I do another layout or if I rebuild this one in the future.


It’s looking like Armed Forces week with my orders this week!

I just received a package of 11 more Menards cars from the gentleman I’m purchasing the Menards collection from. Here’s photos from this shipment. A6D18C8B-0D79-45F7-B200-5C5EAFAE703F352F67D5-1DCB-48CF-8125-A4F20657241A3FB19695-C95B-4AE8-875F-AF55B84C81137C47B841-45A3-4EC4-9A63-1C54BDA452FC7F4B71C0-AB5C-4B3A-92DC-600B738B73388BC1C4BE-1AE9-4728-9017-D83F69CC8B133C97C16E-4095-4F81-8826-F34719EA25751A3B1347-41ED-43D3-B18C-BF77402C5B5149730EB3-99DF-4D33-A452-05CD2628DDFD03AB6CFC-9CCC-426A-B441-E37C196F1A5184C345F9-F5D1-43FB-8609-EBDB76B33F1D

Here’s an overall photo of this order. B07A48ED-B854-4AF4-BEF3-4A6E21551ED5

There’s another package already shipped from him along with a Menards order from the store that’s on its way.


Images (12)
  • A6D18C8B-0D79-45F7-B200-5C5EAFAE703F
  • 352F67D5-1DCB-48CF-8125-A4F20657241A
  • 3FB19695-C95B-4AE8-875F-AF55B84C8113
  • 7C47B841-45A3-4EC4-9A63-1C54BDA452FC
  • 7F4B71C0-AB5C-4B3A-92DC-600B738B7338
  • 8BC1C4BE-1AE9-4728-9017-D83F69CC8B13
  • 3C97C16E-4095-4F81-8826-F34719EA2575
  • 1A3B1347-41ED-43D3-B18C-BF77402C5B51
  • 49730EB3-99DF-4D33-A452-05CD2628DDFD
  • 03AB6CFC-9CCC-426A-B441-E37C196F1A51
  • 84C345F9-F5D1-43FB-8609-EBDB76B33F1D
  • B07A48ED-B854-4AF4-BEF3-4A6E21551ED5
Last edited by Richizzle07


Continuing with what looks like my Armed Forces week, I received another package of 10 Menards cars from the gentleman I’m buying the collection from. Two of the cars are regular road names. Here’s the individual photos. 5FDCCA28-8A32-4375-904B-628856C37D1D2BB24193-5C63-4263-8BF9-0F3C65E607530BAD1081-8BAF-4A67-9374-44EBD65A6898AA56C29E-79A8-4C21-B60B-FD1E7112FE5A9C00B17A-9E6F-442B-AB4D-51EA14977F9B63AF1CCB-79E5-4761-B6C8-2D6043E5676DD7F0CC12-944E-4C0B-85B8-E031F3B371152F96BE4B-FAC4-4046-BF3A-7ED9ED8B5EBFB7D89DDF-5E18-4457-AEC3-C65311A5C6B841D723AC-A795-4490-A5D7-C13863935646

Here’s an overall photo of this shipment. My railroad is starting to look well protected LoL! I’m pleased yet again with everything!37A6DBC1-D7BD-46A9-8FCB-09B69ACD40B1

FedEx will be here today with my order from the Menards store so stay tuned!


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  • 5FDCCA28-8A32-4375-904B-628856C37D1D
  • 2BB24193-5C63-4263-8BF9-0F3C65E60753
  • 0BAD1081-8BAF-4A67-9374-44EBD65A6898
  • AA56C29E-79A8-4C21-B60B-FD1E7112FE5A
  • 9C00B17A-9E6F-442B-AB4D-51EA14977F9B
  • 63AF1CCB-79E5-4761-B6C8-2D6043E5676D
  • D7F0CC12-944E-4C0B-85B8-E031F3B37115
  • 2F96BE4B-FAC4-4046-BF3A-7ED9ED8B5EBF
  • B7D89DDF-5E18-4457-AEC3-C65311A5C6B8
  • 41D723AC-A795-4490-A5D7-C13863935646
  • 37A6DBC1-D7BD-46A9-8FCB-09B69ACD40B1


My Armed Forces week continues with the Menards order I received yesterday.

