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I would be in for a Yellow Kid with an E2a.   And a correct North Coast Limited  domeliner  then I could sell off my UP kline domes instead of painting them NP been really close to tearing them down and Pinesol strip tank. got a batch of NP  to paint and 7 PRR Pullmans and some UP and some ..... be glad when it cools down and I can get some time, until then amass detail parts is ongoing

Originally Posted by BigJohn&theWork:

So Jtrain's suggestion of the two sets would work for everyone and then you would just have to have a "seperate sale" sleeper available with the correct lighted drumhead for the combined train. Then those just getting Set B for the combined train would not be stuck with an observation they don't want.


And regarding these cars:

Set B

Only the Dome car had skirting in the first GGD run (the GGD "Palm" sleepers had skirting and the GGD "Regal" sleepers did not).  So, Set B could be put together using the existing tooling with all de-skirted cars, except the Dome car, which I believe kept its skirting on the prototype.  Separate sale additional sleepers would be a great idea too but the combined train will need the Dome, Diner, and Lounge (a Dorm/Lounge, actually) cars.
Last edited by Jtrain

If another full SC does happen I would prefer it not be identical to the first run. Instead, specifically, in place of the ACF cars,





RPO and



Make Pullman,





and Budd



RPO and



This was considered the first time around but it was more difficult to find good reference information.

'37 Super Chief ADD-ON UPGRADE "ROOF VENT KITS"!! with correct color match and diagrams for each car where to install correctly!! As you know none of these cars as delivered by GGD had a single vent installed :C  The only corrected set I have been aware of was done by "Dreyfus Hudson" back when they came out.


Originally Posted by RWDeano:

'37 Super Chief ADD-ON UPGRADE "ROOF VENT KITS"!! with correct color match and diagrams for each car where to install correctly!! As you know none of these cars as delivered by GGD had a single vent installed :C  The only corrected set I have been aware of was done by "Dreyfus Hudson" back when they came out.


That will not happen, I am sad to say.  There are other issues with those cars.  The ESE and 37 'SC cars were done as a follow-on to K-Line cars using as much K-line tooling as possible. At the time it was believed there was no market for scale passenger cars.


The chance that there is any market for a new set of '37 cars to current standards is nil, but I still lobby for a set of '38 SC/Chief cars which to my mind have a much broader appeal.

I do like that idea - the E2a is on my list, and if anybody ever does brass wood-side Pullmans like the Yellow Kid or Sunset Limited, I will be sorely tempted.


My list has gotten considerably shorter - a die cast Bi-Polar, a sand- cast Erie-Built, and maybe a couple of wood-sided Pullmans with arch window transoms, and my collection is complete!

I'd like to make a pitch for GGD to make lightweight passenger cars based on C&O cars delivered in 1950. These were Pullman Standard cars much like the B&O cars GGD made some years ago and the N&W cars being made now. The chief differences being the cars had fluting only below the windows and the window arrangements/interiors were different. Unfortunately these were only ordered by the C&O and the NKP which the C&O controlled at that time. However, due to ordering far too many cars they wound up on a lot of roads. Here's a coach:





 Some of the cars and the roads they appeared on:

  • 52 seat coach, PS plan 7600 - C&O, NKP, D&RGW, SAL, C&NW, Amtrak, D&RGW, ACL, SCL
  • 10-6 sleeper, PS plan4167 - C&O, NKP,  B&O, ACL, IC, D&RGW, N&W, Amtrak, VIA, NdeM
  • 11 DBR sleeper, PS plan 4168 - C&O, SCL, Amtrak, Auto-Train
  • 5DBR-Buffet-Obsevation (flat end), PS plan 4165 -C&O, B&O, Amtrak. NKP had a similar car but built to plan 4169.
  • Lunch counter-Buffet-Lounge, PS plan 7596 - C&O, D&RGW, Amtrak
  • Twin unit Kitchen/Diner, PS plans 7607 & 7605 - C&O, IC, NYC, SCL, B&O, Amtrak

The coaches and 10-6 sleepers were easily the most common. Making up 4 cars sets with at least these two cars in C&O, NKP, and D&RGW would be good. Perhaps make a few of the other type cars.





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  • cohs-28544
Last edited by kanawha
Originally Posted by kanawha:

I'd like to make a pitch for GGD to make lightweight passenger cars based on C&O cars delivered in 1950. These were Pullman Standard cars much like the B&O cars GGD made some years ago and the N&W cars being made now. The chief differences being the cars had fluting only below the windows and the window arrangements/interiors were different. Unfortunately these were only ordered by the C&O and the NKP which the C&O controlled at that time. However, due to ordering far too many cars they wound up on a lot of roads. Here's a coach:








I attempted to send you an e-mail that I believe you would find of interest but was rejected by your server.

Originally Posted by rheil:
Originally Posted by bob2:

Now that is the real solution - buy the GGD cars, sand the upper flutes off, repaint, and you are home free.

Or, add Evergreen fluting to the bottom of a smooth side GGD car.

Naughty boys! 


Expecting folks to bash and modify cars......



The SAL car photos I've seen looks like all they did was paint from the windows up to the roof gray and the roof black, leaving the fluted sides the stainless color.  Not sure if they re-arranged the interior.
Originally Posted by kanawha:



 Some of the cars and the roads they appeared on:

  • 52 seat coach, PS plan 7600 - C&O, NKP, D&RGW, SAL, C&NW, Amtrak, D&RGW, ACL, SCL
Originally Posted by Norm:

I see that there are some new Little People coming to market according to the GGD site.  How about some Little People made up as GIs?

