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"HONGZ" stands for HO scale, N scale, G scale, and Z scale.

Post your non-O scale stuff here!

New delivery:

Four NYC passenger cars and one UP dome car by Walthers. 

NYC walthers passenger cars 01NYC walthers passenger cars 02

The NYC cars have, separately applied, decals and metal handrails.

NYC walthers passenger cars 03UP passenger cars walthers dome 01

Just about done for passenger cars.  I've gotten a few more to make most train sets 12-18 cars long.

UP passenger cars walthers dome 02

The exception will be the N&W J train as, I don't believe, they ever ran more than 7-10 cars.  MTH is bringing out 3 in December, which I hope to acquire. 

NYC walthers passenger cars 04


Images (6)
  • NYC walthers passenger cars 01
  • NYC walthers passenger cars 02
  • NYC walthers passenger cars 03
  • UP passenger cars walthers dome 01
  • UP passenger cars walthers dome 02
  • NYC walthers passenger cars 04
Last edited by samparfitt

Final leaf mulching done plus a few other daughter stuff done so back to trains.


Air brush painting.

Last year I picked up some nice logging cars that need painting.

Normally, I, completely, dismantle the engine before painting it.  In this case, they are only some logging cars and the previous owner glued the Kadee coupler pockets in so I'm leaving the couplers on and hope the paint don't foul up the knuckles.  Also, some of the trucks are white cast metal so I'm painting them with the wheels sets since the trucks don't have screws to disassemble them.  Some trucks are in parts so I'll CA them together after they are painted.

First step to clean all parts.  A turkey pan, liquid dish washing soap and some vinegar are my choices.   A toothbrush is used to scrub them.  

logging railroad 37

I'm also painted some 8 wheel tender trucks that are a 'back up' to an engine.  I masked off the treads on the 8 wheel trucks.  No masking on the logging trucks as they won't be picking up electricity plus they are only plastic and I'll probably have to replace them, anyway!    The wheels set would, normally, be removed. 

logging railroad 38

Everything is usually baked in my toaster over for 2 hours at 200 degrees.  Since plastic parts are involved, this step is eliminated.  Also, I never bake wheel sets for fear of damaging the insulated side. 

logging railroad 39

My detached shop is where all painting is done; keeps all the nasty fumes out of the house.  If done in the house, a paint booth with exhaust to the outside is mandatory. 

logging railroad 40

Been using this Binks since the 70's.  I like single action air brushes as I'm not coordinated enough to use dual action ones! An air filter and pressure regulator is needed.

logging railroad 41

The shop air compressor...

logging railroad 42

but a small air compressor will do.   A compressor with a tank is nice as the compressor is not running all the time and, I think, the air pressure is more consistent with a tank. 

logging railroad 43

Heat needed during the winter.

logging railroad 44

Safety stuff. 

logging railroad 45

I'm partial to Scalecoat enamel paint.  Have painted hundreds of engines with it.  Being enamel, reducer is used to dilute 30-50%, depending on type of paint: ie silver, etc. 

logging railroad 46

Usually, I 'shoot' two coats but will see how coverage looks, since these are only logging cars.  Usually need two coats as there always seems to be one spot that I miss.  Corners and edges done first and then an overall spray of the large areas.  Always best to use light coats versus a heavy coat of paint: much easier to add more than remove 'runs'.   Since I can't bake them, I'll let them 'cook' overnight. 

logging railroad 47


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  • logging railroad 37
  • logging railroad 38
  • logging railroad 39
  • logging railroad 40
  • logging railroad 41
  • logging railroad 42
  • logging railroad 43
  • logging railroad 44
  • logging railroad 45
  • logging railroad 46
  • logging railroad 47
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Logging cars painted (cont)

Some dullcoat (Satin clear) used to dull up the finish.

logging railroad 48

Again, will allow these to air dry for several hours before assembly.   I checked the couplers and they still work after painting the logging cars.  I tried to not paint them but, also, the paint is probably so thin that it doesn't interfere with the knuckle movement. 

logging railroad 49


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  • logging railroad 48
  • logging railroad 49
Last edited by samparfitt

Thanks, Mark.


For those that don't want to pay a 'C' note for the newly released lighted cabeese or they don't have your cabeese that you want, about a year ago I did several installs on marker lights in cabeese including using the new NCE mini decoder to control the lights.  There are about a dozen posts on page 22 and page 23 that can be referenced.


