Ed Calloway, Kyle’s father, told the Cedar Rapids Gazette that his son jogged along that railroad path “for exercise.”
“He liked to run and it had rained the day before and the area where he ran was muddy, and so he was going back and forth across the tracks to get out of the mud,” Ed Calloway said.
“The longer version is at our old house, the train on the right side of the tracks went east, and the train on the left tracks went west. Our presumption is this train was on the opposite side that he was used to so he got on to the side so the train would have been coming at him from the front. We think that he got confused because the train somehow had been slopped over [???] and was going in a different direction that he was used to. We don’t know, we’re just assuming that’s what happened.”
Apparently this is double-track railroad and maybe the guy thought trains only ran on the right-hand track, like vehicles on a highway. Bad assumption. Does Operation Lifesaver ever make presentations in schools to give children some basic education about trains??
Somewhere on the internet is a horrible short video of a woman being hit by a speeding commuter train on triple-track through Chicago suburbs. One train had just cleared the grade crossing and commuters were hurrying to get to the platform on the other side when a fast train came through on the middle track. That is the kind of video I never forget.
I think the schools need more effective safety videos to effectively educate children about the hazards of trains in various different situations and how people can get killed by trespassing on railroads, or by inattention or impatience at grade crossings.