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I have a pretty good relationship with the owners of my train store. They have been so kind to me and have bent over backwards for me on a number of occasions. I love helping them out. Yesterday was no exception. I worked in the store from 9:30AM until around 8PM. The amount of customer contact was, in a word, phenomenal. I really enjoy helping others out. I learn so much that way and I enjoy talking to customers who have so many plans regarding their various situations with model trains.


So, this very nice lady walked in with several boxes of old trains. The owner was busy and so was his regular help, so I offered to assist her with some help from the owner when needed. She brought in some really old Lionel trains. One set contained a FA unit with four passenger cars. It was so old and she asked if I might look at it to see if I could get her running. Well, I tried, but the locomotive was more or less SOL.

She had another locomotive. This was a GP9 Burlington. I actually got her running to some extent, but she sparked and made some rather unusual noises.


I explained too her that it was likely that all her trains could be repaired/restored and that the repair man was backed up until at least late January. Well, this was no good as she was trying to put this together for Christmas. So, she wanted to look at track and we did together. She wanted a basic figure 8 with the 90 degree cross over. Something not too large that would fit comfortably upon a ping pong table. I got right on the floor and we laid the track out so she could see what this would look like. She was pleased with that part. However, there remained what to do about getting her an operating locomotive. I conferred with the owner and we agreed that maybe a basic starter set might be in order. So, I spoke with her again.


This is what she said.


"My husband has Cancer and I really would like very much for him to see these trains operate"


Needless to say, I became all choked up. My entire attitude became more or less that we shall do whatever it takes to get those trains running and even if we don't, we will do our best to try and make her and her husband as happy as can be. The owner agreed. So, we laid out some more track and we came up with another track layout. Then we added a new transformer as well as a lock on for the new track. She wanted to see about cleaning the wheels of the one running locomotive a little more to try and at least get her running. So, we made sure she had some material for that. I spent probably about 1 1/2 hours helping this lady. I helped her to her vehicle and carried the things back to her trunk. At the very end she said, "I feel like I should pay you or something" at which I said, Do you know how you can pay me? Please tell your husband to please have a very merry Christmas and that I hope he will be okay. She was really happy with that and I gave her a hug. A total stranger and all I felt was love for her and her husband.


The day was long alright and has I went back in and started all over with another customer, I got to thinking how right I am when I say no other hobby brings people together like model trains. It felt good and life was good.........


Just a small Christmas story I wanted to share with all of you out there.



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Originally Posted by TrainsRMe:

Great!  If only every train store had folks like you guys.

Most train stores are pretty cool once you get to know the folks running them. I am just blessed to live near a really cool train store where the owners are so nice too me and everyone else. It rubs off alright. I love helping people out in general, but add this hobby to the mix and I love it all so very much.


There is no real secret to helping others. I am sure many of you in here would do the same.


Trains connect people in ways like nothing else can. Even bitter enemies can be brought to the table and share stories of trains and travel as well as model trains. This is why I love trains. Besides being very cool, very neat, they help me in so many ways.


Anyway, Star Hobby is a great store with really great service. They are family owned and have been in business for quite sometime now. I like being there and talking with customers. In many ways, that is how I learn. From other folks. I look forward to being there and helping people out, when in fact, they too are helping me out.


Thanks once again for all the kind words.



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