New delivery.

UP challenger 4-6-6-4 factory painted greyhound grey by Broadway Limited.

I didn't plan on buying this engine but BLI had 40% off in the 'refurbish' section of their website.  A combination of 40% off plus gray paint scheme and lighted marker/number boards but the biggest factor was the smoking whistle (in addition to the regular steam smoke).  As a 'refurbish', it comes in its original box, didn't see any blemishes and gets full warranty. 

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 01

The box is 2' long.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 02

Very well packed.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 03

Funnel for smoke, coupler and extra rubber tires.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 04

Impressed that the marker and number boards are lighted.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 05

Nice lighted cab detail with crew.  Also a deck plate. 

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 06

Tender headlight and marker lights all functional.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 07

Here's the hole next to the whistle for the whistle smoke.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 08

Whistle smoke.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 09

Main smoke stacks. 

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 10

Nicely detailed.  All cast engine boiler and tender so very heavy.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 11UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 12UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 13

Running gear detail.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 14UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 15

Comparison to my Key UP challenger. Key's cab doors open.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 16UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 17UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 18

Key on the left.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 19

All hatches work on the Key model.  I'll have to paint the BLI poppet valves and smoke whistle a brass color.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 20

Sand and turret hatches on the Key model.  Both have cab roof hatch that opens. 

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 21

Tender hatches functional on the Key.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 22UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 23

The tenders are the same length but the Key steam engine is slightly longer.

UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 24


Images (24)
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 01
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 02
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 03
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 04
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 05
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 06
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 07
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 08
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 09
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 10
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 11
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 12
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 13
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 14
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 15
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 16
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 17
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 18
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 19
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 20
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 21
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 22
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 23
  • UP 4-6-6-4 FP gray BLI 2019 24
Last edited by samparfitt

New delivery.

Picked up some Kato electric motors.  I needed two motors for the other Milwaukee bi-polar  but didn't want to pay the going rate of around 50 bucks for the Mashima large size motor.  I need around a 15MMX30MM motor with high RPM's and most are  expensive.  

Model train stuff had the kato motors for $17.30 so I bought two.

  • Casing length - 33mm
  • Casing height - 20.3mm
  • Casing Width - 17mm
  • Shaft length - 11.6mm 
  • Shaft width - 2mm

Unfortunately, I could find no data on RPM's.  The old saying 'there's no replacement for displacement' so I wanted a large size motor that has enough torque to power large engines.  I connected them to a DC power pack and they seem to have high RPM's. The two contacts are long pieces of  flat copper.  I'll cut these down to stubs. 

milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 45

I was surprised that there were no holes drilled in the ends for mounting screws!  I guess I'll use some silicon caulk.

milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 46

I had two Mashima motors that I got many moons ago for one bi-polar which is in the final assembly stage.

milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 47

The other bi-polar will get the Kato motors.  I'm figuring these motors are high quality since Kato seems to make very nice engines. 

milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 48

I've, also, got an MTH bi-polar so, hopefully, I can run all three together on a passenger train.  Probably I'll need all three as the other two custom brass power units only have the two outside set of wheels (out of 4 axles) powered.  I was surprised by this as my two custom brass GN W-1 electrics have all wheels powered and they pull very well. 

milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 49


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  • milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 45
  • milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 46
  • milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 47
  • milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 48
  • milwaukee EP-2 bi polar 49
Last edited by samparfitt

Logging cars completed;   

Added needed couplers and trucks after painting the cars.  With all the new trees and bushes put in, recently, the logging track needed some cleaning.


New logging car test:

Testing new decoder in D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2:

GN R-2 2-8-8-2 testing vintage freight cars leaving Seattle:

GN R-2 2-8-8-2 vintage freight cars are Hillyard:

UP 2-tone challenger passenger train leaving Seattle:

Testing new engine.

UP challenger passenger train at Tye:

UP challenger passenger train at Hillyard:

logging railroad 50logging railroad 51logging railroad 52



Images (3)
  • logging railroad 50
  • logging railroad 51
  • logging railroad 52
Last edited by samparfitt

Springfield, Ohio train show (Dec 1, Sunday).

