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Originally posted by CJ Meyers:
0-18V AC programmable accessory output?

Yeah the CW-80s (revised version) If you hold down the Direction, Whistle and Bell Buttons, you can custom set the output voltage on the accessory terminal to anything between 0-18 VAC with the handle.

So I need a filter capacitor and a rectifier to make this work on AC?
The absolute maximum reverse voltage of most LED's range from 5 to 7 volts. I suggest that not using DC on them will most certainly shorten their life, sometimes to minutes or hours! I had some failing regularly in one locomotive until I realized that I had the proper resistor, but no diode!

Don't run LED's on AC, a major factor in choosing LED's is you should never have to replace them. That's not true on AC.
Flashing LEDs require DC to flash. Using anything but DC will reset
the timing circuit inside the LED before it times out so the LED
will not flash. A rectifier and a filter capacitor are required.
Using just a rectifier will reset the flashing circuit so the
capacitor is required.
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