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'road test' mods on the SF 4-6-4 Blue Goose.

The trailing truck was derailing a couple times at the last ops session so lead was added to one axle.

SF 4-6-4 blue goose 62

Seems to have worked as no derailments.

SF 4-6-4 blue goose 59

SF 4-6-4 blue goose 60

However the rubber connecting tube was twisted so a longer piece of metal rod was inserted between the motor and gear plus a piece of plastic put over the gear shaft and metal rod to prevent any 'racking'. 

SF 4-6-4 blue goose 61


Images (4)
  • SF 4-6-4 blue goose 59
  • SF 4-6-4 blue goose 60
  • SF 4-6-4 blue goose 61
  • SF 4-6-4 blue goose 62

Clevelander visiting the GNRW.   

Ross from Cleveland and Chuck (local) 'ran' some trains today.

All 3 of us are from Cleveland so we had a good time discussing 'old memories'.

Also, both of us in the 'CORPS'.

Ross (left) and I went to the same A.J. Rickoff elementary school in Cleveland back around the early 50's.

GNRW layout 01

C&O 2-6-6-6 pulling 33 freight cars.

GNRW layout 02

GNRW layout 03

GNRW layout 04


Images (4)
  • GNRW layout 01
  • GNRW layout 02
  • GNRW layout 03
  • GNRW layout 04
Last edited by samparfitt

Bill from the Dayton area and his friend, John, from Florida stopped by to 'run trains'. 

That was a quick 4 hours by the time engines were 'pulled' out of the roundhouse, connected to a train and reached our 'destinations' and used the switcher to put the cars in the 'yard'.

GNRW Bill John 2021 01

Started with a couple of freight drags.

DM&IR  M-4 2-8-8-4 Yellowstone pulling about 33 freight cars.

GNRW Bill John 2021 02

MTH model that just arrived this year with, not only smoke, but also smoking whistle.

GNRW Bill John 2021 03

Bill running a GN N-3 2-8-8-0 and 30 freight cars.

GNRW Bill John 2021 04

A Tenshodo model that has been heavily weighted plus lots of LED's.

GNRW Bill John 2021 05

Departing Havre.

GNRW Bill John 2021 06

GNRW Bill John 2021 07

Next was passenger trains.

GN S-2 4-8-4 passenger train.

GNRW Bill John 2021 08

N&W J 4-8-4 passenger train.

GNRW Bill John 2021 09

GN S-2 at Tye.

GNRW Bill John 2021 10

N&W J at Waverly.

GNRW Bill John 2021 11

GN S-2 at Wilmar.

GNRW Bill John 2021 12


Images (12)
  • GNRW Bill John 2021 01
  • GNRW Bill John 2021 02
  • GNRW Bill John 2021 03
  • GNRW Bill John 2021 04
  • GNRW Bill John 2021 05
  • GNRW Bill John 2021 06
  • GNRW Bill John 2021 07
  • GNRW Bill John 2021 08
  • GNRW Bill John 2021 09
  • GNRW Bill John 2021 10
  • GNRW Bill John 2021 11
  • GNRW Bill John 2021 12
Last edited by samparfitt
@BillYo414 posted:

That's awesome. You're making me want to take a road trip across the state!

You're always welcome.  See Struthers, Ohio is around Youngstown: Bernie Kozar's neighborhood.

Things you can also do in Cincinnati: Lebanon train rides, Wright Pat Airforce Museum: free, Cinci Zoo, Newport aquarium.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting which is, usually the 2nd Sunday of the month.

Exact date and location are:

Last edited by samparfitt

Some more PM.

The N&W J had trouble pulling the 10 car passenger train.  I got new traction tires and put them on the engine.

MTH J 4-8-4 01

I, also, put the 'bullfrog snot' on the insulated side drivers.

MTH J 4-8-4 02

Same for the DM&IR M-4 2-8-8-4 as the engine had trouble pulling 33 freight cars.   Used alcohol on a q-tip to clean the drivers before adding the 'bull frog snot'.