At the fairgrounds consisting of two buildings plus a connecting building between them.

springfield 01springfield 02

Some unusual 3 rail track by Marx; maybe OO gauge!

springfield 03springfield 04

8' wooden rail.

springfield 05

Known Gary and Dave since the 70's.

springfield 06

Some suitcase layouts.

springfield 07springfield 08

One large HO layout setup in the connecting building.

springfield 09

Another HO layout on the 'stage'.

springfield 10

Some nice wooden trucks.

springfield 11

Been thinking about putting some rerailers around the layout in non scenic areas.  I believe the guy said these were piko.  Anyway, they look like an easy 'scratchbuild' with some plastic sheeting.   I want something that can be easily glued to existing track.

springfield 12springfield 13springfield 14

Picked up a few items.  Gary gave me three GN cars and the fellow that I got about 50 vintage cars last year, was at the meet so I got 3 that were different than what I have.   A couple cheap rerailers that I'll experiment with and one can always use heat shrink tubing.  Gary brought me 6 canon can motors. 


springfield 15


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  • springfield 01
  • springfield 02
  • springfield 03
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New delivery:

GN heavy weight coach by Atlas.  Atlas didn't make a whole set of passenger cars but they have made some coaches.  I thought I'd get one and see how they look.

GN passenger car by Atlas coach 01

A nicely detailed car.  Comes with a few extra parts that can be applied to the end of the cars. 

GN passenger car by Atlas coach 02

Underneath brake lines, etc and free rolling metal wheels.

GN passenger car by Atlas coach 03

Nice rivet detail and has interiors and glass windows.

GN passenger car by Atlas coach 04

Plastic but movable diaphragms and handrails.  Plastic couplers.

GN passenger car by Atlas coach 05

Comparison to an Oriental Limited coach numbered 950-861 versus the Atlas #965.  About the same length.  Roof detail a little different. 

GN passenger car by Atlas coach 06

Windows appear to be about the same. 

GN passenger car by Atlas coach 07

A few different details on the OL version.  The Atlas is lighter and cheaper ($47 versus OL $80).  The Atlas is 'ready to go' versus having to paint and add interior to the OL.  The passenger cars are on par with their cabeese but not as nice as the MTH and BLI passenger cars.  

GN passenger car by Atlas coach 08


Images (8)
  • GN passenger car by Atlas coach 01
  • GN passenger car by Atlas coach 02
  • GN passenger car by Atlas coach 03
  • GN passenger car by Atlas coach 04
  • GN passenger car by Atlas coach 05
  • GN passenger car by Atlas coach 06
  • GN passenger car by Atlas coach 07
  • GN passenger car by Atlas coach 08
Last edited by samparfitt

NMRA MCR Div 7 December meeting.

December is our annual potluck food and slide show meeting.

Frank had his usual supply of trains stuff for sale.  I got a nice Walthers GN passenger car for only 15 bucks.

Div 7 meeting 01

Our Div 7 library of DVD's that can be taken out for viewing (like a library).

Div 7 meeting 02

Paul's Train around the Christmas tree layout!

Div 7 meeting 03

Out company store. 

Div 7 meeting 04

Out monthly contest entries.  A little light this month for the holidays. 

Div 7 meeting 05

The monthly raffle prizes. 

Div 7 meeting 06

And the best item: free food!

Div 7 meeting 07

Our fearless leaders.

Div 7 meeting 08

Individuals brought pictures to show to the members. 

Div 7 meeting 09

After the meeting we visited one of the local layouts.

About a 3' high helix.

randy's layout 01

Triple deck.

randy's layout 02randy's layout 03randy's layout 04

One staging yard.

randy's layout 05randy's layout 06

Other staging yard.

randy's layout 07

Steel box channel used to support each level.  

randy's layout 08randy's layout 09


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  • Div 7 meeting 01
  • Div 7 meeting 02
  • Div 7 meeting 03
  • Div 7 meeting 04
  • Div 7 meeting 05
  • Div 7 meeting 06
  • Div 7 meeting 07
  • Div 7 meeting 08
  • Div 7 meeting 09
  • randy's layout 01
  • randy's layout 02
  • randy's layout 03
  • randy's layout 04
  • randy's layout 05
  • randy's layout 06
  • randy's layout 07
  • randy's layout 08
  • randy's layout 09

Mark, Always like seeing other layouts, no matter what scale, as there's always something new that I didn't know about.


