There are different versions of the 153IR See previous articles. The input A/U can be reversed also. reversing whether the NO/NC are ground U or power A.
Your hook up note looks good to me. If you want detailed info, keep reading.
I hope I explain this correctly, best advice. An AC voltmeter would be good to test how the 153 IR switches and output connections work.
Since it is hooked up to run the O22 formarly from what I read, make sure that is now working.
A quick test if re-connecting. Hook the 153IR to auxilliary power in the A/U inputs and set to use auxilliary power. The O22 should only need 1 wire from the correct Left or Right switch motor connection to get the switch to activate from straight to curved. Before hooking it up to the 153IR, have the switch straight and ground the wire on outer rail. It should switch to curved. When you know witch post it is and working as expected, connect the wire to 153IR NO connection. Test by triggering the IR. If it works good. If not switch the A/U input. Test again. It should be working. When working NO and NC connections are providing ground, outer rail connections. Now hook up the dwarf.
To get the dwarf signal to work, the two wires for the color bulbs go into NC and NO contacts grounding to turn on/off when switched. 2 wires. switch and light, can go in the NO connection as needed. The third wire for the signal is center rail power. Or wire it to the 153IR ACC power output next to the NC/NO connections Test. If no bulbs power up and hooked up to the 153IR for power , switch to power wire to the 153IR ACC ground output and test again. If an older metal body dwarf signal, be careful to electrically isolate it, since when done the body could be center rail power, depending on the design.
I don't know if the IR153 body is grounded to the internal board, but I would keep it electrically isolated also. Don't let it touch the outer rail.