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Last month, I became aware of a potential "redevelopment plan" being considered that would build two multi-level condo buildings on both sides of the historic Bernardsville, NJ train station -- presumably to be built on the land now serving as the station's parking lot.  Here's the local newspaper article.  Let's hope this plan never sees the light of day. 

BTW, here's a cool site I stumbled upon that features photos of MANY small-town, historic train stations now serviced by New Jersey Transit.  And if you back your way to the site's home page, you can see photos of train stations throughout the whole country.


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer


A redevelopment plan for Bernardsville Station area  would be painful. The architecture is unique. It truly does have a small town feeling. An active movie house and Bernardsville Inn are across the street and quaint coffee shops down the street.


DL&W Montclair Station. Meantime---here is a classic RR station that has since been "redeveloped" to a mall. Guess it could be called a "train terminal", since it had been the  last station on the rather short  Montclair Branch. It was "left behind" when ( Erie) Greenwood Lake Branch merged/connected with the Montclair branch. This was no "sleepy" station and heavily used by commuters.

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