Digitrax using PSX circuit breakers (CB).

During operating sessions, while several trains were running, sometimes all the CB's would start flashing on and off shutting down the entire layout until the short was corrected.

It took me awhile but I was, finally, able to recreate the problem.  I put an engine on each power block district that each CB was controlling and then put a quarter in each block until the problem occurred.  

I emailed Larry Meier at DCC specialties and he gave me a few things to try.

First,  I had to make sure OPSW 18 was set to 'C'.

digitrax with PSX CBs 01

Next he suggested:

One other thought. If you have all PSX breakers set to the default trip current, it is possible that due to use in other power districts, there is not enough current available from the booster to trip the PSX. In your 8 array, you could theoretically draw 4*8 = 32 amperes from the booster without tripping any PSX breaker. You might try setting CV49=2 (trip current = about 2.5 amperes). This should be high enough to power a district, but should increase the ability to trip on a short. Try it first in whichever district is giving you the most problem.

My PSX manual on page 12 told me how to reset CV49=2.

The Digitrax manual on page 102/103 told me how to program CV's. 

These are my PSX CB's:

digitrax with PSX CBs 02

Per the instructions, programmer jumper was moved to J3-1 & J3-2 

digitrax with PSX CBs 03digitrax with PSX CBs 04

You know you've got the programmer jumper in the right place as the output LED is off and the D6 LED blinks once.  

After entering CV49=2, the D6 blinked again so I knew the update was complete. 

After doing just one CB, I tested the 'quarter' short method and all seems good as only that one CB now trips.  More than one CB can be reset at once so I did the rest of the CB's as a group.  The lower amp setting seems to keep Digitrax and the CB's from 'fighting' each other.   I'll have to wait and see if the lower amperage is a problem with the main yards as that is where a lot of engines can reside.  I can always increase the amperage for those CB's.  I should be good as, although the roundhouses have about 24 tracks, each one has an on/off toggle and they are always in the 'off' position until the engine is needed. 

digitrax with PSX CBs 05


Images (5)
  • digitrax with PSX CBs 01
  • digitrax with PSX CBs 02
  • digitrax with PSX CBs 03
  • digitrax with PSX CBs 04
  • digitrax with PSX CBs 05
Last edited by samparfitt

Local mall modular layout set up:

A fellow modeler and his buddies set up their modular layout at different locations during the year.  I'm guessing around 25 modules were used.  They just set up the layout and it will be at the mall for 2 weeks during the holiday season.  I hung out with him for a few hours last night:

Joe Ross 01Joe Ross 02Joe Ross 03Joe Ross 04Joe Ross 05Joe Ross 06Joe Ross 07Joe Ross 08


Images (8)
  • Joe Ross 01
  • Joe Ross 02
  • Joe Ross 03
  • Joe Ross 04
  • Joe Ross 05
  • Joe Ross 06
  • Joe Ross 07
  • Joe Ross 08
Last edited by samparfitt

Still testing passenger trains.


Had to replace the plastic couplers with Kadee couplers on a few cars as the coupler shanks are bending and allowing the cars to uncouple.  Had a few spots where a couple cars would derail.  The bolster has a plastic shaft that goes into the truck hole with a screw to secure it.  Had to enlarge the truck hole to give more lateral and vertical movement.   There's a couple spots on the layout where the roadbed changes from flat ply/homosote to laminated homosote and there is a slight 'bump' which I'm going to try to fix.  Not easy as they are located in difficult locations but I have my 'topside creeper' to gain access to them.



Images (3)
  • GNRR967
  • GNRR967
  • GNRR968
Last edited by samparfitt

Fixing some 40 year old track problems!

For the last 40 years I've been running freight drags and the track has worked well.  In the last few months, running passenger trains has revealed a few weak spots in the 'track laying' department.   Initially, I didn't realize running passenger cars that are about twice the length of freight cars would present problems.  I was aware of the humps but, since no derailments or uncoupling, no need to remove them. 

The last two are two humps along the mainline transitioning from one surface material to another.

The first location was from the main layout room to the laundry room where the 3 track return loop staging yard is located.   There was a hump from the pine to the homosote.   The fix was pretty easy and I got the idea, yesterday, while with Joe and his modular layout at the mall.  There was a hump between two of the modules and lowering the legs fixed the problem.  In my case, the screw to the supporting piece of wood to the right in the picture was removed and the pine side was lowered about an 1/8" fixed this problem.  



