New from the factory when I bought it. Unwrapped for the first time I discovered a paint chip.It appears that there was not good paint adhesion. The other shell is fine and there is only this panel section that has an issue. The set operates fine. I have been searching everywhere for a replacement shell with no success. As I started to do a repair, more paint would flake off. I guess it is a good thing that the damage has stayed in one panel section. I am losing patience and am very close to trashing the whole set. In fact my wife discovered the set in the trash can and pulled it back out.
Would you:1) trash it all
2)weather the bad shell and run a newer looking and a weathered unit together
3)give it away on Ebay
These used to be nice but since I cant find a replacement shell and have lost initiative to do a paint repair I thought I might get some opinions. Since I have the MTH Levin set and the K-line Jade green set at least I am not without motive power.