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Well today's passengers are lucky, they are riding in comfortable coaches and vista domes enjoying the view, while the weather outside is cool, cloudy, and raining (at least in central Texas).

In the first photo, the Lionel #2328 Burlington GP7 from 1955-1956 pulls a short streamlined passenger train out of the yard to take the main.

Burlington Pass train

A 1/2 world away (in my imagination) a double headed Southern Railway 0-4-0 tank engine leads short train of LMS coaches away from the depot and towards its destination in the UK. These 2 Hornby former clockwork engines have been refitted with Marx 4 wheel drive systems to convert them to electric power.  They work remarkably well and the little 4 wheel Marx motor is reliable, easy to find, and inexpensive.  By mostly total chance, it also happens to fit nearly perfectly in the Hornby tank engine shell.

Hornby - Marx Engines double headed pass

Best wishes F.E.F. fans.



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  • Burlington Pass train
  • Hornby - Marx Engines double headed pass

Wow, I just realized I missed about a month of FeF!! Great stuff everyone, and Happy Friday!

Xmas is just around the corner, so out with the Polar Express! Happy Holidays!

Looks like the giant Christmas tree popped up again overnight in Paradise! Happens every year around this time! And the SP 1760 Mogul is waiting for the PE to move on down the track to move some freight off the siding to the mainline for pickup. Jeb waving to you all from 1760, Happy Friday!


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Well, so I’m late, we just had several Tornadoes come our way, and Praise the Lord, we were spared. We live 1/2 mile away from the Burger King that is no more, and many other structures were demolished, and 6 deaths, so, keep our area in your prayers…. Here’s my offering for today, @Mike g. Mike , I love BNSF to, so one day I will have a BNSF lash up…. Beautiful fronts everyone, and @Don McErlean, your old is a goodie…Happy Railroading Everyone (By the way, Mike, I saw where Farmerjohn invited you to see our layouts, we will be in driving distance….Sorry your moving, but you will love this part of the country)  Happy Railroading Everyone IMG_0341IMG_0340IMG_0343IMG_0402IMG_0401


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@leapinlarry posted:

Well, so I’m late, we just had several Tornadoes come our way, and Praise the Lord, we were spared. We live 1/2 mile away from the Burger King that is no more, and many other structures were demolished, and 6 deaths, so, keep our area in your prayers…. Here’s my offering for today, @Mike g. Mike , I love BNSF to, so one day I will have a BNSF lash up…. Beautiful fronts everyone, and @Don McErlean, your old is a goodie…Happy Railroading Everyone (By the way, Mike, I saw where Farmerjohn invited you to see our layouts, we will be in driving distance….Sorry your moving, but you will love this part of the country)  Happy Railroading Everyone IMG_0341IMG_0340IMG_0343IMG_0402IMG_0401

Great photos Larry I really cant wait to see it in person! You and everyone in your area are in our prayers!

Hello Front End Friday Fans...I know its just Thursday night, but I travel tomorrow so I thought I would post early so as not to miss a F.E.F.  In the Hornby line of trains, the "bottom end" or in Lionel speak the "O-27" line was labeled "M0" and it was in effect "0-18" or 18" diameter (9" radius).  These trains were 0 gauge but of a smaller scale than the regular line of either British Hornby or French Hornby.  In both countries they came with their own entire line of accessories and rolling stock including both freight and passenger wagons as well as stations, tunnels, road and passenger crossings and all manor of track like switches and cross overs.  In the British line, the M0 was initiated in 1930 and in the French Hornby line in 1933 so you can see they are "children of the depression".  Below are examples of both.

In the British Hornby line, the M0 line, began in 1930 and the engine below is of that vintage.  It came without cylinders or drive rods and was available in either red or green livery.  Red with tender number 6100 and Green with tender number 4472.  All these engines are clockwork.  In 1935 , this engine was fitted with both cylinders and drive rods.  These continued more or less unchanged after the war until 1954 when the M0 was replaced by the Type 20 locomotive and wagons.

Hornby M0 - loco frontHornby M0 - locomotive & tender

Meanwhile, on the other side of the channel, French Hornby was producing what they called, "The Train Express", initiated in 1933, always in green livery with tenders that were numbered 3615.  Smoke deflectors were added in early post war versions but cylinders and drive rods did not come until 1949.  At some point the track was also changed from a 9" radius to a 1 ft radius or 2ft diameter much closer to Lionel's 0-27 and it was made much heavier for durability and resistance to bending.

French Hornby MO set - loco2

Pictured below is one of the French Hornby sets which included a full circle of curved track and two straights.  A very similar set but with two passenger coaches was also available.

French Hornby MO set- set in box

Despite their very "toy like" appearance, these M series trains were very popular.  They undercut the price point of the regular series Hornby lines (both British and French) by a considerable margin, were simple to operate, colorful, and had lots of play value.  They had a full line of freight wagons and accessories so provided a lot of value for the price.

Best Wishes and Happy F.E.F. to all and a very Merry Christmas



Images (4)
  • Hornby M0 - loco front
  • Hornby M0 - locomotive & tender
  • French Hornby MO set - loco2
  • French Hornby MO set- set in box

Happy Front End Friday everyone! I'm running some big steam on the layout this week. Starting with my beloved Legacy Lionmaster T1 Duplex.


Also the BIGGEST locomotive in my collection, the titanic Q2 4-4-6-4.


Here's the video of the titans thundering on my layout.

And here's a little Mack diesel with a billboard reminding us all to be home for the holidays. Merry Christmas to all!



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Front End Friday Switching Power on the Polar Express at the Paradise, CA passenger station.

In route to the North Pole via Paradise, CA, the Polar Express Berkshire 1225 experiences some driver issues and will need some serious, and time consuming, maintenance. The Polar Express needs some fresh and reliable power on the front end, so U.P. offers up Big Boy #4006 to the rescue. U.P. tossed some fancy Polar Express banners on the sides of #4006 tender, and it's ready to pull!

Happy Front End Friday and Happy Holidays to all!

Apologies for the kitchen background noise, the wife is whipping up a special cake for dessert tonight! I'm all in!

Last edited by WesternPacific2217

For the last Front End Friday of 2023, I'm running some Hiawatha Road. For starters, I have my MTH Lionel Corp 250e on the outer mainline. This engine required some extensive modification to make it track worthy (which I did a whole writeup on a year ago), but has been a very reliable runner ever since.


I also have my big articulated Bipolar on the inner mainline. This was a York acquisition about 6 years ago, and although some of my friends have dubbed it my "ugliest engine", I always have fun running it.


Here's the video. Happy Front End Friday AND Happy New Year to all!


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For the last Front End Friday of 2023, I'm running some Hiawatha Road. For starters, I have my MTH Lionel Corp 250e on the outer mainline. This engine required some extensive modification to make it track worthy (which I did a whole writeup on a year ago), but has been a very reliable runner ever since.


I also have my big articulated Bipolar on the inner mainline. This was a York acquisition about 6 years ago, and although some of my friends have dubbed it my "ugliest engine", I always have fun running it.


Here's the video. Happy Front End Friday AND Happy New Year to all!

Nice Ken, I love the Bi-Polar. I have one as well.

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