Curious as to the subject asking about filler on plastic in Filler for plastic shell | O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum ( as I am asking the same question about metal shells.
I can never seem to get a uniform finish where I have done modifications to metal shells.
I always fill the area with plastic in order to use as little putty as possible to prevent shrinkage. I use automotive spot putty to finish.
See the picture of a Lionel Mogul I removed the steam turret on and filled. Plastic plug, putty ,sand, paint the filled area , then feather the paint using a piece of well worn 1000 grit paper - wet (most sands off). Feels good to the touch, but the paint always shows different. This is over a factory finish.
I'm not using an air brush yet as I need to learn, but using existing stock of Scalecoat 1 (metal). as you can see the non modified areas come out well, but the other areas show.
Don't have as much problem on plastic and I didn't use a primer as I had a factory coat for and underlay.
Gray Lackey