The second hump was the transition from the mainline to the St. Paul yard.  I used a level for a straight edge and found about a 1/4" drop from the center of the hump to the sides. 


The yard is on the left (ply/homosote) and the mainline is on the right (vertically glued homosote). There were three 29" pieces of pine supporting the yard and main. 


A 20 lb weight and piece of ply was used to flatten out the hump.  The screws at the bottom of the 29" pine boards were loosened and new holes drilled for a flat surface.  I was surprised that about a 1/2" drop was needed to get everything level. 

Initially, I thought I was going to have to remove the track (which is all hand laid), smooth out the area and then relay the track: not an undertaking I was willing to do, especially with a crossover right at that location.  


I ran a 16 car passenger train through those two areas and all seems fine, now


Couldn't have done it without my topside creeper!



Images (8)
  • GNRR969
  • GNRR970
  • GNRR971
  • GNRR972
  • GNRR973
  • GNRR974
  • GNRR975
  • GNRR976
Last edited by samparfitt

Interchange turnouts interfaced to the monitor's dispatcher's panel (LCC):

The four turnouts in the interchange yard needed to be connected to the PC's dispatcher's panel. 

turnout interchange 01

Four turnouts at the interchange. 

turnout interchange 02

The turnouts are controlled on the main panel by four multi-contact toggles (red handles). 

turnout interchange 03

Wires run to the main panel's toggles.  Ground (gray) wires run to center contacts and colored (black, red, green, yellow) wires to the outside contacts.   Only one side of the contacts are needed but ran two sets of wires as, once the software side is set up, it's easier to just swap the appropriate wire than change the software (at least it is for me!).

turnout interchange 04

Ran the wires to terminal strips and then to a circuit board (really just a fancy toggle switches/terminal strip board).  A gray 'ribbon' wire is connected to the circuit board.....

turnout interchange 05

and the other end of the ribbon wire is connected to a signal LCC circuit board.   With all the 'hardware' connected, next step is to do the 'software' side.

turnout interchange 06


Images (6)
  • turnout interchange 01
  • turnout interchange 02
  • turnout interchange 03
  • turnout interchange 04
  • turnout interchange 05
  • turnout interchange 06
Last edited by samparfitt

Very nice PRR layout.

Impressive catenary and telephone pole lines.  Not sure how he gets to derailments.  I've got catenary but it's gone into disrepair over the last few decades.  Fortunately, with DCC, don't need it but difficult to re-rail cars when the trucks come off the track.  Also, I've got some elastic telephone pole wire but want to install it where 'wandering' hands aren't likely to snag it.

View from cab:


DCC problems.

Just before the ops session, I connected a volt/amp meter to get data on how much current was being drawn.  The old saying of don't change things just before you're going to use them holds true, again!   Not sure why but the meter, that was put in line with the two power wires, hosed Digitrax.  Engines were sounding unusual, some wouldn't run smoothly, etc.  Previously, I had set the CB's to 2.5 amps to prevent the CB's and Digitrax from 'fighting each other' when a short occurred.  The meter said I was exceeding 2.5 amps but, after testing the next day, I found Digitrax worked fine when the meter was removed from the system.   The CB's have been changed to 3.8 amps (default is 5 amps) to offer more 'cushion' when several trains are running at once.    

I had 8 engines powered up on the mainline and all works well at 3.8 amps and no meter.  

Before removing the meter, I took some readings of different equipemnt:

.38-.44 :With no engine or lighted cars on the layout.  Seems strange that this is not zero or close to it.

volt,amp meter readings 01

D&RGW 2-8-8-2 with wow sound and KA:
.13 engine at idle
.26 engine pulling zephyr cars on level ground
.70 engine on grade
.99 with finger in front of engine for max amps

volt,amp meter readings 02volt,amp meter readings 03

Zephyr passenger cars by bli. (just the cars)
.27  initial start 
.23 after a few seconds (probably capacitors charging, initially)

volt,amp meter readings 04volt,amp meter readings 05

PRR passenger cars with 7 cars incandescent and 2 LED's
.89 at rest

volt,amp meter readings 06volt,amp meter readings 07

Other observations:
N&W J with smoke (MTH) and 6 LED lighted passenger cars.
.45 at rest
1.52 running no grade 
1.73 on 0.5 grade.
N&W J and 6 cars 12
Bachmann: GG1 with their decoder
.02 at rest
.08 running engine only
.40 finger in front

