Hi Team OGR,
I have a vintage Lionel 1010 35-watt transformer and need to replace the power cord; however, I cannot find any information on how to take the cover off of the unit to get to the cord. I searched the Forum, and the only reference I could find had just a general discussion on the 1010. Even the Lionel service documents are silent on the procedure, probably to keep 10-year-old model railroaders from hurting themselves.
Sm Lionel 1010 style transformer ??? | O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum (ogaugerr.com)
Below is a picture of the transformer,
Here is a snip of the service manual.
It does not look like the two terminals or control arm are removable, so that would imply that the cover needs to be pried off? Does that sound right?
THanks in advance for any help!!