MTH M-4 2-8-8-4 01

Had to reverse all the cars via the upper loop and the one passenger train seemed to have a lot of drag.  Found a 'draw pull' drag of 1.9-2.0 ounces; after oiling all the axles, the drag went to 0.3.

passenger cars 01

Used some diesels that I like to use for testing, etc to reverse the passenger car order via the upper loop.

passenger cars 02

Had to replace the throw bar and re-solder one turnout point.  Choke cable was 'sticking' so put oil on the outside of the cable as it had some rust on the surface and all's 'good'. 

turnout 01


Images (6)
  • MTH J 4-8-4 01
  • MTH J 4-8-4 02
  • MTH M-4 2-8-8-4 01
  • passenger cars 01
  • passenger cars 02
  • turnout 01

Track cleaning and oiling axles.

Track Cleaning:

I don't do this too often, about once a year or so, as the track seems to 'stay clean'.  Sometimes I used two old track cleaning cars by Ulrich which I soak, often, the cleaning pads in enamel reducer.  Other times I use the old fashion 'eraser'. 

I've read where 'people' don't recommend using abrasive erasers on track as it scratches it.  Personally, I've been using an eraser on 1500' of track for 42 years and haven't had any problems of excessive dirt accumulation plus it seems it would give the engines better traction!   

A long shafted screw driver helps me get into tight spaces without damaging 'stuff'.  Also, no long sleeve shirts to 'snag' things.

track cleaning 01

I went the 'lazy' route by not doing any track that has rolling stock on it.

track cleaning 02

Along this area, I did all the mainline except the top tier where I would have had to get my 'top side' creeper'.  Also did the logging track.

track cleaning 03

Always fun where the catenary is located!

track cleaning 04

Logging area.

track cleaning 05

Laundry area was easy with no scenery.

track cleaning 06

Able to, also, clean the top tier mainline in this area.

track cleaning 07

The Glacier Park area is most prone to oxidation due to the 'snow'.

track cleaning 08

I used enamel reducer to, often, clean the 'eraser' and wipe it on paper towels.

track cleaning 09

Oiling car axles:

A few weeks ago I oiled a set of 14 passenger cars and the results were very good going from around 2.2 ounces to 0.5 ounces 'draw bar' pull.

The results for freight cars was no so good. Besides a 'draw bar' pull test on 43 freight cars, I also used an inclined piece of track for testing.  Some cars with bad rolling characteristics improved with some oiling.  Other cars rolled freely but I oiled them anyway.  This was a mistake as it appears that it's best to not oil free rolling metal axles on 'slippery' plastic trucks , at least in HO gauge.  The draw bar pull went from around 2.3 ounces to 3.3 ounces after oiling!  Fortunately, I only did these 43 cars and I'll more 'selective' on which freight cars to oil in the 'future'.  In the 'old days' I would only lubricate axles with dry graphite powder.

Freight car oiling 01

I tested the 'newly' oiled cars with a set of PRR electrics.  They pulled the cars but I'm sure 'oiling' the freight cars did not 'help'.

Freight car oiling 02

Freight car oiling 03

Freight car oiling 04

Freight car oiling 05

Freight car oiling 06

Freight car oiling 07

Freight car oiling 08

Picked up a set of digital calipers at Harbor Freight for only 20 bucks.  Nice to get accurate numerical readings versus my old 'dial' type calipers.  Can also 'zero' out the initial setting.

Freight car oiling 09


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  • track cleaning 01
  • track cleaning 02
  • track cleaning 03
  • track cleaning 04
  • track cleaning 05
  • track cleaning 06
  • track cleaning 07
  • track cleaning 08
  • track cleaning 09
  • Freight car oiling 01
  • Freight car oiling 02
  • Freight car oiling 03
  • Freight car oiling 04
  • Freight car oiling 05
  • Freight car oiling 06
  • Freight car oiling 07
  • Freight car oiling 08
  • Freight car oiling 09
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The picture shows the yard where there is dirt before (upper rail not shiny for about an inch) and after cleaning (rails on bottom 1" of track rail is shiny).  Some rail had this accumulation of 'gunk' but, for the most part, the 'gunk' was very light and not noticeable until cleaned.  I wasn't having any electrical issues with the amount of dirt on the rail heads: just thought I'd do a little PM and clean the rails.

track cleaning 10


Images (1)
  • track cleaning 10
Last edited by samparfitt

10' concrete viaduct for 14 bucks!