Some could be passengers and some made up as guards to ride on a military train.


An interesting suggestion. I wonder how our Chinese friends would decorate such Little People, i.e. U.S. Army WWII uniforms, or Chinese uniforms? 

So Bob - how did your sun-lounge cut by OK work out?  


That's the secret to these odd-ball cars - modify an extrusion.  I am so delighted by the variety of passenger cars now available, and the quality per dollar is just stunning.


I think if I had room I would have even more passenger cars - as it is, if I bring one more home, I get to live at the airport.

Originally Posted by bob2:

So Bob - how did your sun-lounge cut by OK work out?  


That's the secret to these odd-ball cars - modify an extrusion.  I am so delighted by the variety of passenger cars now available, and the quality per dollar is just stunning.


I think if I had room I would have even more passenger cars - as it is, if I bring one more home, I get to live at the airport.



So-so, good for a hacker like myself but it won't win any contests


Here's a few photos:









I need to look at the doors being offered by Delta Models and I forgot that Martin B had offered up some resin end castings so I need to contact him.


I removed all those flutes using a variety of tools, could have used a milling machine for sure.  A couple of gouges here and there but it's better than nothing at all, not sure if I'd want to do another.  On second thought...I AM sure I don't want to do another .


The trucks are K-Line/Lionel, the only thing from OK was the aluminum shell; ends,doors, and floor were scratchbuilt, as well as the interior.


The vestibule bulkheads are glued in place inside the shell, with screws holding the floor in place from underneath.  The other end is a snug-fit, also held in by screws thru the floor.  I can remove the screws and the end, then slide the interior out to work on it.


Seems like I've made a few changes to the ends since these photos were taken, I'll have to check.


I don't know how reliable those AC units were in these cars, but I hope they worked well.  All that glass reminds me of an AMC Pacer, got the "Greenhouse" effect going on!


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I think if I had room I would have even more passenger cars - as it is, if I bring one more home, I get to live at the airport.

They are addicting! So addicting that I've sworn off (almost) passenger equipment for any railroad other than Pennsy, along with associated motive power. Got PRR passenger stock coming out of my ears.

Full disclosure- I have the scale Reading Crusader set and will shortly be getting the B&O Cincinnatian set to accompany my P7d (both Sunset/3rd Rail/GGD)

And, as to bob2's lament, when bride finds out how much I/we are sinking into the Cincinnatian set I'm going to be in deepest trouble...

Bob congratulations on the Silver Meteor. 


As we both remember I began my pursuit of a Silver Meteor as far back as March 2010. 


My concomitant pursuit of PRR e2b, e3b and e2c electrics is still on hold.  On another post, Rheil held out hope for this time.  I contacted Scott Mann and not to be.


At this stage of my life I must consider other options to obtain these electrics. Does anyone have any options?


I am sporadically between illness trying to build a 6 & 4 car Metroliner over 2/3rds done and a NH Colonial 10 cars with 4 tag end SAL & RFP cars on the end.  With my health improving and cooler weather I may actually get something done. 


My layout has been in suspension for many months after two separate disasters. 


I pounded dowels into the platform for the catenary poles and dislodged all the ballast I had previously carefully glued in place.  AAGH!!!


I spent many hours placing and cross wiring the electronics for the Custom Signals. Terry told me the only way for it to work due to the complexity was to control it with a computer.  All was wasted and I have boards with markings, screw holes and wire holes. 


Despite all I am beginning to feel somewhat better and slowly beginning again. 


I am still here





Sorry to hear of your illness and glad you're turning the corner.


I know what you mean about "disasters", I recently replaced 3 054 corners with 072 and had to pull up track and scenery to do it.  A lot of time and energy down the tubes but it improved the overall layout.


I've sent emails (with diagrams and attachments I sent to Bob Heil) to Paul Faulk, Larry Goolsby, and Warren Calloway so they could keep up with what is going on and to give me a heads up if they see any errors I may have induced.


Hopefully GGD can get enough pre-orders to make the 6-car set and the add-on cars a reality

Originally Posted by PRRTrainguy:


My concomitant pursuit of PRR e2b, e3b and e2c electrics is still on hold.  On another post, Rheil held out hope for this time.  I contacted Scott Mann and not to be.



Don't give up just yet. The problem is that these things would have to be done in brass at a higher cost than what folks may be willing to pay due to a run of probably only 125 units. Scott and I will discuss the project when he comes in for York. I believe the E2b would be the locomotive that would be offered.

Originally Posted by rheil:
Originally Posted by PRRTrainguy:


My concomitant pursuit of PRR e2b, e3b and e2c electrics is still on hold.  On another post, Rheil held out hope for this time.  I contacted Scott Mann and not to be.



Don't give up just yet. The problem is that these things would have to be done in brass at a higher cost than what folks may be willing to pay due to a run of probably only 125 units. Scott and I will discuss the project when he comes in for York. I believe the E2b would be the locomotive that would be offered.

When I emailed Scott, I ordered 2 E-2b, or 3 E2c & E3b if made or 5 engines if all made.


I have thought long and hard and know of no way I could make a plausible model by myself.  The shark nose diesels may be a starting point, but the 2c or 3b trucks stump me. 


I understand why the E2b would be the most logical, but the others are more interesting. 





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