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Mike is correct regarding the screws.  There are also the four small screws on the back of the cab which hold the lockout and smoke switches.  These are a bear to get back on.  I assume you want to remove the cab/body assembly from the frame?  You also must detach the black brace wires attaching the body to the frame in the front of the engine.  You also must detach the gold hose on each side that runs from the body to the frame.  Be very careful with the front screw.  Notice how the black wires wrap around the frame - you want these back the same way when you re-assemble.  Even after you have done this, the body will be difficult to remove.  You will have to wiggle it to get it past the motor and wiring that is concealed in the body.  Take your time and you will get it off.  Are you going to re-paint the cab and/or body?  Keep in mind that the cab is attached to the body with a rivet which is very hard to remove if you would want to handle the cab separately from the body.  Good luck.



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