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The email address in your profile is verified, but you are using two different email addresses here.

Your PUBLIC address (the one that members can see) is pappy at The private email address in your profile is an address at This could be the problem.

Another problem could be that the cookie stored in your browser to confirm this has become corrupted.

I would fix the email issue first - make the addresses the same. If that doesn't fix it, clear your cache and cookies, then log in here again. I suspect that will fix it.

Thank you!  I have cleared the cookies on the browsers I have used to sign in.  The reason I have listed two e-mail addresses is because I have recorded the address as the one I have for O-Gauge Rail-Roading magazine. I prefer to use the pappy at address for the forum.  Do you suggest that I change the e-mail address for the O-Gauge Rail-Roading sign in or leave things the way they are?


Last edited by Rich Melvin

Did the clearing of the cache and cookies fix the issue? If so, no need to change any addresses.

I also edited your post to remove the actual email addresses from the text. You should never post a properly formatted email address in open text anywhere on the net. That's a sure-fire way to get on all kinds of spammer lists. They "harvest" forums like this just looking for email addresses.

Last edited by Rich Melvin

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