When I put in the new turnout to lead to the new passenger yard in the next room, I had to remove a large, removable piece of scenery.  I was going to re-insert the scenery back in its place but it seems like I've been crawling under there several times to 'fix stuff'.  I was thinking about just screwing some Masonite  hardboard to the wall and just painting it 'mountain' colors.  This morning I decided that a viaduct would 'work' plus I could get access to the track.


This is the removable piece of scenery.


I got some 1/8"X4'X8' Masonite (only 14 bucks) and used my table saw to rip  two pieces 12.5" wide.

I then made arches 10" wide and columns 1.75" wide to make full use of the 8' length.  A compass was used to make the arches.


My miter saw cut the straight edges of the viaduct.


A reciprocating saw with a fine tooth blade was used to cut the 'arch'.


Had to be careful when handling the final product to insure the 'viaduct' didn't break at a weak point.


Used 'left over' grey paint from my RC airplanes to paint the viaduct.  I needed another 25.75" of 'viaduct' to cover the entire length.


i'm always hitting the table supports that stick out when I crawl under that location so I used my sawzaw to cut them flush to the table top.


Too much vibration from the sawzaw created a minor earth quake in the yard!


Nothing fancy  but it's better than the wood wall.  Also, it's a good 10' away from viewing so I didn't see any need to get 'fancy' with it.  I painted the 'guard rail' on the bottom track as there are two track levels at this location.    I'll be putting up another piece of Masonite under the bottom track to cover up the wall.


I painted some 'mountains' (if you can call them that!) on the piece of Masonite that will go under the bottom track.  It may look a little strange with mountain peaks under the bottom track.  Will see how it looks when I screw the Masonite under the track after the paint dries.   I'm sure my comrades will give me some 'advise' when they see it!


Neighborhood kids came over to 'run trains'.


I never complain when their mom brings me some homemade food



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  • GNRR10620
  • GNRR10621
  • GNRR10622
  • GNRR10623
  • GNRR10624
  • GNRR10625
  • GNRR10626
  • GNRR10627
  • GNRR10628
  • GNRR10629
  • GNRR10630
  • GNRR10631
  • GNRR10632
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Thanks Mark,

GN did have a viaduct but it was in St. Paul, crossed the Mississippi and was stone; details!

The paint was dry this morning so I screwed the painted Masonite below the viaduct.  It gives a 'background' block to the stark blank wall and, with the Seattle's yard in front, hopefully, observers are more interested in the yard and miss the fact that the mountains are below the viaduct.  Now I have to re-rail all those freight cars that vibrated off the tracks!




GN stone arch bridge.  Is now a pedestrian walkway. Impressive in that it is around 130 years old.  I guess I could repaint my arch to look more like the original by adding lines for the mortar and adding beige paint.   Something for the future.

MMM: I did come close to duplicating the number of arches: 12 versus my 10.

GN stone arch bridge


Images (3)
  • GNRR10633
  • GNRR10620
  • GN stone arch bridge
Last edited by samparfitt


Saw the below passenger car from a large online store selling a passenger car that, when first brought out, was around 75 bucks.  Just a year ago I bought a 15 car set, including 5 of these dome cars, for about $800.

I've noticed on Ebay that sellers are asking very high prices on items.   Don't know if they're actually selling this stuff at that price!

Glad I've bought most of what I want and if there is something I might want to buy, I'll just wait until prices 'come down'.

Not saying it's 'right or wrong' on the prices but I, as a buyer, have the choice to 'pass'.

