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 I had the pleasure of getting to open up the RR for a guest. Jim Stack was in the area and said he could make it by to bring me something. It's great to have the trains running for fellow train guys. I do it for the grandkids but they don't understand when something doesn't go right, etc. The trains co-operated for the most part, 'cept for one uncoupling on the G gauge layout, and it rained out so no outside layout running.

 Being up here in the Niagara region seems like we're out of the loop sometimes. There are train guys around. Seems like we're all going in different directions. I just like trains. So any day spent with trains, is a good day!

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If you are located in the Niagara area,did you know Dr.Randall Swanson?  I had the opportunity to visit with him at many O Scale meets.  I know he had an outstanding O scale layout in upstate New York.  It was themed on the NYC and had many outstanding scratch built structures which were done by himself, and later his son.  Sadly, he passed away several years ago, really a fine fellow.

My layout is designed for "operations"  using switchlists.   I have a bunch of industries and a series of trains that are run to work the industries and move stuff from the yard to staging and from staging to the yards.


I am in a round robin group that tries to meet every thursday evening and operate on different layouts.   It is fun to host and it is fun to see the model RR do what I imagined it would do when I designed it.    Not every one in the group has a layout, but all enjoy the sessioins.   And most of the group is HO but the scale does not matter.   


You try doing something like that to get more opportunities to show off your RR.   LIke one of my group says, "if the guys don't come to operate, why did I build it".     You could/should start small and invite one or two guys over that you know and like getting together with.   They might know some others and it will grow from there. 


We keep ours simple, we put out a schedule of who is hosting about a month in advance.   Our one rule is that you call the host and ask if he has room for you.   Some of layouts can handle 20 people and some 6 and everything in between.   We try to keep it on a first call, first come basis until we fill up.


It keeps the interest up and the layout operating for lots of guests.

Originally Posted by Harmon:

If you are located in the Niagara area,did you know Dr.Randall Swanson?  I had the opportunity to visit with him at many O Scale meets.  I know he had an outstanding O scale layout in upstate New York.  It was themed on the NYC and had many outstanding scratch built structures which were done by himself, and later his son.  Sadly, he passed away several years ago, really a fine fellow.

 I never heard of him. I will do a search.

  There are some good RRs around. I'm not on their list!

Hopefully I can get started soon on re-building the RR in my basement. I've moved the G gauge and I'm slowly getting there. I would like the RR to have a purpose, like I've read. So switching, train movements, etc., can be more like real operations.

 It's still a pipe dream......whatever I've planned to do, sooner or later I've done it.

Hey Joe, if you ever open up the layout again and have an open house make sure you let me know. I'm in the Lewiston area and always like to visit another model RR. Although I'm heavy into O  I've also been into g scale too and have a good amount of stuff left.  I think they do a local tour of area layouts that I hope to make next time it comes up.


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