 PRR GG-1 electric bachmann 05

The CV settings for the CB's:  CV49 was set to 03 to give me 3.8 amps.

volt,amp meter readings 08

Besides the meter problems, I had a some cars shorting at one turnout.  Turned out the solder joint for the points weakened and allowed part of the point rail to get too close to the stock rail and the inside of wheels were touching it. 

volt,amp meter readings 09


Images (11)
  • volt,amp meter readings 01
  • volt,amp meter readings 02
  • volt,amp meter readings 03
  • volt,amp meter readings 04
  • volt,amp meter readings 05
  • volt,amp meter readings 06
  • volt,amp meter readings 07
  • volt,amp meter readings 08
  • volt,amp meter readings 09
  • N&W J and 6 cars 12
  • PRR GG-1 electric bachmann 05
Last edited by samparfitt

More testing with full trains on the layout.

Ran 4 passenger trains with no problems. 


Had some electrical conductivity problems in the new passenger yard.  Some turnout points weren't making contact with the stock rails.  Used a dental pic to lift up those small brass contacts under the points so they would contact the stock rails. 

passenger yard 01

My power checker verified all was good again!

passenger yard 02


Images (14)
  • GNRR977
  • GNRR978
  • GNRR979
  • GNRR980
  • GNRR981
  • GNRR982
  • GNRR983
  • GNRR984
  • GNRR985
  • GNRR986
  • GNRR987
  • GNRR988
  • passenger yard 01
  • passenger yard 02
Last edited by samparfitt

New delivery.  

Have seen some new foliage that looks more like leaves than the regular ground foam stuff that we use so I bought each color that they make.

Produced by Noch.  I purchased these from scenicexpress.  

trees 38

Instead of foam, they are 'kind of' miniature leaves. 

trees 39

Broke out some of my tumbleweed trees.

trees 40

Got 4 tree trunks.  I love how scale the 'bark' is on tumbleweeds. 

trees 41

Tools of the trade.  Some black fiber filler and the plastic paint trays work nice to contain/recycle the 'tree' leaves. Some cheap hair spray from walbox. 

trees 42

Fiber applied to branches. 

trees 43

Lots of hair spray, sprinkle on the dark from below and the other next darker color from the top.  Two main colors used with a 'sprinkle' of the remaining two colors. 

trees 44


trees 45trees 46

Some of my original trees using foam. 

trees 47trees 48

New trees 'planted' on the layout. 

trees 49

The smallest was 50 feet (7 inches) high.

trees 50

Tallest about 180 feet (about 11 inches) high.

trees 51


Images (14)
  • trees 38
  • trees 39
  • trees 40
  • trees 41
  • trees 42
  • trees 43
  • trees 44
  • trees 45
  • trees 46
  • trees 47
  • trees 48
  • trees 49
  • trees 50
  • trees 51
Last edited by samparfitt

Thanks, Brian,


More PM and testing.

Had some 'out of towners' visit and one train had some derailments.

A Zephyr car derailed 3 times.  Wheel gauges good and free rolling.  Figured not enough vertical movement so removed truck and filed bolster hole to remove excess paint and any burrs. 


Also, had one spot where I've had trouble with passenger cars derailing.  Found vertical and horizontal problems, again, where two different sub roadbeds jointed.  After fixing the area, both car and track seem to be better with manual test.


The lead trucks on this D&RGW L-131 also derailed a couple times.  Took truck apart and clean off some crud plus excess paint on axle and truck.  Any sliding of wheels, versus rolling, will cause a derailment.   Previously, I also put a new attaching screw with a longer 'shoulder' for more vertical movement. 


Took engine and cars full length of mainline with no derailments       Also will test going in the opposite direction.


Also, had a derailment at one turnout at St. Paul's yard: found the linkage was loose and the points were not making full contact with the stock rails. 


Had 'one time' fighting of CB's and Digitrax so I reduced the amps in each CB from 3.8 to 2.5 amps.  This should be enough to handle any trains in one particular block except for, maybe, the yards.