Big train show in Dayton this week end: one can, usually, find 'good buys' at train shows even in 'inflationary times'!

I've, also, noticed huge price increases on food products.  I used to get 'prime rib' for non-Christmas/Thanksgiving holidays but at 32 bucks a pound, I don't think so.  My Oscar Meyer bacon is now $9.90 a pound (used to get it for around $5).  When I bought it, I bought a lot of it at once(25 packages) but 'running out' of my cache.  Will switch to 'alternatives'.

And gas prices this morning, jumped from $3.03 to $3.30.  I just 'topped off' the tank yesterday and with a 34 gallon tank, I can wait for it to 'drop', especially  this time of year when I don't do much traveling plus being retired.

HO Broadway Ltd BLI 537 D&RGW Rio Grande Vista Dome Passenger Car Silver Pony


walthers passenger car 01


Images (1)
  • walthers passenger car 01
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NMRA DIV 3 train show in Dayton, Ohio.

Joe and I wanted to get there about 30 minutes after it opened to avoid the 'line'.  Got there and the parking lot was full and had to park in the grass.

Two buildings on the Montgomery fair grounds were used.

First building was 'stuff for sale'.

Dayton NMRA train show 01

This product was just reviewed in the last NMRA magazine.  Fiber optics.

Dayton NMRA train show 02

Dayton NMRA train show 03

Dayton NMRA train show 04

Real wood bents versus plastic.

Dayton NMRA train show 05

NRMA Div 7 was well represented.

Dayton NMRA train show 06

Dayton NMRA train show 07

Dayton NMRA train show 08

Dayton NMRA train show 09

Dayton NMRA train show 10

Dayton NMRA train show 11

Dayton NMRA train show 12

Dayton NMRA train show 13

Dayton NMRA train show 14

Dayton NMRA train show 15

Dayton NMRA train show 16

Dayton NMRA train show 17

Dayton NMRA train show 18

Owner of Dixie Union Station in Mason, Ohio.

Dayton NMRA train show 19

Dayton NMRA train show 20

Owner of Hamilton Hobbies in Hamilton, Ohio.

Dayton NMRA train show 21

Dayton NMRA train show 22

About a 4' statue.

Dayton NMRA train show 23

Impressive 'kit bashing'.

Dayton NMRA train show 24

Dayton NMRA train show 25

Got one of these when I was around 7 years old.

Dayton NMRA train show 26

All metal; probably from the 50's.

Dayton NMRA train show 27

The 'big' stuff.

Dayton NMRA train show 28

Nicely detailed cars.

Dayton NMRA train show 29

Good selection of scale S gauge.

Dayton NMRA train show 30

Nice sets of N gauge passenger cars.

Dayton NMRA train show 31

Custom building.

Dayton NMRA train show 32

Second building had, mostly, layouts.

War railroad.

Dayton NMRA train show 33

Dayton NMRA train show 34

Dayton NMRA train show 35

Dayton NMRA train show 36

Dayton NMRA train show 37

Dayton NMRA train show 38

Dayton NMRA train show 39

Dayton NMRA train show 40

Dayton NMRA train show 41

Dayton NMRA train show 42

Dayton NMRA train show 43

Dayton NMRA train show 44

Dayton NMRA train show 45

Dayton NMRA train show 46

Dayton NMRA train show 47

Dayton NMRA train show 48

Dayton NMRA train show 49

Dayton NMRA train show 50

Dayton NMRA train show 51

Dayton NMRA train show 52

Dayton NMRA train show 53

Dayton NMRA train show 54

Dayton NMRA train show 55

Just what I needed: more freight cars.

These were made by Bob Fink that passed away.  All 'wood base' cars. 


Already had Kadees and nice trucks.


This car was by someone else.  All those barrels were turned on a lath.   Couldn't resist buying this car!


A lot of these cars had 'bill boards' which I didn't have.





I have one of these but this one has a 'round' roof.




Cool; has dunnage inside the door.





