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@PAUL ROMANO posted:

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                     Seldom photographed NYS&W GP18 #1804 at Little Ferry, NJ- frigid Feb.85'.

                                                                             MY PHOTO

Love it; perhaps my favorite diesel paint scheme. 

Had the Life Like N scale version; unfortunately, at one point I bought an MRC power pack that must have had some sort of "glitch", as it heated up the 18s motor to the degree that the sides melted slightly and got distorted... 

Mark in Oregon

Well another week goes by and its F.E.F again.  Great pictures guys, thanks for posting.  My contribution this week is a favorite of mine the mighty Marx 333 pulling her consist of NYC cars on the high speed line.  Steam is fading on the Leonardtown and Savannah since its 1944 but the war is still dragging on, so Steam still handles a lot of L&S passenger traffic as our diesel budget goes to switchers that can work the Port of Savannah loading convoys for the boys overseas.  So here is the L&S mid day express to Atlanta , still in the hands of steam.  With this mighty engine we will easily be in Atlanta in time for a nice dinner.  Old Joe, our senior engineer (40 year man) often bids this job because he can shop for his wife before the return tomorrow.  As he says, old 333 is "running like a Singer sewing machine!".

Marx 333 leavng station

Have a Nice Weekend everyone!



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  • Marx 333 leavng station

Happy F.E.F everyone.  Before I post my weekly contribution, I wanted to share a short story that revolves around a train like Rich Wienmann's Lionel Std Gauge #8.  Quite a few years ago, My brother, who is an accomplished guitar player revealed that he had a Lionel #8 freight set acquired from one of our uncles in the 50's.  It turns out I had a nice acoustic guitar acquired during a short lived 6th grade attraction to rock and roll (it was 1955) that I could not play...A marriage made in heaven!  I now have and run the wonderful #8 and he enjoys the guitar.

OK now what about F.E.F...well today, its a scene from the Leonardtown and Savannah during the late war years while the interurban was still providing service to the port of Savannah.  Much appreciated then (although soon forgotten after the war) during the days of gas rationing and heavy passenger need to get to the port for war work .  We see interurban car 2015  passing through the intersection of main street in Small Town just outside center city. 

Trolley Car front

Happy F.E,F fellows, have a great weekend.




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  • Trolley Car front

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                         NYS&W EMD F45 #3636 at Hawthorne, NJ at 12:20PM Sunday Feb.18, 1996. 

                                     #3636 was the last EMD F45 operating East of the Mississippi.

                                                                               MY PHOTO


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