Didn't know I could adjust the LED brightness on the wow 1517 decoders.  Will have to see how it is done. 



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Last edited by samparfitt

More testing and PM.

Lead truck on D&RGW L-131 derailed but due to rail end misalignment; easy fix.


Had to dismantle lead truck 3 times to get it to roll freely and not slide along the rail.  Inside plastic insulation had some burrs plus all paint needed to be removed from all contact surfaces. 


B&O EM-1 2-8-8-4 and 12 IHC passenger cars from the 70's ran with no problems.  When 'dialing' the engine address, no response.  After several minutes, tried address 03.  First time I've had an engine resort to it's base address. 


Passenger cars successful over realigned track.


Tried a telephoto picture. 


EM-1 passing Seattle's freight yard.


EM-1 entering passenger yard.


One of my Miller signs went 'south' on me.

miller signs 11

One contact burned out.  Hopefully Miller will replace just the sign.  Put another sign in the female side and all works well.  Looks like signs are interchangeable with base circuit boards. 

miller signs 12

Pretty detailed BLI Zephyr passenger cars.  I believe this is the soil pipe leading to the bathrooms!  I see why they had signs saying 'do no flush while in station'!



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Last edited by samparfitt

Converting 9 PRR passenger cars from incandescent to LED lighting.  These cars along with double heading is throwing the CB's so updates are needed to reduce total amp usage.  The other 5 passenger cars are by MTH and already have LED lighting.

The cars are already lighted so the conversion is a lot easier being one only has to replace the incandescent with the LED's.

Initial testing of 12" of LED strip with resistor. 

PRR passenger cars balboa 01

The LED strip has an adhesive backing so it's easy securing the strip to the roof of the car. 

PRR passenger cars balboa 02

5 meters of LED strips.  This stuff is pretty cheap (under 15 bucks).

PRR passenger cars balboa 03

Initially, I used a 6K resistor but the brightness was too low so I used a 1K resistor.  The 6K are good for the single micro 0402 LED's that I use for headlights, marker lights, cab and running board lights. 

PRR passenger cars balboa 04

Attached each truck wire to it's respective end of the LED strip to keep from having wires run the entire length of the car. 

PRR passenger cars balboa 05

Initial testing begun.

PRR passenger cars balboa 06

Ran 1/2 the layout with the two Bachmann GG-1's with no problems.

PRR passenger cars balboa 07

The steam engine/GG-1 combo is the main concern for exceeding the CB limits.  Next, I'll need to run the GG-1 double head and then the steam/GG-1 for the entire length of the mainline plus returning to insure amps as well as the cars are working correctly.  Presently, I've got all CB's set to 2.5 amps.  This should be good on the single portions of the layout.  However, the districts with passing sidings may need the CB's bumped up to 3.8 amps since two trains can occupy that district, at once.  Running all passenger trains has presented problems that the freight drags did not present: ie, derailments due to longer cars and CB amps exceeded due to up to 18 passenger cars on one train.  I may need to have a combination of freight and passenger trains versus an all passenger session.  

PRR passenger cars balboa 08


Images (8)
  • PRR passenger cars balboa 01
  • PRR passenger cars balboa 02
  • PRR passenger cars balboa 03
  • PRR passenger cars balboa 04
  • PRR passenger cars balboa 05
  • PRR passenger cars balboa 06
  • PRR passenger cars balboa 07
  • PRR passenger cars balboa 08
Last edited by samparfitt

More passenger testing.

The CB's were tripped several times with the PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 and GG-1 with 14 passenger cars so I switched to just double GG-1's and all seems pretty good.  Also, had several passenger car derailments.  Looks like I need to keep the 8 heavy Balboa cars up front and keep the 6 plastic passenger cars to the rear.  On the last run up and down the mainline, ran the train about 60 MPH and no derailments. 

Just remembered that digitrax has an 8 amp booster versus my standard 5 amp.  May have to buy that. 

Q-2 (open frame motor) and GG-1 tripped the CB's.  I changed the amps from 2.5 to 3.8 but still didn't help the problem. 


Thought I'd try overhead pictures.


Double GG-1's worked well. 


A low coupler hose snagged the cement cross road.



Telephoto compresses that 24' distance. 


Upper  3 track loop interchange.



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Last edited by samparfitt

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