This is a 'contemporary' made car but has a B&LE 'billboard'.


Always liked those curved corners along the top of the car.





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  • Dayton NMRA train show 01
  • Dayton NMRA train show 02
  • Dayton NMRA train show 03
  • Dayton NMRA train show 04
  • Dayton NMRA train show 05
  • Dayton NMRA train show 06
  • Dayton NMRA train show 07
  • Dayton NMRA train show 08
  • Dayton NMRA train show 09
  • Dayton NMRA train show 10
  • Dayton NMRA train show 11
  • Dayton NMRA train show 12
  • Dayton NMRA train show 13
  • Dayton NMRA train show 14
  • Dayton NMRA train show 15
  • Dayton NMRA train show 16
  • Dayton NMRA train show 17
  • Dayton NMRA train show 18
  • Dayton NMRA train show 19
  • Dayton NMRA train show 20
  • Dayton NMRA train show 21
  • Dayton NMRA train show 22
  • Dayton NMRA train show 23
  • Dayton NMRA train show 24
  • Dayton NMRA train show 25
  • Dayton NMRA train show 26
  • Dayton NMRA train show 27
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  • Dayton NMRA train show 29
  • Dayton NMRA train show 30
  • Dayton NMRA train show 31
  • Dayton NMRA train show 32
  • Dayton NMRA train show 33
  • Dayton NMRA train show 34
  • Dayton NMRA train show 35
  • Dayton NMRA train show 36
  • Dayton NMRA train show 37
  • Dayton NMRA train show 38
  • Dayton NMRA train show 39
  • Dayton NMRA train show 40
  • Dayton NMRA train show 41
  • Dayton NMRA train show 42
  • Dayton NMRA train show 43
  • Dayton NMRA train show 44
  • Dayton NMRA train show 45
  • Dayton NMRA train show 46
  • Dayton NMRA train show 47
  • Dayton NMRA train show 48
  • Dayton NMRA train show 49
  • Dayton NMRA train show 50
  • Dayton NMRA train show 51
  • Dayton NMRA train show 52
  • Dayton NMRA train show 53
  • Dayton NMRA train show 54
  • Dayton NMRA train show 55
  • GNRR10634
  • GNRR10635
  • GNRR10636
  • GNRR10637
  • GNRR10638
  • GNRR10639
  • GNRR10640
  • GNRR10641
  • GNRR10642
  • GNRR10643
  • GNRR10644
  • GNRR10645
  • GNRR10646
  • GNRR10647
  • GNRR10648
  • GNRR10649
  • GNRR10650
  • GNRR10651

NMRA MCR DIV 7 November meeting pictures.

Meeting first, Roy gave a clinic on the Norfork and Southern and then we visited 2 layouts.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 01

The usual crowd of 50 or so.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 02

Larry Goodridge's layouts.

He has 3 layouts in the living room/dining room and 2 in the basement.

HO WW II layout.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 03

Z gauge.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 04

HO layout.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 05


2 3-rail layouts.

1800's layout.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 06

Another 3-rail layout.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 07

Lots of nicely weathered structures.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 08

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 09

2 walls of 3-rail trains.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 10

Bo Sis's layout.  House is only 5 years old so he has done a lot of building in that short time.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 11

Lots of nicely done structures.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 12

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 13

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 14

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 15

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 16

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 17

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 18

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 19

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 20

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 21

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 22

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 23

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 24

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 25

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 26

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 27

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 28

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 29

NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 30


Images (30)
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 01
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 02
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 03
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 04
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  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 07
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 08
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  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 meeting 30
Last edited by samparfitt

Nice pics Sam!
One correction -- the first layout visit is Larry Goodridge, the second layout (PRR) with the 5 year old house is Bo Sis.

I was lucky enough to pop over to Bo's a couple weeks ago during one of their 'work' sessions to snap a few photos & used one in the meeting announcement for the Div. 7 facebook page



Images (1)
  • Div7 November 2021 meeting notice
Last edited by simpsopl

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