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In a previous post I inquired how long does it generally take to wear out a DCS system because my remote was acting kind of squirrelly.  It was suggested I take apart the TIU and remote and re-seat the boards, and also upgrade to 4.20.  I re-seated the boards and proceded to upgrade.  The version 2.30 loader could not find the com port so I chose comm 1 under options.  This is why I am questioning if indeed the TIU upgraded.  If the comm port was wrong, the bar graph file transfer wouldn't have displayed, correct?  The files seemed to load to both the TIU and remote (the little blue bar graph).  Is there a way to tell for sure?  The remote start up screen says 4.20, so I presume the TIU also took the update?  I've got some wiring to do on the layout so I can't try running anything yet.




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The remote appears to have upgraded fine.. Check the TIU by pressing:

Menu/System/TIU Setup/TIU Version


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