Does anyone know who manufactures a cast double track tunnel portal? I need four of them for my layout and can’t seem to find any. I don’t want the foam ones.
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MTH part # 40-9015 $19.95 each. I have several and I like them.
Scenic Express sells a "Pennsy" Double-Track Cut-Block Portal and also an "extra wide" version. These are made of light-weight urethane foam. I don't understand why you don't want a "foam one." I have a single-track version on my layout (see photo) and it is satisfactory to me. MTH also makes plastic portals. Just trying to help.
MTH has double tunnel portals with a brickface to them.
Korber used to make cast stone ones. Im not sure if the new owners still do but you can attempt to search them on da Bay.
Every once and awhile I see the K-line double track cast tunnel portals for sale on ebay. My 2 cents.
MELGAR posted:Scenic Express sells a "Pennsy" Double-Track Cut-Block Portal and also an "extra wide" version. These are made of light-weight urethane foam. I don't understand why you don't want a "foam one." I have a single-track version on my layout (see photo) and it is satisfactory to me. MTH also makes plastic portals. Just trying to help.
Thanks for taking the time to reply and send the photo. That certainly looks very nice on your layout! I’m going to order 1 of their double track extra wide versions and see what it looks like before I decide.
Mark Zeigler posted:Every once and awhile I see the K-line double track cast tunnel portals for sale on ebay. My 2 cents.
Thanks for the reply! I saw the k-line version on eBay some time ago however, I’m unable to find them now. If they were available that’s certainly the way I would go.
Here are some photos of the K line double portal which are cast resin. I don't recall the measurements but they seem to be wider than the MTH. I use both MTH and K line double portals on my layout. As mentioned earlier in this thread, K line can be had on e bay. I also see them often at train shows.
This is not a double, but you can make any size you want, for free, like I did. Styrofoam and a Tippi hot wire knife. I've also made a real nice viaduct with white Styrofoam from packaging, That type of Styrofoam provides a rougher rock-type look.