I grabbed the 4 piece Commemorative Military boxcar dealer pack, a pack of 2 PRR Ore cars, a PRR weathered graffiti boxcar, the Patriot Lighting building since it was low inventory and my FOMO was activated LoL, and a Railway Express Agency flat with REA panel truck since I was receiving 5 FREE lighted REA pickup trucks with the deal Menards was having. Well so I thought. Only issue is I didn’t receive the REA trucks as listed and instead received 5 lighted pickup trucks in blue which sorta defeated the REA flatcar. Trucks are still nice so I guess I’ll be buying a REA lighted truck in the future to fulfill my initial intentions. Here’s the individual photos of my purchases. A194F135-79E6-4D29-9D1A-57D9953EC3B71525B73E-6AF0-46D2-A5B1-01B18E94AB6C3F568D90-F67A-4535-B3AE-5386F00AE1D8E48B5386-E914-4D31-B1E4-C4A5CBA23EFFF3DB82E6-5A62-41AC-9749-DE49241D1C2DCE980E3E-1F4B-4DE1-9EF1-16BF2B5C20CD9EEF324A-AF6B-4796-8450-03F4E5DB5041E8E4633A-59E1-4C4C-8490-7C337BAC77C35286BDC6-1F3D-470F-9113-40597DCD18CC

Here’s an overall photo of my order from Menards. 45F74973-880F-4E13-9A1C-C23FFA2F7388


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  • A194F135-79E6-4D29-9D1A-57D9953EC3B7
  • 1525B73E-6AF0-46D2-A5B1-01B18E94AB6C
  • 3F568D90-F67A-4535-B3AE-5386F00AE1D8
  • E48B5386-E914-4D31-B1E4-C4A5CBA23EFF
  • F3DB82E6-5A62-41AC-9749-DE49241D1C2D
  • CE980E3E-1F4B-4DE1-9EF1-16BF2B5C20CD
  • 9EEF324A-AF6B-4796-8450-03F4E5DB5041
  • E8E4633A-59E1-4C4C-8490-7C337BAC77C3
  • 5286BDC6-1F3D-470F-9113-40597DCD18CC
  • 45F74973-880F-4E13-9A1C-C23FFA2F7388
@Richizzle07 posted:


The painting of the train room walls and both closet walls is complete! . Here’s the outcome of the Vast Sky paint color upgrade.

@Richizzle07 posted:

I just realized that I need a name for my railroad. How have some of you picked your Railroad names? Any suggestions feel free to chime in!

Kind of hard to figure a name without a near finished layout or a good indication of your plan for the layout Rich                                               But how about something like   ' THE VAST SKY CANYON RAILWAY ' ? 

Kind of hard to figure a name without a near finished layout or a good indication of your plan for the layout Rich                                               But how about something like   ' THE VAST SKY CANYON RAILWAY ' ? 

That sounds like a good name but I don’t think it’ll fit with what I’m going for. It’s going to have 3 different levels so several mountains are going to be present. Each side will have an extension built into the closets. The top level will be a snow scene, middle level will be more of a farm scene and country buildings, and the bottom level is where the town scene will be. I’ll add that I’m using a decent amount of PRR items. Like you said, it’s still early on.

It’s just a random post since I noticed I needed a railroad name. I have plenty of time still to bounce a couple names around in my head.

@Steamfan77 posted:

Rich nice purchases. As far as a name how about the Mountain View RR?


@PRRick posted:

If you want mountains how about work ling with what you've got geographically, Blue Mountain Railway for example.

These are both great suggestions! I’ve been looking at it from a much more complex view and I’m drawing a blank. I like the more simple approach everyone is suggesting. I think once the benchwork is complete, a name will hopefully hit me. Thanks for the ideas!


After receiving my last order from Menards that arrived without the freebie REA plug in pickup truck, I put out a request for an even trade with the replacement blue pickup truck I received instead.
Well my request was answered on Facebook by an extremely nice gentleman out of Columbus Ohio. He offered to send me the REA pickup truck for FREE if I paid shipping. I said sure not a problem. Two days later he sends me the tracking number and said he covered the shipping charges for me. I was shocked and beyond grateful! It’s amazing how many nice people I’ve come across in this hobby! Thank you again David for everything! It’s truly greatly appreciated! 46B6C320-8ABC-4562-A54E-DA184ED42CEFEC1A961C-1A56-4A41-A32F-9656F141C160


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  • 46B6C320-8ABC-4562-A54E-DA184ED42CEF
  • EC1A961C-1A56-4A41-A32F-9656F141C160
@Richizzle07 posted:

LoL I’m going to get you there again eventually! In the meantime, what’s your thoughts on the 1953 blue ford pickup truck a few posts up? Is that something you be interested in having on your layout?

I like the blue truck, though I thought it looks too light blue to be authentic for a ‘53 truck.  I looked up original colors.  Ford didn’t offer that color, but Chevy did on their trucks.  That works for me on my layout.  

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